Beginners and Beyond


Somnolescent Sunday Penguins (Read 27 times)

From the Internet.

    6 miles done, 18.26 for the week!!! I'm still in shock, that's my highest mileage week ever. Next week will definitely be less as I'll be running T/Th/S plus 2 or 3 days of warmup runs before workouts instead of M/W/F/Su.


    Had to drop DH off at the airport this morning, it's pretty close to my parents' house so I'm spending the day hanging out here with DD and our dog and I did my long run when we arrived. 5 of the 6 miles were on a trail that's fairly new, flat and relatively soft footing. Every single person I passed smiled or said hello, it was crazy - maybe 1 in every 3 or 4 will be friendly in my city. Wish I could run here every weekend!


      pad, are you in a funk now since your 5k didn't go as you'd hoped?


      Running is stupid!Angry

      That about sums it up for my feelings yesterday. Smile Half way through it glutes screaming at me.  F'  this sh* , I yanked out my headphones and almost walked off!.


      Just having a hard time getting back into it after my trip & a week on the TM I guess. I did get out for my long run and got 11.25, and in spite of my bad week ended up with a record week of 35 since I had 2 LRs in the seven days. Someday I'll get a sub 30.


        Traci, I feel for you. Is it the shoes? I live in Upstate NY near the Catskills.

        No, its my stupid legs.


        Lots of hunters around here so thought you may live in the south.





        Fear is a Liar

          Happy Sunday Penguins!


          Zelanie and She Can - what you mentioned yesterday is probably starting to come into play. Also I hate to accept the age thing but if I look to age grading my old Pr would have been 19:55 at 64.78%. The new PR is 19:35 at 65.89%. SO I actually got a 20 second PR and increased in my percentile rating!! Go me!


          It does feel good to be off of a formal training program. I know a lot of folks need a plan and a goal race - I just need to get a running fix! So this morning I ran 8.2 miles.


          I'll be looking for the RR's as well as getting mine up later on.

          I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!


          Barking Mad To Run

            Congrats on your race time, Kristin!  Sucks about the shirts.  And no AG awards? This event seems to have organization problems!   Well, you did great, so take some personal satisfaction from that!


            Mitch, sorry about the PF, that stinks.  Hope you can get that resolved quickly!


            Good luck with the 17 Miles, Jack!  Hope it went well!


            Well, StoneFence, as Mitch least you're outside doing something.  Which is better than me today so far, lol.  I only just got up about 2 hours ago.


            scotty, half asleep most of the time.  Yeah, Traci, but I can't pull it off like you can, cuz I'm not beautiful like you are.  Big grin   Sorry about the funk against running.  All you're going through, I really think you have more than just plain ole shin splints.  Ask your doc to check you for compartment syndrome, just to rule it out, if nothing else.   Don't give up yet.  Wishing you all the best!


            PAD, sorry about your funk too.  Sometimes you have to take two steps back to start going forward again.  Maybe you should do like I do for about a week or two and do some run/walk, letting your glutes, legs, etc recover a bit with some very easy stuff - and during that 'recovery time' just run for fun, don't worry about time, don't worry about pace, just let everything go  so  you're 'mentally free" too - heck, you might even just leave your watch and home and just 'go run' like kids do - and then start gradually picking up again to get back to where you were.   This funk will pass for you, PAD, and no doubt in my mind that sub-30 is in your future.


            Congrats on the 'real run", Awood, way to go!  Hope you enjoy the golf....even though golf is not a sport... Wink


            Yay for your highest mileage week ever, Lauren, way to go!   Sounds like you had a nice run this morning too, that trail sounds great!


            Way to get your running fix, Gustav!   Yeah, I don't have any formal training plan either, lol - other than..what race shall I do this week? Big grin Aside from that I just go outside and run.   When I start I never really know how far I will end up with.  I always try to do at least 3 miles minimum, but sometimes I go "adventuring" when I see a road or trail I've never been down, lol, of if I'm feeling really good, I just go a bit longer, and end up with longer distances done.    Sometimes I tell Gail  "I'll be back shortly, I'm only doing 3 miles this time"  and she says "Uh huh...see you in about an hour or more.."  lol.

            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


              Some great races this weekend! Congrats Kristin, even though the event was ridiculous.


              Tracilynn, I feel you. I hope you find something that works.


              I am just exhausted this weekend. Took an URD yesterday and today is a SRD. Whatevs...

              Call me Ray (not Ishmael)


                Hey Pens, got it late last night.  Definitely good to be home!


                  kristin-- sounds like they were being a pain in the butt.  Glad the race went well (even if they didn't give you a tee-shirt, grrrrr!)  Congratulations on the 3rd place AG!


                  Mitch-- ouch!  You really do need to put it up and ice it some.


                  Jack-  hope your miles went well.


                  Stonefence-- LOL well enjoy tree sitting then.


                  Traci-- many hugs sweetie.  You're always so nice and supportive of all of us.  This ongoing curse of shin splints couldn't happen to someone like you.  Have you ever had a bone density test done?  I wonder what makes you so susceptible.


                  Awood-- high five on the run!  Enjoy golf day.


                  Lauren-- ohhh, your run today sounds lovely!  Trail runs are just so much more fun IMO.  Congrats on the weekly PR mileage!


                  Obie-- some weeks are like that.  Hope the rest days help.




                  PAD-- you are putting in a lot of miles.  Perhaps you were just tired yesterday?  Hope you pull out of the funk soon.


                  Gustav-- you just jumped right back in there!  Its kind of nice to run without a schedule sometimes between races a bit.  Give yourself some down time with less pressure.  Glad your mood is better about the race.  Smile


                  Zelanie-- welcome home!


                  I did my one and only 20 mile LR for this marathon cycle.  It was a fairly warm day, sunny 79* by the time I got home.  These long runs just are really hard for me.  I used to think marathon training would get easier the more you did it.  Nope, always hard, and I'm tired!  I sure hope everyone else is feeling more energetic than me today!


                  "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson

                  Dad on the run.

                    Hey all. Today marks the start of my no running. Going to take the rest of this month off and focus on leg/hip strengthening and core strength along with lots of stretching and foam rolling. I'm beating this one way or another.

                    Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                    Team TJ

                      Good afternoon, folks.


                      Resting my sore feet today!

                      Running for TJ because he can't.



                      Barking Mad To Run

                        Well, so much for being lazy today.  I had to drop my car off today for some routine maintenance.  Since I was going to Fort Sam Houston anyway, I took my running gear and after I dropped my car off I did 3.3 miles of hills.  An unusual run for me as I normally run in the a.m. or  after work, but this run was started at 1 PM.  I felt surprisingly good and ran all my hill strong.   I also got to meet this HUGE Great Dane in the family housing area.  Very friendly and just a beautiful dog.   Thankful I had treats with me, we became 'best buds' after I gave him one, lol.  After my wife was finished at her church, Gail then picked me up at the gym after I showered and changed and we went and had lunch together.   Nice day, both the running and the company.


                        Now I'm home again, watching the Houston Texans play the Cardinals.   The Texans will probably do as they usually do and blow the game in the 4th quarter.  Roll eyes

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                        Jack K.

                        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                          Scotty: feels good, doesn't it? I am in my chair, newspaper in hand, eyelids getting heavy...


                            Jimmy, hope the month off helps. Did you ever register for the Mercedes?


                            scotty, I have wondered in the past about compartment syndrome but my shin pain gradually builds up so slowly Confused


                            cherie, nice run! never had bone density testing. I think my ankles turn inwards too much and it makes for funky biomechanics.



                            I RAN 4miles while ago. Some on trails. Nice. Saw people putting up Christmas lights!




                            Jack K.

                            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                              Jimmy, hope the month off helps. Did you ever register for the Mercedes?


                              scotty, I have wondered in the past about compartment syndrome but my shin pain gradually builds up so slowly Confused


                              cherie, nice run! never had bone density testing. I think my ankles turn inwards too much and it makes for funky biomechanics.



                              I RAN 4miles while ago. Some on trails. Nice. Saw people putting up Christmas lights!


                              I put up our lights the day after Thanksgiving and we were always the first. I still put them up the day after Thanksgiving and now we our last. Last year our "Mrs. Kravitz" type neighbor even asked me "Aren't you putting up your lights this year, dear?" That was the the second week of November.


                                Dave, have you tried on any Hokas?  They do have a low heel-toe offset.
