Beginners and Beyond

Now serving MonDAILIES! (Read 47 times)


    What up doe crew!


    Four more days and then we a are done with this wretched month, one of the worst weather-wise that I can remember.


    The schedule says core & strength today, but I am unsure if I will do either.  I will have to decide soon though as the ticking from the countdown clock till work is getting louder.


    What about you?





        Good morning!


        6 recovery miles


        Enjoy this Monday!

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        Barking Mad To Run

          Our weather is going crazy again.  Yesterday 75 degrees. This morning 60 degrees and the temp will drop throughout the day.  I plan to go run after work (4:30 pm Texas time) at Fort Sam Houston and by then the temp will be 46 degrees with the wind blowing gustily, making the temp a 'feels like" 38 degrees, oh yay!  Tomorrow, more low temps, with a high of only 40 for the day and Tuesday night more freezing rain predicted like we had last week.


          I had a busy Saturday of running, doing a 5K in the morning and a 5K in the afternoon,  My reports and photos are somewhere on the front page.   7 races completed so far for this year.

          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


              7 races completed so far for this year.


            Holy shit man!


              Yes, Scotty, the weather has been strange here as well, highs and lows. 7 races already? That's crazy! I'll make sure to read your reports later today.  First, must get ready for work.


              I have a full blown cold and I'm upset about it. 

              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

              Will run for scenery.

                Scotty, I don't have seven miles completed yet this year !


                I've got some serious annoyance going on w/ work right now, and I'm so pissed off about it I didn't really sleep all night.  What sucks is that this would be the perfect time to go out for a "temper run", but I gotta rest the feetsies.  Lily, if I could take your cold away I sure as hell know who I would give it to.


                Oh, but for positive thoughts, I had a nice visit w/ my sis last night.  Met her new puppies (she's up to 6, and by puppies I mean geriatric/blind rescue dogs that she cares for, sorta like a hospice.)  Sis herself is in month 3 of figuring out/dealing with what's going on in her belly.  Turns out it's a cyst/tumor the size of a melon.  She goes in for yet another appt this week and will finally get her surgery date and learn just how much she will have removed.


                Guess that didn't sound like the cheeriest of scenes, but the point was that the visit was nice.

                Stupid feet!

                Stupid elbow!


                  Scotty, I don't have seven miles completed yet this year !




                  I just went out to warm the cars up.  It snowed yet again overnightand it is f***** FAREEEEZING out there.  Enough already!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Morning!  Yeah, this month can go fuck itself out of our existence soon.  Still congested but will try some miles tonight.


                      It's Monday. Rick, thank you for starting today's thread. Enjoy whatever comes your way.


                      DaveP MI, have a relaxing and refreshing SRD.


                      Lily, brava on six already down for the day. Feel well soon.


                      scottydawg, you are a machine.


                      jjs22, I hope that your work troubles end soon. A speedy and complete recovery to your sister.


                      I did an hour on the AMT earlier this morning. Last night, I did some upper-body work at home with my free weights. I also did push-ups and ab work, the latter of which made me feel a tad uncomfortable whenever I did a floor exercise. Tonight, I'll hit the gym for lower-body weight training, push-ups, and an easy run.


                      Skirt Runner

                        Sorry you're sick Lilly!

                        Also sorry you're still sick Damaris!


                        Well I forgot to sign up for spin class at the crack of dawn yesterday and by the time I remembered at like noon, it was full. So no spin class this morning. But once I found out it was full I was actually a little relieved. My legs are a bit sore. Last week was my first week back running (8.3 miles woot!), plus I did 5.5 elliptical miles and 22 bike miles plus yoga and strengthening and haven't had a total rest day since.....last Saturday? So rest I will.

                        PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                        I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                          Last week was my first week back running (8.3 miles woot!),...




                          My ass was so sore and my legs so stiff from my run yesterday that I just did an easy stretching session this morning and added 4 sets of crunches.


                          There is/was no need to push anything and I did not.


                            Heal up soon, dailies runners! JJ, Lily, Damaris  and anyone else I'm missing!

                            JJ - Prayers for your sister!


                            I will be doing some recovery cross-training with the snow shovel in the cold. I was too lazy to do it last night, so I get to do it today in the -30* wind chills. Hoping roads clear up enough for me to go get DS from his grandpa's (or, better yet, for his grandpa to bring him home, since Grandpa has a 4-wheel-drive truck and I don't).
                            Calves are still tight, and my hip flexors and inner thighs are sore - I'll do some yoga and stretching later. Not sure if we will have kyukido tonight or if I'll participate if we do.

                            20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              I counted my HM medals and I have more of those than marathon medals.  How the heck did that happen?  I shall match them this weekend.  Boo.


                              Hip Redux

                                Rest day for me.  I have a work dinner after work so there really won't be any time anyway, even if I wanted to get a workout in.