Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES promises to be sticky icky (Read 41 times)


Former Bad Ass

    I got my training plan for the next two weeks, and what's that little fella I see next Sunday??  Could it be....why yes, it is!  A 20 mile run!


    Go, Phil!


    From the Internet.

      I got my training plan for the next two weeks, and what's that little fella I see next Sunday??  Could it be....why yes, it is!  A 20 mile run!


      Well would ya look at that!


      D - I thought of you today when it was 94/feels like 103 up here, haha. HOW DO YOU LIVE LIKE THIS?? It was like walking around in an oven already, and I'm sure that's not even that bad for Florida!


      I passed the tests I needed to get my teaching licenses!! Big grin Score reports came out today and I was super worried that I'd have to retake the chemistry exam and possibly not even have a job since I was hired as a chemistry teacher, but NOPE! I DID IT! Big grin Big grin Big grin I have paid the great state of Massachusetts $125 in license fees, and now I wait some more while they review and process everything!

      Half Crazy K 2.0

        8, sped up the last 2 miles. I waited until 6pm to get out there. Not terrible, it was sort of cloudy for a the first part and a bit of the breeze on the second. Still hot, but not unbearable. When I got home, DH wanted me to pick him up from a friends house, at 8:30, car said it was still 91.
