Beginners and Beyond

Cut to The Chase ThursDAILIES (Read 50 times)


    Is it 5:00 yet?




      I had a reoccurring dream that I was running this weekend's speed session....


      And now, Imma go run.




      Super B****

        6.01 (it's driving me nuts).  Impeccable timing, too -- as soon as I walked back in the door, the rain REALLY started to come down.


        Today is my turn not to go to work! 

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


          I'll be running 6 to 8 easy depending on time available because, of course, when I run 12 miles like yesterday, it's one hell of a long lunch break I take. And my female colleagues insist I can't save time by skipping the shower. Women!

            Good morning, everyone.


            Rick, thank you for starting today's thread. I hope that your run is pleasant.


            blue run, excellent timing, indeed.


            Cyberic99, have a great run.


            Yesterday was a URD. I ended up sleeping less that forty-five minutes Tuesday night. To quote one of my students: "Miss, I don't understand. How can something as simple as taking a nap be so complicated?!?" I couldn't have said it better myself, kid. Yeah, I skipped the weekly sewing club meetup and crashed.


            Running and weights tonight.


              It's 57F at the moment and I'm sitting outside, freezing... When will this cold front end???


              I have 14 miles after work.


              Have a nice day!

              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                When will this cold front end???



                delicate flower

                  Wife wanted to get up at 5:00 and head to the pool for a swim this morning but we didn't go because I AM A FAT LAZY TURD and shut the alarm off.


                  I've got an easy 30 minute run to do later.  It's almost not worth the effort.



                    No running today. I'll ride my bike to and from strength training class, with maybe a little extra biking if I feel like it.

                    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                      Good morning everyone!!


                      Had a great hill workout last night!  We had torrential downpours all afternoon, so the trails were flooded, we had to wade through a few spots to get to the hills to do our repeats.  So if I end up with some tropical disease, you'll know why. lol  Did 6 easy this morning, more this evening.


                      Hope everyone has a great day!!




                      My running blog

                      Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                        ^ That's hard core!

                        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

                        Little Blue

                          Ewww.  That'll dirty up a pair of shoes!  Check for leeches.


                          I'm off for a few plus a walk with my friend.  Then .. stuff.


                          We have lows next week in the mid 50's.   #dancingbanana


                          Former Bad Ass

                            It's 57F at the moment and I'm sitting outside, freezing... When will this cold front end???


                            I have 14 miles after work.


                            Have a nice day!


                            It better NOT end until after my race there!


                            Morning!  I have Pilates and 6 miles.



                            Former Bad Ass

                              You can all suck it with the good weather. 


                              It is already feels like 97F and 80 dewpoint. 





                                Fucked around and didn't wear nipple band-aids with a singlet you NEVER wanna forget nipple band-aids.


                                All was fine until the shower....