Beginners and Beyond


Missoula HM RR, 4 minute PR!!! Lots o' pics in LIVING color!! (Read 90 times)


Smaller By The Day

    Jack - Yesterday was a pretty darn busy day, and I just finished up my morning run and have to pack my bags and hit the road again.  I took the time to read your RR yesterday on my phone though.  Between the RR, pictures and vacation pictures, it seems like you had an amazing time.  Speaking of amazing time, that's a huge PR.  I think you can quit trying to tell me that you're not that  Congratulations.


    Weight 100 pounds lost

    5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

    10K 48:59 April 2013

    HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

    MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013

    Bin Running

      So funny.. Brother~

      Ya know mean Gene, that was a gret race by Jack.  Butcha know what pushed him into a PR dontcha brother?  That's right mean was the stache!!


      Train, say your prayers and eat your vitamins and don't forget to groom that stache like a real Hulkamaniac brother and you too can flex your way right into PR territory brother!


      2015 Races

      2XU HM - 29 Mar

      Jack K.

      uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

        Ya know mean Gene, that was a gret race by Jack.  Butcha know what pushed him into a PR dontcha brother?  That's right mean was the stache!!


        Train, say your prayers and eat your vitamins and don't forget to groom that stache like a real Hulkamaniac brother and you too can flex your way right into PR territory brother!



        Best post ever!! Thanks, brother!! Lmao!!!


          Awesome race and fantastic PR!  You're going to get used to these 4-minute PRs every time! Wink


          Sounds like you ran a really nice race.  Congrats to the whole family!  And I agree that the DD pic was too funny!  All those poor people around her who were pushing hard for a PR, and she goes back to throw her cup away?  Haha!


          Barking Mad To Run

            Nice report and nice photos.  You have quite the running family there!  I notice that both you and DD were 'floating'  in a photo of each of you,....sweeet!  Congrats to you and your family, all of you are quite speedy!


            I bet you all would've moved even faster if a "cousin" of that bear in your camp had showed up on the course.  Talk about incentive to set a huge PR!  Joking

            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


            Are we there, yet?

              I expected a fast time on a more favorable course but a 4 minute PR? Wow! (I intended to put a few more exclamation marks, but you know how LTH gets about those Wink Wink The only thing missing is the photo album of your Glacier NP pictures. That may be my favorite NP even over Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Denali. Your DD sounds amazing, but then there are obviously some good genes in the family on both sides.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.



