Beginners and Beyond


I'm in the local paper (Read 210 times)

YAYpril - B-Plus

    Nice article. All our local media outlets have focused strongly on the bombings (I'm watching the news right now and another story just ended). It's nice to live in a strong running community.

      Nice article LTH!

      First Race

      Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

      Second Race

      Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



      delicate flower

        Good stuff, LtH!  Well, the article.  Not so much the bombing.  But you catch my drift.  And I, too, like the wheels on our garbage containers.



          Nice article


            That was a really nice article Brad. I'm glad that you didn't "jog" the race and that you are ok.

            Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

            Don't call me Buttercup!

              "I just can't jog"


              This should be your signature line


              Except that 4 hours for a marathon is NOT JOGGING!  LOL


              Glad you're ok, Brad, seriously.

              Slow and steady wins the....  wait a second! I've been lied to! 

              Ball of Fury

                Very nice!

                PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

                Dr. Cornsitter

                  I was expecting to read something about the pain cave, but given the circumstances of the day, I can understand why you may not have gone into it that deeply. Big grin

                  Quote from BeachRunner3234 on 6/25/2013 at 8:20 PM:

                  So I'm currently sitting with a bag of frozen corn in my ass.

                  Just B.S.

                    Nice article Brad. I am sure you are quite an inspiration to your students.


                    Several of our local running friends were interviewed by the local media and one, who lead the bus tour

                    group with many of our friends aboard and was about 6 blocks from the explosions, was interviewed by

                    the CBC.


                    Hubby ran in 2010 and was qualified for this year but we decided not to go in lieu of another trip. I can't

                    count the number of phone calls/texts and emails I rec'd saying "are you guys in Boston, are you OK"??


                    It's nice that people care.



                      Except that 4 hours for a marathon is NOT JOGGING!  LOL



                      For me, it was 3 hours running, 1+ hour limping.



                      Refurbished Hip

                        That's a nice article, Brad!

                        Running is dumb.



                          Nice article.


                          On a side note, I am not taking part in my company sponsored 5k event next month because I'm doing the HM the next day. I, too, will not be able to just jog the 5k. Which is why I'm not going to do it. Smile

                          - Andrew


                            Nice article.  I vote for wheels.


                            I have one neighbor who drives his truck down the driveway, with his left hand pushing the trash can (on wheels), then back again when he gets home from work.


                            His house is only about 80 feet from the curb.


                              You really are a star, Brad. I'm very glad that you enjoyed your Boston experience (at least while you were running) and I hope to meet you in 2014. Great last words you had about us enduring. Very well said.

                              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                                Cool, thanks for sharing.  I'm glad they referred to you as "professor" as opposed to "jogger" :P






