Beginners and Beyond


MonDAILIES - Keep calm and stop ****** saying keep calm (Read 39 times)




    I am off work today and it is an unpaid day off, how does that happen?  Luckily for my employer I have mo' money mo' or I would be plenty pissed about that.


    As it is I have an appointment or two this morning and am heading out for a short trot in a bit, you?


      LRB, remind me to tell you what happened on our flight in. Drama!


      You smack a 'ho?


      Run Long, Hard, and Fast

        Good morning LRB! As a salaried employee, I work for no money regularly. Today is an SRD for me.


        Question. I am looking for a 15K training plan. I was thinking of modifying a HM plan, like Hansons for example. Any ideas?


        I haven't posted here in a while. I have been fighting PF in both feet for a year now. Otherwise, I am healthy and ready to go. I just ran an 8 miler yesterday. That is my longest run in a while. I am optimistic I will be back for good.


          I know it's unfair but I'm getting paid for not working today.


          Yesterday, ran for almost 2 hours, came home and had breakfast and then left with the family for a 3.5 hour walk in the small mountain where I often run. My legs were toast when I came back.


          Hi Schnauzer. No advice from me. I seek advice, I don't give it Smile


          I'll leave in a few minutes for a 75 minute run.


          Have a nice day, dailies.







              Good, this makes me happy.  Keep the faith bro, the body has an amazing ability to heal when given what it needs.  Eat spinach, cough-cough.



                Good, this makes me happy.  Keep the faith bro, the body has an amazing ability to heal when given what it needs.  Eat spinach, cough-cough.


                It's funny, you said this yesterday, and then I didn't think anything more about it. But we were out to lunch, and they had a spinach quiche that looked really good to me, so I had it. I guess my body was asking for it.



                delicate flower

                  'Morning!  Slept a lot last night and the head cold is on its way out...focking thing.  I've got three weeks of peak marathon training to tackle starting today.  Day off from work for me too.  I was thinking of going into work anyway, but NO.



                    I have 4 planned for today.  That's about it, nothing exciting here.


                      SRD #8.   Hansons are very specific about two weeks off, and since one possibility is that I ran myself into the ground with training, I think I'm going to follow it.  I think I will go for a walk today.


                      And I have had it with the "keep calm" sayings.  They are a serious pet peeve of mine. 


                      Today I work and get paid for working, how about that?


                      Former Bad Ass


                        You smack a 'ho?


                        Ha, no!


                        So, I get up and go to use the toilet which is 4 rows ahead of us.  All of a sudden, as I pee (you wanted the details), someone started knocking on my door very hard.  I am like I JUST GOT IN, SHEESH!  So, I rush up and get out and there is the flight attendant apologizing and telling me to be careful stepping out. Apparently, while I was in the toilet, this dude came running like a bull, pushed my husband out of the aisle (ran into him or fell into him), fell on top of the poor old Asian guy one row ahead of us, kept running to the front, threw up in front of everyone and was laying there outside my toilet.  Oops.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Morning!  I am also getting paid for not working today, so I slept in.  SRD although I might do a PiYo.  There are some pics up so I might get to write an RR today when I get back from lunch with an uncle that's visiting.



                            I ran 4 miles, the last one in a light but steady rain. That was cool.


                              5 or 6 easy miles planned for today and I head into the last 8 weeks of Pfitz.  Tomorrow I've scheduled my 20 miler as we have guests coming in on Thursday.  My legs are planning a negotiation with me as to whether or not we're really going to do all 20.  Today's easy run will set the table for the talks.


                              D -- Yuck.  Glad you had the door bolted and he didn't make it inside.

                              Life is good.


                                Tomorrow I've scheduled my 20 miler as we have guests coming in on Thursday.  My legs are planning a negotiation with me as to whether or not we're really going to do all 20.  Today's easy run will set the table for the talks.


                                Nice, sounds like the United Nations.  lol


                                D, that sounds like some scary shit!


                                Hello Schnauzer.


                                Cy, it is very fair that you are getting paid today.  Word.


                                Boon I went through the same cold at about the same point in my training.  I did everything in my power to make every run then flopped around like a fish for the rest of each of those days that week.


                                RG, any day with a run is an exciting day!


                                Zel that is funny, I should have spelled out the F word in the title for you.  lol
