Beginners and Beyond


MonDAILIES: If I see over-exaggerated quoted one more time, my head is going to explode (Read 47 times)


    Ryan Lochte; "I over-exaggerated that story"


    Ryan Lochte, "My mistake was over-exaggerating"




    Although apparently, its use is accepted. It would've been considered a redundancy back in my day, and thus improper. Or maybe I had it wrong.


      Anyhoo, it's rest day for me.


      What up doe?

      on my way to badass

        It's s perfect day to run.  Humidity has taken a hike.

        Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28


        delicate flower

          'Morning!  My God am I sore today.  And no, the Ironman is not a one-and-done.





            'Morning!  My God am I sore today.  And no, the Ironman is not a one-and-done.




            You can say that already?  You are BEAST!  Congrats, again!


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  I didn't run yesterday as I got home around 7pm and my feet were super swollen.  So, 8 with 5 X 800m tonight.  Taking the morning off to take Rubio to the vet because he is sick.



                Ryan Lochte; "I over-exaggerated that story"


                Ryan Lochte, "My mistake was over-exaggerating"




                Although apparently, its use is accepted. It would've been considered a redundancy back in my day, and thus improper. Or maybe I had it wrong.


                I'm with you.  It makes me cringe.


                One of these days, just for fun, I'm going to drop a "misunderestimated" on you.


                  Today is my 5-year runniversary.  I had tried running in fits & starts for a few months leading up to it, but 8/22 is the official "I started running" day because it's the day I started and stuck with C25K.  So I'm celebrating by NOT running...headed for 7AM yoga.


                    'Morning!  My God am I sore today.  And no, the Ironman is not a one-and-done.




                     Nice job on the Ironman Phil!!  


                    Our young (relatively speaking) friend finished at 12:53 ... he had you beat on the swim, you were almost identical on the bike, and you smoked him by almost 60 minutes on the run.  It was his fourth Ironman, the other three being in Lake Placid.  Outside of the weather, I'm hoping to learn how he compares the two places.


                      Today is my 5-year runniversary.  I had tried running in fits & starts for a few months leading up to it, but 8/22 is the official "I started running" day because it's the day I started and stuck with C25K.  So I'm celebrating by NOT running...headed for 7AM yoga.


                      I'd say a mimosa is in order during your class to celebrate.  Cool


                        Back to work.

                        I will run some, tonight.


                          Back to work.

                          I will run some, tonight.


                          After four weeks off, you must feel like foreigner in that place. lol



                            Today is my scheduled rest day. Too bad because it is gorgeous running weather. Hubby and I were commenting on why couldn't it be like this this past Saturday?  I suppose I could run anyway but it wouldn't be wise. My foot feels wonky. Probably early taper madness.


                            Baboon, I've learned that nothing is ever "one and done". Congratulations.


                            *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                             **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**




                              Today is my 5-year runniversary.  I had tried running in fits & starts for a few months leading up to it, but 8/22 is the official "I started running" day because it's the day I started and stuck with C25K.  So I'm celebrating by NOT running...headed for 7AM yoga.


                              Happy runiversary.


                              *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                               **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                              Super B****

                                It is so Monday.  (The type of Monday when I spent twenty minutes trying to figure out why my computer screen refused to cooperate before realizing my computer wasn't turned on.  Sometimes I am so stupid I astound myself.)


                                25 trainer miles.

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog
