Beginners and Beyond

Bumbling ThursDAILIES (Read 39 times)


Super B****

    Ha.  If you want to see unconventional - check out my 18 weeks training before my first (and PR) marathon.


    I had 7 weeks at 25 or less, and only 4 at 40 or more.  I think the only reason I did what I did was that people were telling me I couldn't.

    I can be a bit obstinate.  


    Yes, this does look like the type of marathon "training" I've done in the past!!  (Too lazy and dumb to link, I'm on my phone, but my first was in August 2014, second was in May 2015.  Can't tell at all from the logs that there was a marathon coming up.)

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


    Former Bad Ass

      The hurricane is by WPB (finally, stop playing with us!)  We have still not felt much but a little wind.  Hope people are safe.  It's going to suck.



      Former Bad Ass

        Disturbing on several levels... that photo needs to die.  Both of them!!


        LOL.  YOU posted it!
