Beginners and Beyond

Second Chance Sundailies (Read 37 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    It was either call it that or stupid, which is how I feel about my decision to do 2 halfs within 3 weeks. Up and having my coffee and bagel. At least I have brunch at the Cheesacake Factory to look forward to with one of my friends also running. Hopefully she waits for me at the finish.


    Good luck Baboon and Jack K with your halfs!



      Good luck to everyone racing!

      Currently soaking in an Epsom salt bath, my knee is the only thing feeling sore from yesterday's massage. Today is most likely going to be a rest day.

      *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


      5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

      10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

      15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

      13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

       26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


      delicate flower

        'Morning!  Got to my race over 90 minutes early in order to secure parking, because shuttle bus can go to hell.  We've got perfect weather and a flat course.  Let's do this......



          Race day! That is very cool. I wish all the racers good luck!


          SRD for me but I might run 3 miles or something.


            Got to my race over 90 minutes early in order to secure parking, because shuttle bus can go to hell.




            I do this at the Rock CF half marathon. Shuttles not only screw up my warm-up, but I like having my car and all of my stuff at the start/finish line.


              It was either call it that or stupid, which is how I feel about my decision to do 2 halfs within 3 weeks.


              They're not marathons so you should be fine.


                SRD for me but I might run 3 miles or something.


                I'm about to get at it. Of course, I didn't have the training you had and I certainly didn't race that stupid thing, so it's not comparable. I'm just ready to get on with things.

                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  'Morning!  Got to my race over 90 minutes early in order to secure parking, because shuttle bus can go to hell.  We've got perfect weather and a flat course.  Let's do this......


                  I did the same thing. Now I'm just waiting. I also have nice weather but a hilly course.



                    Good luck to all the racers!


                    I ran 7 easy.  Beautiful morning, great run.


                    I hope everyone has a great day!

                    Runner with a riding problem.



                      I'm about to get at it. Of course, I didn't have the training you had and I certainly didn't race that stupid thing, so it's not comparable. I'm just ready to get on with things.


                      I ran 2.5 miles with 9yo DD at 10:30 pace, and it was heaven. I was dictating the pace based on her breathing, and I made sure it was a rather easy effort for her. When we got home she told me, oh, that was easy! I usually have a tendency to push the pace too much for her. It's the first time she finds it easy to run with me. I have to do that more often.


                      Left calf is pretty tight, but nothing alarming. Just normal post marathon tightness.


                      I have cast iron to scrape and paint (primer) today. Ususally the job I hate the most in life, but it's not so bad this year.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Morning.  LR coming up on the TM soon.


                        Good luck, racers!


                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          Haven't looked at the map to see if GPS hated all the turn. It's a PR for 12.98 miles.  I knew going in the course was not certified. My friend rocked it, she was well under her goal of 2 hours.

                          Hip Redux

                            Mr O ran a 3:09 so hello boston 2017!!



                              Mr O ran a 3:09 so hello boston 2017!!


                              Get your Charlie Cards ready. Smile


                              delicate flower

                                1:31:08.  Blech.  I suck.


                                Mr O ran a 3:09 so hello boston 2017!!


                                This is awesome!
