Beginners and Beyond


NYCMarathon Weekend Penguins (Read 38 times)


    Our lives could depend on it. lol


    Return To Racing

      Congrats, Zelanie!


      Good luck sapf, Kristin, and Ginny!


      Picked up my bib for the Two Cities HM; no pre-printed personalization (but they left an open space to do it yourself) and only a quarter page flyer in the swag bag. Thin cotton tee instead of tech this year. Hoping course support isn't down-sized, too 


      Got a pedicure afterwards with tiny metal stars glued on each big toenail because I need to feel shiny 


      At least you got the bag



      Former Bad Ass

        My alarm clock does not go back.  I have to press a button that says DST.  This is the first time in 4 years I am not changing my clock before the NYCM because I won't be running it.  Boo.



        Penguin Power!

          Evening Pens!


          I did a really easy shakeout run with hubby today.  I've been getting my stuff together and just generally been anxious all evening.  This is like.. next level race anxiety.  I'm sure it'll be fine.  I live at mile 14 in the worst case scenario.  The weather is not looking optimal, but I guess it could be worse -- extremely windy or rainy for example.


          Good luck tomorrow Ginny!


          I'll see IrishGuy tomorrow (hopefully) he's working the water station at mile 18.

          Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


            Baconista - I didn't realize your race was tomorrow too.  Good luck and have fun.  My swag bag was like yours - empty of anything interesting.  There were maps of Gettysburg and a list of places with race discounts, which would be good if you were planning to spend a few days in town to do tours and such, but pretty useless otherwise.  Our t-shirt is a long sleeved tech-t though, so not bad.


            Jill - you'll do great.  You've worked hard to get here.  Just relax and enjoy the atmosphere.  New York Marathon is unique.  I envy you doing that one for your first.  OTOH, since I get claustrophobic in crowds, maybe it's best that I did a small one for my first.


              Good luck Jill, Ginny, Bacon!


              Penguin Power!

                Morning Pens!


                Bib 60548 if anyone wants to follow me.


                I decided on my goals:

                A goal - sub 5 (odds less than 5% given the warm weather, the fact that it is my first marathon, and the fact that I slept maybe 2 or 3 hours last night)

                B goal - finish before sunset at 4:54pm (I should pass the starting line around 11:10) (odds 70%?)

                C goal - finish before they unplug the clock (odds 99.9%)

                Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                  The rain has ended here and is supposed to end in G'burg in 39 minutes.  Cloudy and 55 degrees - nice weather for a run.


                    Ginny, enjoy the run!


                    Jill, I'm tracking you on twitter.  (I usually save Twitter for the really important stuff like where I can get a free donut today).  I might post an early update or two here, but I won't post anything late in the race; I'll let you come back and bask in your glory.


                    Bacon, good luck!  Are you running Fresno or Clovis?  Sorry you don't like the swag.  I ran Clovis 2 years ago (I was lured by the free sweatshirt) but I'm not a fan of the sweatshirt.  It's not an expensive race, so I guess they do what they can with what they get.  


                    I'm up very early this morning because time change.    Looks like I'll be running as soon as the sky starts to brighten at 5:30.

                    From the Internet.

                      So excited for our racers! Big grin I'll be stalking the NYCMers later.


                      Ran 12 yesterday morning, 5.6 alone and the rest with the club. Ended up hanging with a woman who's faster than me and this was probably my fastest long run ever - 9:10 average pace and the last 4 miles were in the mid-upper 8's. Super crazy busy the rest of the day: kid's last Saturday soccer game, rode horse, did some barn chores, tidied up a little so no one would think I have a hoarder house looking in my door while trick or treating. Went out with the kid and a few of her friends and their parents, husband stayed home to man the candy bowl. I slept like a baby last night.


                      Heading out for 4-5 easy miles soon.


                        Hi everyone and good luck to the racers. Please post updates!


                        I finished my half yesterday pushing the stroller with Ainsley's Angels in 2:05:50. We had the sub 2 through 9 miles, then by partner got sick and ended up having a really rough last 4 miles.


                          Mitch- Glad you were there for your partner and able to finish the race. Smile


                          Jill and Kristin are through the 10K and both looking steady!


                            Mitch, sorry about your partner getting sick.  Every race is a new adventure. Having a partner AND pushing someone else triples the adventure!


                            I got an update on Jill.  When she crossed the 15k mark, they estimated her finish at 4:10 PM (she started at 11:10).  So she is exactly on pace.  It's early yet, fingers crossed!


                              Just here to check on the racers, but I guess it's too soon.


                              Yesterday my DD's did their first HM.  Older one, who trained properly, finished in 1:48.  She was shooting for 1:45, so a little disappointed.  But her Garmin (and her running partner's) said they ran 13.5 miles, so they didn't do a good job of running the tangents.  It's hard to do that in a big race.  The younger one, who was flying by the seat of her pants, finished in 2:03 (but had to take a potty break).  She finished and said "never again!"


                              Being at the race to watch made me want to do another HM...maybe in the Spring I'll be ready.


                                Oops, forgot to say:  4.3 miles done this afternoon.  The weather is wonderful.
