Beginners and Beyond

The First DAILIES of 2015 (Read 48 times)


    Happy New Year!


    Not sure if I will kick off 2015 with an attempt at run/walk or not. I did cautiously jog .1 mile on the indoor track yesterday and the knee wasn't thrilled with it, so I may keep myself benched a few more days.


    I did register for a race last night: Sandhills Half-Marathon. As of this morning, fewer than 10 slots in the half and 30 in the full remain available. There will be four of my high school classmates and three other friends from my hometown running it - which isn't bad for a school with average class sizes of 15-20. And I registered both DS and I to run the 5k the night before.

    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      Good luck with the knee Step, that has to be so frustrating.

      Hip Redux

        Step - have you had the knee checked out?  Ugh, how frustrating.


        Happy new year!  I was in bed by 10:30 and slept until 8.  Ahhhhhh.  I have also made an executive decision to take tomorrow off from work so HOORAY for extended vacation.


        I managed to run yesterday and NOT wake up with a throbbing hip.  This year is starting off well.


        You Rang?

          I've got 12 miles of fun this afternoon.  It's cold here in SoCal (or at least this resident of SoCal thinks it's cold) and when given my choice between running in the cold or picking my way through the tourists at Huntington Pier Plaza, I take the tourists.


          I did not register for a race today.  Yesterday I registered for the Long Beach Half.  The original plan was to run the NU Hartford Half which was the same weekend as my wife's knitting convention in Hartford, CT (yes, knitters have conventions), but the convention cancelled so I'm staying home Columbus Day weekend.  Sorry Baboon.  And another sign you're a runner is when you're making plans for B-list and C-list holidays like Columbus Day and Arbor Day ten months in advance.


          PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)

          From the Internet.

            Happy new year dailies! Going to run a few miles with friends in a little while.


            I failed miserably at the holiday streak since it happened that my 2014in2014 team made the finals this year - needed rest days in between my higher mileage weeks. Almost made my December goal of 130 miles, but my shin was acting up so I had to take a couple days off and skip a long run this weekend. Ran 4.5 on Tuesday and 8 yesterday and it was OK, I might just have to drop back to running 5 days/week and occasionally 6 or 7 instead of being aggressive about that 6-7. While I desperately want to get comfortable at 40mpw, I'm also realizing that even if I don't quite hit that goal when I want (end of January), I'll still be in fine shape to finish my HM in May since I'm already running one 7-8 miler and one 10ish miler every week.


              Hey guys.  Going to take the kids and dogs up to the mountains to play in the snow.  There's not a lot of snow, so it will be a bit of a haul.


              Then I have 6-8 planned for later.

                Damaris, have a great run tonight.


                Shari, I love how you and DS can enjoy running together.


                Oski2.0, I'm glad that you're doing OK.


                Lurch, have a wonderful twelve-miler.


                Lauren710, have fun running with friends.


                Zelanie, have a pleasant run.


                Fewer than five hours are left until the fast ends. Even after this morning's run, I feel great. I'm thinking of doing a brisk three-mile walk, somewhere between 3.5mph and 4.0mph, at a 10.0 incline, in about four hours. Right around the time I'd finish, I'd be able to eat something light and rehydrate.


                I have two resolutions for 2015:


                1) Don't buy any clothes, except workout gear, until my next birthday. (That's August 10.)


                2) Do at least two fasted runs per week during January.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Good luck with the knee Step, that has to be so frustrating.





                    18 degrees with a windchill of 3.

                    8.1 miles easy.

                    And 2015 is underway. Now for some football. Go Big Ten.



                      Incredibly, I managed a pretty thorough core and strength workout of 80 minutes. My best in forever.


                      I am now heading to the movies for my second attempt this week at seeing Into the Woods, as I never made it there Sunday.


                      Be good peeps! 

                      Jack K.

                      uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                        9 miles done 8:24 pace. That's a nice way to start the year.


                        Run to live; live to run

                          Happy New Year


                          did 10.2 this am.



                          delicate flower

                            I done run!  3.7 miles in 30 minutes, ala two loops around the block.




                              IMM has/had a discount registration price for the first 1,000 registrants (calling it Monumental Resolution) registration opened at midnight and those spots sold out like 2 hours, I of course registered at 11:30 pm last night ( Indy is an hour ahead of us).

                              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                                0 miles for me again. Extends my streak to 4 days. On a positive note, i think my slight hangover hurts worse than my thumb.


                                I hope everyone's 2015 is starting with a good day.

                                Runner with a riding problem.