Beginners and Beyond

NFL playoffs (Read 61 times)



    A pick 'em Super Bowl?  Pretty cool!


    Just looked into the history, turns out this has never happened. Of course there is plenty of time for the line to move by game time.



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      maybe not



        ^ well said.



          ^ well said.


          I was trying to post a FB picture but too much other stuff comes with it


          delicate flower

            ^ well said.


            And that is the edited version.


            Village people

              New England people, this is a really pressing question. Is there any significance to playing The Outfield's I Don't Want to Lose Your Love Tonight? It seems like it is played each game?


              Am I dating myself that I knew the song?


              It is Scott Zolak's favorite song. He does a radio show on 98.5 and every Friday afternoon they play that song. He was caught on the jumbotron dancing it to it at one of the games and it seems to be catching on.

              Hip Redux

                Police: Vince Wilfork Helped Woman In Car Crash After Patriots' Game


                Favorite comment:

                Wilfork was disappointed to discover that there was no apple filling inside of the turnover.



                delicate flower

                  Wonder what kind of punishment the Pats are facing.  No real rooting interest either way, I view the story like this:  



                    This morning I took down all my Patriot cheerleader posters. Fine them and take a draft choice then change the rules.


                    QBs like Eli and Rodgers supposedly have football preferences like scuffing. Balls used on game day don't have to be new. An NFL person should supply them all. In MLB teams don't supply the balls.

                    Hip Redux

                      The level of conspiracy that the Giants fans at work are coming up with about this. 



                        In MLB teams don't supply the balls.


                        If players don't have their own balls they shouldn't be allowed to play.


                          This morning I took down all my Patriot cheerleader posters. Fine them and take a draft choice then change the rules.


                          QBs like Eli and Rodgers supposedly have football preferences like scuffing. Balls used on game day don't have to be new. An NFL person should supply them all. In MLB teams don't supply the balls.


                          It is surprising to me that the "No Fun League" does not take tighter control over game balls, considering how rigidly they control EVERYTHING about the game.


                            Marshawn Lynch suggested that the SB be played with kettlebells, as they cannot be deflated. Tongue

                            Hip Redux


                              It is surprising to me that the "No Fun League" does not take tighter control over game balls, considering how rigidly they control EVERYTHING about the game.


                              Seriously!  Your socks are too long - penalty!  You looked at the kicker funny - flag!


                              But we will not notice that the balls are deflated even though we touch them every single down.


                              Hip Redux

                                Also - anyone who believes that the deflated balls were the reason why the Colts got their asses handed to them didn't actually watch the game.


                                That said, if there was a devious intent by the Patriots, obviously they should be fined and all that jazz, but let's not inflate this into somehow being a critical point  in the game's outcome.