Beginners and Beyond


Running for Boston today (Read 140 times)

Tori Runs in PA

Pittsburgh RN!

    Thank you for sharing your run.


    I ran 5 miles this morning with my friend and wore a race shirt from the 5K race series that I ran last summer.

    Do or do not, there is no try. 


    My first races EVER! 

    Saxonburg Distance Series 5KRaces: 

    #1: 7-14-2012 Cross Country Crusade 5K: 42:50 

    #2: 8-11-2012 Roebling's Run 5K: 38:54

    #3: 9-8-2012 Festival of the Arts 5K: 36:37



    Former Bad Ass

      The group is in.  20 copies are being printed so I can take them down today.


      Chasing the bus

        Ran 6 last night here at 71 deg. N. lat. That and prayer is all I got for now...


        “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
        Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

        Mostly harmless



          This is 8 year old Martin Richard.  I just got back from running 8 miles in his memory.  I didn't know his name or his face while I was running, but I do now.


          No more hurting people. Peace.

          "It doesn’t matter how often you do it or how much you accomplish, in general, not running is a lot easier than running." - Meb Keflezighi


            I am wearing my Wine Country Run race shirt today (have gotten a few strange looks in the hallway from fellow office workers) and plan on doing 6 miles after work.



            Run to live; live to run

              I did 11.5 for Boston today and will do all my runs this week for Boston.  I packed plenty of blue and yellow to wear for my runs Smile



                If I could run today, you'd bet I'd be out there doing it.


                Instead, I'm going to physical therapy to take the first full weight steps on my right foot after 9 weeks with a broken ankle.  I think I will be even more thankful for those steps than normal.

                My wildly inconsistent PRs:

                5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

                10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

                HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

                Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 

                Ball of Fury

                  If I could run today, you'd bet I'd be out there doing it.


                  Instead, I'm going to physical therapy to take the first full weight steps on my right foot after 9 weeks with a broken ankle.  I think I will be even more thankful for those steps than normal.


                  Hugs to you!!

                  PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

                  YAYpril - B-Plus

                    If I could run today, you'd bet I'd be out there doing it.


                    Instead, I'm going to physical therapy to take the first full weight steps on my right foot after 9 weeks with a broken ankle.  I think I will be even more thankful for those steps than normal.





                      I am somewhat injured, so I put in 8 wogging miles this morning with many thoughts of Boston along the way.  Currently I'm at work in my Pittsburgh Half shirt from 2011.  The UPS guy noticed it, (not my usual work attire) and mentioned that he had run the same half with is wife.  We had a nice chat.  Nice to find comeraderie today.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Cmb, hugs.




                          I ran 2.62 earlier this afternoon. I'm wearing my shirt from my last 5k which was tied in with my town's marathon. It just happens to be blue. I've seen many others on the greenway and out and about wearing race shirts today. Does the heart good. I'm so grateful for such a wonderful community of runners here online and close to home.


                            Today is a scheduled rest day for me... I guess I can rest tomorrow.


                            I'm going to wear my race shirts every day from now on, even the really ugly ones I never wear.

                            Hip Redux


                              Dr. Cornsitter

                                Just put up 4 miles. The first three are for each of the lives lost and the final mile was a prayer for all those injured.

                                Quote from BeachRunner3234 on 6/25/2013 at 8:20 PM:

                                So I'm currently sitting with a bag of frozen corn in my ass.
