Beginners and Beyond

Sadurdailies (Read 37 times)



    I wanted to get my 10 LR in this morning, avoiding the downpour tomorrow but I was just too damn tired. Having hit the gym yesterday morning and then running 6, I just didn't want to get up and run 10 this morning.

    So today I'll be doing ab exercises and tomorrow looks like I'll be getting some sort of run done in rain and wind.... yay.

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      Its absolutely beautiful here. I need to figure out when I can sneak out of the house for a run. FIL passed away on Thursday, so MIL is staying with us for a few days. So trying not to be an ass and getting out, but need the break.


        Its absolutely beautiful here. I need to figure out when I can sneak out of the house for a run. FIL passed away on Thursday, so MIL is staying with us for a few days. So trying not to be an ass and getting out, but need the break.


        Drive away in your car and go somewhere and run, then come back drenched in sweat complaining about having to fight your way through the post holiday sales at the market.


          Its absolutely beautiful here. I need to figure out when I can sneak out of the house for a run. FIL passed away on Thursday, so MIL is staying with us for a few days. So trying not to be an ass and getting out, but need the break.


          Sorry to hear. Hope you can get a break, I’m sure people will understand.


            Wonderful out 😀 work today😐

            5 mi: 3 flat mostly elevated pace, then ten mins later  2 on modest hill with road crown and some gutter



              Its absolutely beautiful here. I need to figure out when I can sneak out of the house for a run. FIL passed away on Thursday, so MIL is staying with us for a few days. So trying not to be an ass and getting out, but need the break.


              Sorry to hear that, my grandpa on my dad's side passed away in August and it's been difficult for my grandma. Luckily her daughter has been living with her so she's not alone.

              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning! Woke up early thinking our Hamilton tickets were for noon but nope, they are for 2pm . After the show (which I am excited to see) I have 4.


                HCK, sorry to hear about your FIL.


                Half Crazy K 2.0


                  Drive away in your car and go somewhere and run, then come back drenched in sweat complaining about having to fight your way through the post holiday sales at the market.


                  On Thursday,  there is a park across the street from where my in laws were living temporarily (FIL in the skilled nursing wing and MIL has an apartment in the independent living area). I saw so many people out. Plus we drove by some nice trails/paths in Chester and Delaware counties.  I really wanted to at least go walk around there, cause stress.



                    On Thursday,  there is a park across the street from where my in laws were living temporarily (FIL in the skilled nursing wing and MIL has an apartment in the independent living area). I saw so many people out. Plus we drove by some nice trails/paths in Chester and Delaware counties.  I really wanted to at least go walk around there, cause stress.


                    Damn, it sucks to be trapped like that.


                      I'll get out for a jog a bit. Haven't decided if I'm driving 35 minutes over to the trail or running out the door. It's grey and dank out so no benefit either way other than seeing other runners at the trail.


                        sorry for your loss HCK and FS.


                          Also, because we are in the season of experimentation, I picked up a couple of packets of Maurten gels last night. The kid said they don't come in different flavors so that made the decision easy. They did have packs with 100 mgs of caffeine, which I don't see ever happening for me. I'll try one on my next long run. I have 6 months before MRT officially commences so no real rush at this time. The fact that they "taste" like salt will be an interesting dynamic, seeing as how my brain has an aversion to sugar at anything over 90 minutes of running.


                            Also, because we are in the season of experimentation, I picked up a couple of packets of Maurten gels last night. The kid said they don't come in different flavors so that made the decision easy. They did have packs with 100 mgs of caffeine, which I don't see ever happening for me. I'll try one on my next long run. I have 6 months before MRT officially commences so no real rush at this time. The fact that they "taste" like salt will be an interesting dynamic, seeing as how my brain has an aversion to sugar at anything over 90 minutes of running.


                            I was trying to decide if I should test mine out on the 20 miler today or wait til a workout run next weekend. Or maybe both. The problem is if I wanna test it then I need to figure out water.



                              I was trying to decide if I should test mine out on the 20 miler today or wait til a workout run next weekend. Or maybe both. The problem is if I wanna test it then I need to figure out water.


                              What do you do for water when you take Gu on a training run?




                                What do you do for water when you take Gu on a training run?


                                I don't take Gu on a training run.


                                This whole training cycle I did one time (the big 22 mile workout) and we had Mr O be our mobile aid station, driving to 2 different spots to give us water.  Other than that one, every run has been without water or gels.