Beginners and Beyond


Sleepy Tuesday Penguins (Read 29 times)


Former Bad Ass

    I have heard about the vinegar and water as a relief for reflux, but I have tried and the only thing it does is give me a bad after taste and reflux, LOL.


    Jerry - nice PR in your half


    Damaris - good like with the miles and weights. My wife has been looking into balsamic vinegar for both gerd and headaches. We have a gourmet vinegar/oil shop in town - we bought some honey ginger balsamic vinegar. You can do a shot or mix it with water  over ice.


    Bin - nice 8 - were you wearing the headband?


    Scotty - talking about things being expensive - yesterday I bought a bagel w/ cream cheese and a small coffee and it came to $4.28!!!!


    Phillie - glad to see you're liking the speed work!


    Awood - good job stacking up the miles and nice job on your 5k!


    Dan - hope your foot feels better in less than 2 weeks


    Traci - enjoy the rest day and work that core!


    Hopes mom - hope Dusty makes his way back home


    Mitch - hope your knee/foot feels better


    As for me I did an easy 4.26 miles last night after putting in another long day at work. Tonight after physical therapy I'll do 5-6 miles.


    I forgot to mention on my way into work on Saturday I went past an unmarked state trooper doing 90 mph. He didn't even look at me - I guess it was shift change at the




      I have heard about the vinegar and water as a relief for reflux, but I have tried and the only thing it does is give me a bad after taste and reflux, LOL.



      Have you tried Nexium, or the generic Omeprazole? I used to have bad reflux, doc put me on this and no more problems.


        P3 and Awood, beautiful pic from yesterday.


        5K Specialist

          Scott – Have a good run later. I am glad that your mom is finally get a date for the ceremony so you can get closure.


          Jerry – Congrats of the race. Take it easy getting back into running. Part of what set me back a month after my HM was trying to start back too quickly.


          Damaris – Have a good run latter.


          Philliefan – Glad the legs are feeling better.


          Awood – Nice job on the double yesterday and getting in some this morning.


          Bin – Good job on the 8.


          Traci - Gardening is tough word. Enjoy your rest today.


          HM – Good luck getting a swim in today.


          Gustav – Have a good run tonight.


          Mitch – Hope you feel better soon.


          Zelanie – I am glad the knee is starting to feel better. I had to take a month off running back when I had knee problems last year. My first run back was with Scottydog in San Antonio.


          Thanks for the concern. I am icing the foot. The issue is chronic and I just have to be careful with it. It is feeling a little better today than yesterday. The weird thing is that it never hurts when I run. I think the custom inserts help on that. Also, Nimbus shoes seem to be perfect for my foot.


          I "cheated" in last weeks' race and wore my light racing shoes with light insoles. I figured I would pay for it, but I wanted to try it once.

          Personal Bests:

          800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)


          Fear is a Liar

            Zelanie - good to see your mileage building back up.

            I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!


              I just caught up on a few things from yesterday --


              Baconista -- congrats on finishing your first 5K!    Do you have another in mind?  I'll second what Melanie said -- there's no need to try to run your training runs as fast as your race.  In fact that would be a bad idea.  Just run comfortably and your fitness will continue to improve.


              Awood and P3 -- love the wedding picture!  Do you have a picture of the cake?  IIRC, Awood was going to bake it himself -- I'd love to see the result.


              Former Bad Ass

                I am on Pantoprazole 40 (Protonix 40), the highest dose you can take (Nexium and Omeprazole are too low for me).  I don't have reflux problems all the time; only when I make the mistake of eating meat or something I shouldn't.  Apparently, the soup I ate on Saturday must have been made with chicken stock no matter what the waiter said.  It will go back down in a couple of days.



                Have you tried Nexium, or the generic Omeprazole? I used to have bad reflux, doc put me on this and no more problems.


                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  Hi Pens.

                  I had my massage yesterday and it hurt like heck but it's one of those "hurts so good" things. The most painful knot was on the bottom of my foot. I'm going out for a run, not sure how far. DW and I might work in a HM during our vacation in Montana. That could be fun. More later.  See ya.


                  5K Specialist

                    Tapping my feet impatiently and waiting for the pictures of Saturday's race to be posted. I am hoping there is a good Daddy / Daughter picture when they come out.


                    My daughter decided at the last minute to run the 5k Saturday as opposed to walking with my wife. I had to quickly switch from race mode to running with daughter mode. Considering that she has not ran in over a month, she did good. She ended out with 36: xx (no official results yet). Her PR is 31:45. She actually got second in AG (17 and under). Hopefully, that big medal will encourage her.


                    She quit running a month ago because she always gets side stiches. She got them Saturday too. From what I am reading, it seems like she needs to take deeper breathes. I am going to encourage her to start back up and work on her breathing. She likes to run. She just doesn't like the side stiches.

                    Personal Bests:

                    800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)

                    Amazonian Princess



                      Thank you for the kind words and encouragement re: my first 5k. Can't seem to help myself but I keep going back to the online results page and drilling down by gender, age, etc. to see how I compared Smile


                      Went to the track last night to get in a few more miles because 3.2 was shorter than my usual Sunday workout. First time I've run on back to back nights (didn't think I could without injury because of my size) but it was good. Started off faster than I should've (my bad) so had to walk a little. Also moved over to Lanes 3-4; at the track Lanes 1-2 are marked Runners Only and slower traffic has Lanes 3-6. I've usually hugged the outside to try and be polite since I run-walk or run really slow but I need to learn to weave when necessary. What is the etiquette for passing/weaving? I should probably be learning some running manners while I train...

                      I can. I will. I am. 


                      Smaller By The Day

                        I posted the wedding cake on FB, and forgot to post it here.  Will do that when I get home.


                        Weight 100 pounds lost

                        5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                        10K 48:59 April 2013

                        HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                        MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


                          Hey everyone!!


                          Double double, that's my new mantra. Smile  Makes me think of In-N-Out burgers, mmmmm.


                          Damaris, to answer your question from yesterday, you bet I can, and will!  Gonna keep it extra easy to allow for the extra miles.  Those Cheetahs won't know what hit 'em! Smile


                          My running blog

                          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!




                            Thank you for the kind words and encouragement re: my first 5k. Can't seem to help myself but I keep going back to the online results page and drilling down by gender, age, etc. to see how I compared Smile


                            Went to the track last night to get in a few more miles because 3.2 was shorter than my usual Sunday workout. First time I've run on back to back nights (didn't think I could without injury because of my size) but it was good. Started off faster than I should've (my bad) so had to walk a little. Also moved over to Lanes 3-4; at the track Lanes 1-2 are marked Runners Only and slower traffic has Lanes 3-6. I've usually hugged the outside to try and be polite since I run-walk or run really slow but I need to learn to weave when necessary. What is the etiquette for passing/weaving? I should probably be learning some running manners while I train...


                            When I run at the local HS track, there are usually fewer people than lanes, so everyone chooses a lane and pretty much stays there.  When I am doing my warmup / cool down I stay all the way to the outside unless there are walkers or slower runners there.  I prefer to use the inside lane (#1) when I am running intervals and trying to hit a specific time per lap, but if there are faster runners using lane 1 I move out to 2 or 3.


                            I'm not the track police, but I think that if the track is crowded it is polite for slower runners to stay towards the outside.  If you are having to weave around people in your lane, move in a lane.  If other runners are having to weave around you in your lane, then move out a lane.


                            Former Bad Ass



                              Hey everyone!!


                              Double double, that's my new mantra. Smile  Makes me think of In-N-Out burgers, mmmmm.


                              Damaris, to answer your question from yesterday, you bet I can, and will!  Gonna keep it extra easy to allow for the extra miles.  Those Cheetahs won't know what hit 'em! Smile


                              Dad on the run.

                                Hey everyone. 3 miles lastnight with some rough leg pain. Going to try 3 more tonight and see how I fell


                                Bin - In your response to yesterday's thread. I have no abs to show off Sad

                                Chasing the sub 20 5K.
