Beginners and Beyond


What Day is This? FriDAILIES? (Read 34 times)


    Anyone else having trouble figuring out what day it is on this mixed up week? Anyone else running?


    Give us whatcha got!

    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      Just under 5 miles with a group that runs from our YMCA this morning. I probably should have done a couple more, but having company was nice.

      Now time to gather things up to spend a long weekend at the farm where DH grew up, with all of his family there. I'll get a long run in tomorrow on the quiet, snowy country roads.

      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I think it is Friday indeed.  I have 9 miles with 600s tonight.


        Trixie, if you did not read last night, Trixie does not have cancer but rather fatty liver disease, which I already knew.  So, making sure she eats and she should be OK in a few months.  Daisy is now not eating but we switched them all back to the old food they love and I saw her eating this morning, so I am hopeful the house will be full of healthy cats soon.



          Wassup yo, great title!


          Today was a scheduled day off from running but I planned on getting some strength and core stuff in.  Well, I woke up too late for any of that so it will be a total day off, something I have not had in quite awhile so I guess one is due.


          I will touch my toes and hold for a few counts of 10 before I head out the door to go to work though of course!   


          Run to live; live to run

            Stretch like it is going out of style LRB


            I'm off to run myself.



            delicate flower



              It is 8:00 AM and I am already three cookies in.  I am planning on running some 7-9 miles on the rail trail after work.





                It is 8:00 AM and I am already three cookies in.  I am planning on running some 7-9 miles on the rail trail after work.


                I had two cookies with my coffee as soon as I finished my run. Pre-breakfast. Then a muffin, bacon and pineapple for breakfast. Tempting to have another with my post-breakfast coffee. BTW, extra homemade whipped creamer>any commercial creamer for sweetening coffee!

                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                  Good morning!


                  I'm on call for work today, but I don't have to go in. Here's hoping for a quiet phone!


                  I'm planning on 4-5 later today. It's cool and sunny out, so it will be a nice day to get out. DH wants to do a night jog to look at lights, so we might do that in the next day or two.


                  Damaris - so glad to hear Trixie will be ok!

                  Just B.S.

                    SRD from running.

                    1 hour in the pool followed by 45 minutes on the spin bike.

                    Still might do a few miles on the treadmill tonight, just for kicks Smile

                    This moring felt fantastic! I find that  after I got used to the triathlon training this year that I feel so

                    much better when I am getting in the 3 sports several times a week as opposed to just running.

                    Have a good one folks!


                      Shari, have a wonderful time at your in-laws' farm. It truly sounds wonderful! Kevin must love it. :-)


                      So far I've had oatmeal with lots of brown sugar, one peach yogurt, a bowl of spaghetti, 4 chocolate chip cookies and a glass of port. Local time is... lemme check: 11 am exactly. Not bad! 


                      I thought I had to work today, one little boy showed up this morning. I had time to make cookies with him, then his mother came back after an hour. She felt bad because there were no other children. So now I get a paid day off!


                      Give me about 30 minutes to process the port in my system and then I'm off for 9 GA miles with a few strides.


                      Have a great day everyone!


                      P.S. Happy belated Birthday, MissBeth!  And your sons (and hubby) are as handsome as ever, if not more!

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      Run to live; live to run

                        8.2. Woot!!!  I could have easily done over 10. I'm happy it is back to normal. Well, almost, but the paces will come back eventually.


                        Hip Redux

                          8.2. Woot!!!  I could have easily done over 10. I'm happy it is back to normal. Well, almost, but the paces will come back eventually.


                          WOOT is right!


                          AFM - massage in a few minutes, then trail run before BIL/SIL arrive for a visit.


                          Why does vacation go so fast?  Dammitall.



                            My legs seem to be returning to normal after the month of crazy mileage.  I had gotten so slow that it was hard to imagine ever running sub-10 comfortably again.  Well I went to the social run last night and only 4 of us showed up- 3 fast runners and me.  I didn't keep up with them the whole way, but just having them there pulled me along faster than I would have run on my own, so I ended up with a run that averaged a bit faster than my "pre-December easy pace."  So I have hope that my legs will be able to get back to normal as I move into spring HM training. Smile


                            Barking Mad To Run

                              Just brought a sick cat back from the vet, she is doing better now.  No worries, some kind of cold/virus, vet says she should be feeling better in a couple of days with antibiotics.


                              Getting ready now to leave in a few minutes for the drive to Corpus Christi for my 5K there tomorrow.  So Gail gets to take care of the cats tonight.. her having fun instead of me, giving the one her meds.     Probably won't be online until tomorrow when I get back and do my report.   Have a great Friday, everyone and good luck to anyone running/racing tomorrow morning!

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                              Former Bad Ass


                                WOOT is right!


                                AFM - massage in a few minutes, then trail run before BIL/SIL arrive for a visit.


                                Why does vacation go so fast?  Dammitall.


                                Vacation?  Wait, you guys are not working today?  Damn it.

