Beginners and Beyond


Tuesday Penguins Points To Ponder (Read 30 times)


    Hi guys!


    Bummer about the online privacy at work, Phillie. I read a really interesting article yesterday about the divide between people who can do personal things online on paid time all day and those who get penalized for, like, checking their phone at work.


    Fog/rain/snow and in the 30s today. Planning for 3 after work anyway. Almost makes me want to join that winter running game. Almost.

    Call me Ray (not Ishmael)

    Dad on the run.

      Hey all, I'm at work while writing this Smile but I'm all caught up for a moment, just wanted to stop in and say hi. Still not really running. I may try to get out tonight and get a few miles in. I'm just nervous about getting out there and start having issues again. The weightlifting has been going swell though (pun intended).


      And depsite the outcome of the football game Saturday all I gots to say is Roll Tide! Smile

      Chasing the sub 20 5K.


      Barking Mad To Run

        That is my plan for every run I go out for Gustav, lol...'run some undetermined distance.'  If I feel good I go longer, if not, I go shorter.  But I always try to get in at least 3 miles as a minimum.   Enjoy your undetermined distance run!


        Happy 5 miles, Jerry!


        Since you do all those marathons, Damaris, just what is considered a 'short' distance for you?  8 miles...10 miles... ?  Joking


        Get out there StoneFence and see how it goes.  Some of my best runs have been on days when I was not feeling it when I started out.  You just never know what's going to happen until you start going.


        Congrats on the 3 easy PAD.  Your easy pace is probably speedwork for me.


        Yeah, Dan, us too...cold rain that may turn into freezing rain depending on the wind chill factor. Same Saturday.   Nice.  I have a 5K Saturday morning, a 5K Saturday afternoon and a 5K Sunday afternoon.  Where's my 50 degree temps?  Damn Mother Nature!


        Jack, it DOES get cold in San Antonio - at least, we residents think it's cold here -  but it usually only lasts a few days at the longest.  For it will be 84, tomorrow it will be 82.  Then Thursday, our high for the day will only be 54.  Then Friday morning, the rain is coming in, with wind, and our high for the day will only be - GASP! - 39 degrees, low of 32!  Saturday (I have 2 5Ks that day) a high of only 42...and then Sunday we are back to 57, and then back in the 60s on Monday.  Crazy Mother Nature.   Does it get below the 30s around here, like into the 20s and below?  VERY rarely, and that usually only lasts for a few hours, and is usually the middle of the night when that happens, or very early a.m.   30's is usually about the coldest we ever get.   Now, you got up into the Dallas area or Texas Panhandle area (Lubbock, Amarillo, etc), they do get some REAL winter and winter weather temps.


        Glad you are feeling a bit better, HsM.  Don't push it, just take the time to get back to 100%.


        So no more visiting non work-related web sites.   Boo!   Phillie, you need to get a note from your doc saying that forum visits at least twice a day are therapy for you, for your mental health.  Big grin


        Just how cold is it where you are, Zelanie?  I didn't think Oregon got all that cold.  Cept up near the mountains, of course.


        Sorry about the shin, Kristin.  And, btw, stupid Redskins.   I grew up with them and I  love 'em and stick with 'em, win or lose...but they drive me so crazy at times!  I blame the owner, lol.  The team has never been the same since the Cook family lost control of the team and that idiot Snyder took over.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Joking


        Hope your legs are back to 100% in no time, Bin!


        Good luck with your miles obiebyke!  I really do feel for y'all who have to deal with weather like that for several months.


        I'm just nervous about getting out there and start having issues again.  You are normal, Jimmy.  I think everyone who experiences injury/down time feels like that when they start again.   It takes a while to get over it, but you'll get there.  And I sure hope you have no future issues, that all your running from here on in is smooth sailing!  And I'm going with Auburn against South Carolina, I can't stand Steve Spurrier.  Which Gail thinks is funny, lol, she always teases me about it, and then she adds insult to injury by - GASP Shocked  - rooting for South Carolina too...

        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        Former Bad Ass

          I am not running much today not because of me, but because hubby is not going to do more than 2-3 so if I have time, I'll run more.  If not, that is OK too.


          But a short distance for me would be 6, since you asked.



            Scotty, the high today is supposed to be 34, and that might be our last time above freezing for the week. It gets cold here when it gets dry. When it warms up, it rains.

            Amazonian Princess

              Good afternoon!


              Still buried at work - mostly because I refuse to go back to 12 hours days but also catching up post-vacation and prepping for annual employee performance evals. It's so much fun to want to say "you really suck" but have to say "there is opportunity for improvement" Joking


              Started a running streak for the holiday season a few days ago. Hope it will help keep off some seasonal weight gain and it'll be interesting to see what I can do. Can't be disappointed since I've never done it before Smile


              Have a great day!

              I can. I will. I am. 


              Return To Racing

                Rain held us to 3.25 miles, but holiday streak is intact.


                I probably spend 2 minutes a day at work, doing personal business online, mostly checking news.  Whenever my boss gets a usage report and tells me to stop, I tell her I will.  Too bad I have a short memory.



                  Finally home again after five weeks on the road.  I planned to run, but after unloading the truck and the camper, starting laundry and restocking the groceries, I'm wiped out.  It was a good trip -- saw a lot of family I haven't seen for a few years -- but it was not good for my running.  Too much time sitting in the car or talking with family, too much unhealthy food, too little hiking, and almost no running. In a way that was good, because I think my osteitis is really healed, but now I'm having to start almost from scratch again, and that is frustrating.  I was supposed to do a 10K race this Saturday, but after 5 months of only running once a week, there is no way I'm in shape for it.  I could finish, but for my first 10k, I'd really rather be ready for it.


                    Ginny, glad to hear you are healed. Worst part of injury is the restarting. It's not fun those first weeks That's for sure!  Glad to see you again!



                    bin, no soreness? Really? Wow!  Ultra runner!


                    jack n cher, getting close!


                    I went to the gym today. Did a Pilates class & she did lots of ab work.  Then I did hips and thighs on a machine Out in the main gym with all the grunting meat heads. Smile

                    Gonna try a "long" run tomorrow.





                      G'afternoon or even evening for some of you!


                      *sings* I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more....


                      Scotty-- that's some weird flip/floppin weather you're having there.  You just need to dress more like that bearded fellow in your profile picture for your races this coming weekend.


                      Jack-- Massage?  Ohhhh, you lucky dawg!  That sounds marvelous!


                      Phillie-- ugh@ lack of privacy!   I hope this new location stuff turns out okay.  Good deal though with the upswing in the workout plans.


                      HsM-- *sigh*  I know... wish you could snap your fingers and be better already.


                      kristin-- your weekend sounded so fun.  Too bad your run wasn't nearly as nice.  Sad   I'm sorry the shin pain isn't going away.


                      Bin-- you're barely sore?  That's wonderful!   You really did some good training so perhaps you won't have much stiffness at all.  No need to rush back into a schedule though.


                      Jimmy-- Hugs to you.  Weight training might be every bit as good for your weight as running.  Hopefully you'll be up and running fairly soon though, and feel more comfortable about it.


                      Baconista-- Holey cow, your legs look strong in your new profile pic!  I keep hoping to get a strong leg pic-- never have Confused I so hope you don't go back to 12 hour days.  Life shouldn't be all about just making a living.  Good luck with the running streak.  You may really surprise yourself.


                      Ginny-- it's so nice to have you back!  You might not always get to run, but I swear you're our most adventurous penguin.  Good luck getting everything back in order and getting back to a routine again though.


                      tracilynn-- great job to you for making yourself do all the cross training stuff that I typically avoid!


                      Only did just over 3 today, and went and got my teeth cleaned only to find out that I need 2 new caps on my teeth... YUCK!!!!


                      "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                      Smaller By The Day

                        Gustav - I'm betting that mileage varies greatly from person to person.  I'm about to run some undetermined distance myself.


                        Docket - By short run, do you mean "not a marathon"?


                        Jerry - Your boss is a cat?  Enjoy your run.


                        Stonefence - I've had those days.  I can't wait for my run today though.  I haven't been able to run much in the past week.


                        Scotty - I was thinking about running a 5k this weekend, but the high is 22.  I don't know if I'm going to do that.


                        Dan - Good to see you again.


                        Jack - When's your race again?


                        Philliefan - That doesn't sound fun at all.  You definitely need a really good smart phone :-)


                        Zel - The cold weather followed us out of Indiana, and then it followed us out of the North West.  Sorry about that!


                        HsM - I hope the follow up visit is positive.  Take care of yourself.


                        Kristin - You've been absentee?  I had trouble finding the igloo.


                        Bin - Take your time man.  Rest those legs.


                        Weight 100 pounds lost

                        5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                        10K 48:59 April 2013

                        HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                        MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


                        Smaller By The Day

                          obiebyke - I'm opting for the treadmill tonight.  I'm not ready for running in the dark and rain yet.  Soon enough.


                          jblackjr - That was a craaaaazzzyyyy game, and I missed it!


                          baconista - I'm going through that post-vacation catch up phase as well. That sucks.


                          Ginny - I hear ya.  Sittin' and driving is tough for me when I'm working, but last week was 4700 miles of driving.  I need to sttrrreeeeetch!


                          tracilynn - Enjoy the long run tomorrow.


                          She Can - Ugh...dentists!  I want one that will just work quickly, and not talk to me when my mouth has equipment in it.


                          AFM - I haven't gotten much running in during the last week.  I drove from Indiana to Washington and back for Thanksgiving.  That was a lot of fun.  I did run a Turkey Trot out there.  I guess I went into it with a few misunderstandings.  The beginning wasn't chipped timed, just the finish line.  MOST of the people who lined up in the front weren't exactly racing.  Most were running with friends.  So there was a lot of dodging and running all over the place at the beginning.  Then, there were the dogs, and strollers.  Yep, both just right up front.  Then, there were hills, hills and more hills.  I ran the second mile in 7:25, once I got out of the pack.  Then, the 3rd mile was really tough.  It was almost all uphill, and steep.  My Garmin said that I was about 1 minute off of my PR, and the gun time said that I was 1:30 off of my PR.  It was a lot of fun, but I was hoping for another PR attempt this year.  Not sure the 5K this weekend is going to work out either.  Oh well, spring is right around the corner.


                          Weight 100 pounds lost

                          5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                          10K 48:59 April 2013

                          HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                          MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


                          Team TJ

                            Good evening everyone.


                            I got in 5.1 miles today.


                            Bin, nice job with your race.  Glad you aren't sore and able to get back at it.

                            Running for TJ because he can't.



                              She Can - Ugh...dentists!  I want one that will just work quickly, and not talk to me when my mouth has equipment in it.

                              Aint that the truth!  Just get it done.  That's how the lady that was cleaning my teeth today was.  She quietly just cleaned and checked my teeth without a lot of asking me questions I couldn't answer.  It makes it so much more pleasant for me to just lie back and try to zone out.



                              AFM - I haven't gotten much running in during the last week.  I drove from Indiana to Washington and back for Thanksgiving.  That was a lot of fun.  I did run a Turkey Trot out there.  I guess I went into it with a few misunderstandings.  The beginning wasn't chipped timed, just the finish line.  MOST of the people who lined up in the front weren't exactly racing.  Most were running with friends.  So there was a lot of dodging and running all over the place at the beginning.  Then, there were the dogs, and strollers.  Yep, both just right up front.  Then, there were hills, hills and more hills.  I ran the second mile in 7:25, once I got out of the pack.  Then, the 3rd mile was really tough.  It was almost all uphill, and steep.  My Garmin said that I was about 1 minute off of my PR, and the gun time said that I was 1:30 off of my PR.  It was a lot of fun, but I was hoping for another PR attempt this year.  Not sure the 5K this weekend is going to work out either.  Oh well, spring is right around the corner.


                              Glad you had fun though.  I guess so many non-runners in a race (such as turkey trots and jinglebell jogs) don't really understand the etiquette of not starting in front if they're going to be slow.  Though a timing chip certainly would have helped!  After all those hills, you need another race this week to PR in.

                              Anyway, I'm just glad you had a good drive with safe weather for your trip.  Welcome back!


                              "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                              Skirt Runner

                                awood- missed check-in Sunday and Monday. It happens.

                                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to
