Beginners and Beyond

2018: Fancy seeing you here (Read 71 times)


Are we there, yet?


    This. Don't trust guys, find a woman running partner.  It's not worth being wrong.


    I've been trying to do that for years, but I think all the women are following this advice as well.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





      KC: You have a very nice set up there!


      When I do track workouts, I run them at the same time and place that my coach and her racing team are there. So I'm running by myself...but with a few other people. Their slowest recovery jog is still faster than my fastest pace, but IDGAF. I may never run sub25 5K, let alone sub17-18, Lol.


      I know the feeling!  There's usually a race team on the track when we go and they are so freaking fast!  I just stay in the outside lanes out of the way.  But it's still nice having other people around  Smile


        Boston show up (as in not get injured) and finish.


        1,400+ miles.



          I've been trying to do that for years, but I think all the women are following this advice as well.



            1. I haven't raced middle distance since 2014, which is completely insane. I am not throwing any time goals out there, just a goal to be out there.
            2. Run a 1:28 half marathon (still!), even though technically, 1:32 will be my new NYC qualifying time later this spring.
            3. PR the mile, which is borderline laughable at this point, but so was the thought once of me ever taking up this ridiculous hobby in the first place.

            In all actuality, these goals are intertwined. So if one falls, all fall.


            MTA: Race a trail event.


            Ha! This would all be laughable if I didn't actually believe it when I wrote it.


            Despite my failures, looking back on the year, I am actually okay with it. I am in a better place mentally than I have been in a long time. I topped 2,000 miles for only the second time since taking up this ridiculous hobby. And I put myself in position to finally have a goal race to train for that I actually want to train for.


            If I were giving the year a letter grade, I'd say a B minus. Pretty solid, but could have been better.


              LRB, we have been forummates too long, because I was literally just about to look for this this thread at this very moment. Although I was frightened at what I might find. For example:


              It's tough to do this when starting the year injured. Hamstring and hip problems are not stopping me from running, but will stop me from serious mileage and speed if they don't go away. And they just have the feel of something that will stick around for a while.


              If I get healthy:

              - mileage - 4th straight 2500+ mile year. (If I get 2300+, it'll be the 5th straight one of those.)

              - PRs - I used to target all 4 major distances, but they are getting harder to come by. I'm making the half the main focus.

              - marathons - run Eugene in April, and Seattle in November. (Goals to be set as the events near.)


              Overall my shittiest year basically since I started running. The first paragraph above was sadly prophetic. Spent the first 4 months of the year fighting through injuries along with mystery fatigue making everything painfully slow, yet going through the motions of a marathon training cycle anyway. Spent the next 4 months on the bench. However after starting to run again in Sept and knocking off the rust for a little while, the last couple months things have been coming back better than I could have ever expected, culminating in a 10k within 2 seconds of PR a couple days ago. So hopefully this bodes well for 2019.


              - mileage - nope. Will end up in the 1600s.

              - PRs - nope. Came close, but my first year without a PR.

              - marathons - triple nope. Ran the first one for #10, but it was my slowest since #3, four years ago.


              MTA: Not sure why I didn’t write “get into Boston” as a goal, but I did that, and it sort of saved the year.



                I want to PR in every distance I race. That does not mean I will race every distance.





                Distance Previous PR 2018 best Success/Fail
                5K 19:27 19:31 Fail
                10K 40:00 38:51 Success
                HM 1:27:29 1:27:54 Fail
                Marathon 3:13:08 2:59:04 Success
                50K 4:27:00 4:19:00 Success


                Although that looks like 60%, I still consider my year as a success. My two failures I can explain, and with another attempt at each, chances are I would have beat my PRs. And the 2:59:04 makes the year all by itself.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Should I even dare?


                  I want a new PR. The end.


                  Another fail right here!




                      I’d like to keep my Achilles injury manageable so I can still run. That’s 1st.


                      Second, I want some PR’s. And the ability to build and maintain a decent base. 1:55Tight lippedx HM, and PR a FM (current PR is 4:23). Still have fun. Still improve. Maintain health, increase fitness.


                      Done, done and done! I'm considering myself very lucky.


                      My Achilles hasn't bugged me much at all.


                      I got my 1:54Tight lippedx PR for a HM, and a 3:50:44 for my FM, which I'm thrilled about.

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        Whew, didn't set any goals, so don;t have to report didn't reach them. Although kinda funny that I had the comment about the sidewalk being the dangerous part of the trail race, since in the 2018 version I tripped on a damn rock and had a sore foot for a long time.


                          1. Keep from getting seriously injured. The hamstring seems to be chronic, but I'd like that to not get worse.


                          2. Related - get to Boston healthy.


                          3. Have fun at Boston.


                          4. PR in either marathon or HM or both.


                          5. I don't really have serious mileage goals, since my mileage depends on what else is going on in my life. If we do a lot of travelling, I run less. If something happens so we can't travel, I run more. I'd really rather do the travels right now than more mileage, but it's not under my control.


                          After Boston, I may stop doing marathons. I have enjoyed the few I've done, but they do take a lot of time and energy. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well and I'm not sure I want to continue that mindset. Starting training injured, knowing I'm not doing my body any favors by starting MRT with a painful hamstring, has me doubting the point of all this. OTOH, there are so many races that sound interesting.


                          This year was mostly a win. I did get to Boston healthy. I had fun, despite conditions. I PRed at both HM and marathon distance. OTOH, the chronic hamstring is now chronic hamstring and glutes, so any run over 5 miles is painful. I did do another long roadtrip, so my mileage is down compared to last year, but not unreasonably so (1835 ATM). I'm still doubting the wisdom of me running marathons and thinking of quitting after my next one in March but I was the one who was stupid enough to sign up again, despite the chronic pain. So, basically, not much has changed.


                             I'm still doubting the wisdom of me running marathons


                            There is no wisdom of anyone running marathons.



                               There is no wisdom of anyone running marathons.




                              It's about the dumbest thing we do.


                              Former Bad Ass




                                It's about the dumbest thing we do.


                                I never said I was smart, right?
