Beginners and Beyond


Thursday Penguins are working for the weekend. (Read 30 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    A 'cool' front has arrived for us for the weekend, nice!  It is actually raining right now, which is good cuz we sure need it.  Today's high will only be around 75 or so, nice.  Plan on going to Fort Sam Houston and getting my haircut - it's touching my ears, it's driving me crazy! ...guess that's all those years of military in me, lol - and after that will go do an easy 3-4 miles along my "Dog Alley" route and give treats to all my 4-legged pals along the way.   My 3rd running day in a row, since I went up to 5 days running this week - my last two days for this week will be Saturday (I have a 10K that morning) and Sunday.


    Awood, my wife is from Wenatchee.  Congrats on your run and glad you did not get zapped by lightning.


    Sorry about your crappy work night, Mitch.  Good luck with your easy miles today and enjoy the class.


    Congrats on your miles, Dave, sorry about the heavy legs though.


    Wow, Damaris is turning into a morning runner!  Vet visit?  Hope all your kitties are okay.


    Happy rest day, Traci.  Good luck with the myrtles.


    Congrats on your miles, Tomas.  No bribing the students!  Wink   With all this controversy going on in our state about these student tests, which ones to have, should we have any, etc, etc, etc, I think STAAR sometimes stands for Senate of Texas Abides in Alternate Reality.


    Safe drive to Portland, Jeff!

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

    Jack K.

    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

      Hi Pens...

      I missed my run last night because of older DD's confirmation. We got home too late and it was cold and windy and I just wasn't feeling it. Now, of course, I have runner's remorse. I am tapering, so I suppose it's ok just this once. I will definitely get out later today for an easy five miles.


      Awood: I was asked to do a Ragnar race that is this weekend but it's too close to my HM. The guy who asked me wanted me to do thirty miles over two days, but there is no way I am doing that a week before my HM.


      Have a good day, Pens.


      Return To Racing

        Looks like we will be running inside again today (if we can get to the track).


        Dad on the run.

          I managed to get a run in last night but my right side started hurting extremely bad around my oblique. I walked about 2 miles of the 3 that I did. My knee was acting up as well. I tried running in my Saucony Triumphs but have been wearing my Minimus daily plus doing my C25K runs in them, I don't think my body was happy about all the extra padding/support.


          I think the extreme pain may have been linked to the 5 very greasy cheap pieces of Chuck-e-cheese pizza I ate... I dunno.


          Doing week 6 day 2 tonight with friends. I can't beleive they are almost done with the program, so exciting!

          Chasing the sub 20 5K.


          Skirt Runner

            Overslept my alarm and missdd my run. Trying to consider options to make it up. Yoga tonight.

            PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


            I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


            Fear is a Liar

              Worked some overtime yesterday but still managed to get my 7 miler in. I ran where I was working so it was a change of pace and very hilly.


              Have 5 or so miles planned for tonight .

              I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!




                Scotty, we're supposed to be getting that cool front this afternoon as well.  I think it's going to be in the 40s when I leave work.  Brrrrrr!!!  Weather isn't supposed to be too great this evening either.


                Going to try really hard to get to the gym tonight and do 3-4 miles on the treadmill.  I'm hoping to not work late...

                Formerly Jackie_601 on RW


                Next up:

                4/27 - Green 6.2 10K

                Bin Running

                  Awood, Morning.. Sound like a scary run.. It showed that you can run in any weather.

                  Mitch, Enjoy the NOBO class later.. So awesome you are racing with Boston bib..

                  Dave, Way to suck it up..

                  Damaris, Morning..

                  Traci, Enjoy the rest day.. Behave and no running.. haa..

                  Tomas, 102 laps.. how do you count? That's going to be tough... Even 70 is unbelieveable

                  Jeff, Enjoy the RD and good job on yday run..

                  Scotty, hope no more bad news..

                  Mel, Recovery is impt.. Is it ITBS?

                  Hopesmom, Enjoy chorus tonight..

                  Jack, runner's remorse.. I like that.. haa Enjoy taper madness..

                  Jerry, hope the track is there for you.

                  Jimmy, So exciting for you and your friends following thru the program.. Good stuff!

                  Kristin, Hope you get yoga or a run in later..

                  Gustav, Enjoy the 5M later.. Any soreness from running hills?

                  Jackie, Hope the weather get better for you.

                  3.5M race done @ 30:14.. Too crowded.. Enjoyed dinner with ex colleagues and some coffee talks.. DW and DS are at in-law.. Not too happy with the race.. I went on to knock off 6M at the track..

                  2015 Races

                  2XU HM - 29 Mar

                    Tomas, 102 laps.. how do you count? That's going to be tough... Even 70 is unbelieveable

                    i come up with stupid ideas when I run. I usually forget them before I get home. Here is the plan if I do it.


                    I con the principal or one of the guys that knows how to work the scoreboard to put up the total laps needed and count them down.


                    there are a few runners that work here and I would have them run some with me. I could find ways to not go stir crazy running 20 miles on a track. I would also ask that someone set me up an aid station and have some music going.


                    I thought about asking the kids to run with me some, but that probably wont happen Smile

                    ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”



                    Singer who runs a smidge

                      T-Rod, don't forget to switch directions regularly!!


                      Bin, it sounds like a good race to me!  The finish time looked good, so what was bad?  The crowds?

                      When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                        T-Rod, don't forget to switch directions regularly!!


                        Bin, it sounds like a good race to me!  The finish time looked good, so what was bad?  The crowds?


                        i have never done more than 6 miles on a track, but does switching directione help with knees or boredom?


                        how often should i switch?

                        ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                        “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”




                        Former Bad Ass

                          Thanks, guys.  It's their annual checkup but Trixie needs a retest for a positive she got that might not be good but if we survived Sammy's scare with FIV, Trixie will do well this test.



                          Former Bad Ass

                            It helps with not getting injured.



                            i have never done more than 6 miles on a track, but does switching directione help with knees or boredom?


                            how often should i switch?


                            Bin Running

                              Tomas, hope you pull it thru.. If yes, you will be the most awesome educator I knew..
                              Switching direction so that you do not just turn 1 way.. It might cause injuries..

                              Hopesmom, the crowds is crazy.. Didn't really get to race speed at all.

                              2015 Races

                              2XU HM - 29 Mar


                                T-Rod - I can't imagine doing 20 miles on a track.  Ouch.  I like the idea of getting the kids to do it with you though.


                                Bin - I know you can run faster, but this was for fun, right?


                                Damaris - I hope you get good news at the vet.


                                Scotty - my husband's hair policy is, if it's long enough to need combing, it's too long.  He wasn't even career military.  Hope your rain comes our way.  We have the gray skies, but no precip. yet.


                                Zelanie - I like the idea of relays, if you can find a good group to do it with.  There's one I read about the other day that passes near us that goes from Gettysburg to DC.  Another follows the C&O Canal to DC.  I hope your knee feels better soon.


                                Awood - I've hiked in those conditions, but never run.  Scary but fun.


                                Mitch - enjoy your mentoring tonight.  Hope your feet feel better before your race.


                                Dave - running on tired legs is good training.  Why do you prefer morning runs?


                                Tracilynn - good luck with the myrtls.  Maybe go for a walk as well?


                                Jeff - good job on the recovery miles.  It may take a couple of weeks for your legs to feel normal after your HM.


                                Hopesmom - I'm bad at yoga too, but I know I need the flexibility so I try to do it a couple of times a week, at least.  It's part of my usual cooldown routine.  Have fun tonight with your singing.


                                Jack - runners guilt is good, it motivates you more to get out when you can.


                                Jerry - are you getting Scotty's rain?  Have a good run anyway.


                                Jimmy - yes, the pizza might have been the cause of the pain.  I've had problems when I've tried to run too soon after a big meal.  So will your friends continue with a One Hour Runner or Bridge to10K program?  Will you do it with them?


                                Kristin - can you do a short run before yoga?


                                Gustav - good job doing the miles despite the long day yesterday.  Hope tonight goes well for you.


                                Snickers - good luck at the gym.


                                AFM:  today is a rest day, which I need.  I may do some yoga or pilates later.  Our local running store is participating in a fundraising effort for Boston, selling "Runners for Boston" t-shirts at a fun run on Monday.  You might see if your LRS is participating.  Stores across America will be hosting a “Runners For Boston” fun run on Monday, April 22nd at 6:30pm.  Since I'm doing a race on Sunday, I'm not sure I'll want to run on Monday, but I may just show up to cheer.
