Beginners and Beyond

FriDAILIES: Two shifts to freedom (Read 37 times)


    Then near the end of my run there was a young couple walking their cat on a leash.  lol


    Also: whenever I see this it always amuses me to no end. LOL LOL LOL.


       It wasn't even that early, but man does my body hate it.



      I used to run early all the time. Now it is almost impossible to motivate myself to do it. I am constantly amazed at others who do it on the regular.



        So you're saying they're just cute little bastards 




          . I should really be more terrified of people. Yesterday a guy was shot multiple times in the parking lot of a Fred Meyer store (PNW chain kind of like Target), a few miles from us.




          Former Bad Ass


            Also: whenever I see this it always amuses me to no end. LOL LOL LOL.


            I have one leash so I tried it on the cats before we move in case I needed it to walk them from the house to the van they fucking got locked themselves in and escape.


            They all laid on the floor like drama queens and wouldn't move.  One (Sammy, of course) kept pulling until she freed herself from it (which makes sense since one day she escape her carrier at the vet like she was on the Matrix), like this:




              my only problem with the coyotes is that the high pitched yipping and howling sets Bruno off barking in the middle of the night 


              That annoys me to no end (when our dog finds something absolutely enthralling in the middle of the night, and decides to tell us all about it).




                This would really freak me out. I really don't know what I'd do. Probably start crying and freeze with fear, lol.



                  Also of note: my Boston jacket was outranked at the gym this morning by a Berlin shirt.


                   Nice! I don't think I've ever seen a Berlin shirt.


                  On THE SHIRT conversation, I saw a speedy woman wearing THE SHIRT yesterday in my neighborhood. I realize this may be common for a lot of you, but I have literally only seen 2 other people in several YEARS wearing any Boston attire.



                    I have one leash so I tried it on the cats before we move in case I needed it to walk them from the house to the van they fucking got locked themselves in and escape.


                    They all laid on the floor like drama queens and wouldn't move.  One (Sammy, of course) kept pulling until she freed herself from it (which makes sense since one day she escape her carrier at the vet like she was on the Matrix), like this:



                    LOL LOL LOL. Cats are hilarious. We are new cat owners (well, "new" being relative, as we got her 11 months ago) and I think I spend most of my time laughing at her. Drama queens = yes.


                      Lauren, sounds like you're ready! Can't wait to hear how you execute.


                      I slogged through 6 sucky miles this morning. I had more elevation than usual on my runs yesterday, and ran faster (because, run partners) than usual, which resulted in my hamstrings being sore (?!) and also my quads feeling like lead. So, being the smart person I am, I decided to run a hillier (for me) route again today, for a "recovery run".  Today's result is a left hamstring that's pissed off at me, and dead legs. I've already foam rolled and used the Lacrosse ball a couple times, which is saying something for me, as I'm pretty bad about doing those types of things on the usual.


                      Speaking of pissed off hammies, Wolvmar, what's up with yours?


                      delicate flower

                        Mandatory work this weekend has been cancelled due to hugely successful system go-live.  SWEET!!  I wasn't going to work tomorrow but I was planning a full work day Sunday.  This will be the first weekend in I-can't-remember that I will not have to work or have work stress occupying my mind.



                          Mandatory work this weekend has been cancelled due to hugely successful system go-live.  SWEET!!  I wasn't going to work tomorrow but I was planning a full work day Sunday.  This will be the first weekend in I-can't-remember that I will not have to work or have work stress occupying my mind.



                          Super B****

                            If I saw a bear while running it would probably be dead because I mostly see dead animals around here. (Except coatis, oddly enough. I didn't even know we had those here. Maybe they're just raccoons. )

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog



                              only if they were a berlin time qualifer 


                              I didn't ask. I was not really aware of their qualifying time requirements, but just looked it up and JHC.



                              Super B****


                                I didn't ask. I was not really aware of their qualifying time requirements, but just looked it up and JHC.



                                Guess I'll wait ten years, if I want to run it.

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog