Beginners and Beyond

Bumbling ThursDAILIES (Read 39 times)



    Quick, name a member of this group who pays more attention to what's posted here than me?






    Me! Me!

    Sorry, what was the question again?


       Sorry, what was the question again?




      Super B****


        P.S. - I don't remember you discussing this. From what I remember, the discussion centered around using Bluetooth to upload workouts on GC, as opposed to wifi.


        I vaguely remember that discussion, but it wasn't me.  I wanted to know whether it was possible to get back to the display you see while running when you're looking at the "save" screen.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog



          I wouldn't mind having one of those.


          I kindly asked for one of those, more than once, and keep getting excuses. I would need a paper from a specialist saying I need one, but the whole idea is to avoid hurting my back in the first place. Maybe it is time I ask again. It's been a while.

          There will be lots of "  " when they read my requisition.


          I'm organizing a fun race at work in two weeks. It's a 2.85km race (1.77 miles) . One lap around the park near work. I will not be racing it.  I'll draw a chalk line on the asphalt, and will hold the timer, yell "GO",  and keep the stats. I'll do it twice a year, in the Spring and in the Fall, so people can see an evolution in their times.


          PS: No t-shirt, no medal. Just the honor of holding the title. Until someone challenges me Smile



            I vaguely remember that discussion, but it wasn't me.  I wanted to know whether it was possible to get back to the display you see while running when you're looking at the "save" screen.


            It was you, me and Jenny.


            The way I remember the "save screen" discussion, you were asking if you could resume a run after a pause (I think you were meeting someone for ice cream in the middle of a run), and wanted to know if it was possible to resume that run without saving it. I think we determined that you could.

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              LRB & Cyberic, a lot of other departments have had the adjustable desks for a while. So far I really like it, just probably shouldn't spend 75% of my day standing when I am used to sitting on my ass most of the day, aside from my hourly walks--hour one to the ice machine, hour 2 to the bathroom and repeat. Varidesks are what we have. The price seemed pretty reasonable.


              Super B****


                It was you, me and Jenny.


                The way I remember the "save screen" discussion, you were asking if you could resume a run after a pause (I think you were meeting someone for ice cream in the middle of a run), and wanted to know if it was possible to resume that run without saving it. I think we determined that you could.


                The Bluetooth part wasn't me, though!  (I was going to say I don't use Bluetooth, which was true at the time but no longer is.)


                No ice cream -- it was the dead of winter.  I did make a very long coffee stop in Whole Foods after a group run, though, and I didn't want to have my run broken up into two parts because it was my first post-sfx double-digit run, and I needed to have it in one part since I am crazy.  And yes, you can indeed!

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog



                  The Bluetooth part wasn't me, though!  (I was going to say I don't use Bluetooth, which was true at the time but no longer is.)


                  No ice cream -- it was the dead of winter.  I did make a very long coffee stop in Whole Foods after a group run, though, and I didn't want to have my run broken up into two parts because it was my first post-sfx double-digit run, and I needed to have it in one part since I am crazy.  And yes, you can indeed!


                  Semantics! You agreed that Bluetooth could be used to upload workouts from GC.


                  I wasn't sure if it was ice cream or hot cocoa or hookah, but yeah, I ended up experimenting pausing a couple of runs myself. Although I couldn't tell you now what the hell I did it. lol


                  Super B****


                    Semantics! You agreed that Bluetooth could be used to upload workouts from GC.


                    I wasn't sure if it was ice cream or hot cocoa or hookah, but yeah, I ended up experimenting pausing a couple of runs myself. Although I couldn't tell you now what the hell I did it. lol


                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog




                      lol - I went blank and that was all I could come up with! We know you don't smoke flavored tobacco.


                      Super B****


                        lol - I went blank and that was all I could come up with! We know you don't smoke flavored tobacco.


                        I'm full of mysteries... you never know!!

                        chasing the impossible


                        because i never shut up ... i blog



                          lol - I went blank and that was all I could come up with! We know you don't smoke flavored tobacco.


                          Guess what that dude sees when he closes his eyes?



                          bluerun in a pink tutu!


                          No more marathons


                            I SHOULD take advice from people who do things in unconventional ways... because I don't "train" like a normal person either.

                            Ha.  If you want to see unconventional - check out my 18 weeks training before my first (and PR) marathon.



                            I had 7 weeks at 25 or less, and only 4 at 40 or more.  I think the only reason I did what I did was that people were telling me I couldn't.

                            I can be a bit obstinate.  

                            Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                            Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                            He's a leaker!


                              Guess what that dude sees when he closes his eyes?




                              That's a big ass head. blue could practically fit inside it. lol


                              Super B****

                                Disturbing on several levels... that photo needs to die.  Both of them!!

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog