Beginners and Beyond

Good news . . . it looks as if RW has a handle on the spam problem. (Read 1300 times)

    Damn it, LRB. Let it go. We're talking about dicks now.

      Damn it, LRB. Let it go. We're talking about dicks now.

      So I see.  Carry on.



          When I worked at a water park in Grand Prairie Texas back in the 80s (White Water, for those who care), there was a place called International Wildlife Park across the street.  You'd drive your car through fake savannah and see animals and such.


          Anyway, we had two radio systems... one of which shared the same frequency as IWP.  So we got to listen in when calls were placed.  For stuff like "the hippo is stuck in the x".


          The general manager of IWP?  The one who got the most urgent calls?


          Yup.  Mike Hunt.


          Just like in Porkys. 


          I live in GP and drive by where the park used to be every day.

            For all you lawyer types & those who just enjoy snickering at a dirty name, I dug up that old case.  It was  Blacker v. Rod, 87 A.2d 634 (D.C. Mun. App. 1952).  An exceedingly dry and boring default judgment case, but for the name of the defendant .... (I misremembered him as the plaintiff) ......


            We are asked to review an order vacating a default judgment. The action grows out of the sale of a house to the plaintiff. The contract contains the name of defendant Harry Rod throughout as broker and as agent and is signed "Biron & Rod, Inc., by Harry Rod, Treas." Defendant was the person with whom the plaintiff dealt. According to the complaint, defendant made certain promises to repair and remodel the house in question. Alleging that he failed to do so, plaintiff instituted suit in May 1950.


            I wonder if it is now considered a form of child abuse if your last name is Rod to give your son the first name of Harry.

            You Rang?

               I wonder if it is now considered a form of child abuse if your last name is Rod to give your son the first name of Harry.


              In a prior life, I regurarly delt with an Assistant District Attorney named Harry Johnson.  He is a nice guy, but on cross examination, he was hard as a rock.


              PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)

                In a prior life, I regurarly delt with an Assistant District Attorney named Harry Johnson.  He is a nice guy, but on cross examination, he was hard as a rock.


                Awesome.  Big grin

                  I just counted twenty-nine spam and twenty-one legitimate threads on the first page at RWOL. Under control, my... Is there an FB page?

                  Are we there, yet?

                    Just back from the BF. I saw only one spam thread on the first 3 pages and the OP of that thread had not been reported yet - one of those spam theads where one spammer posted and another posted a reply so you wouldn't know who th efirst spammer was unless you moused over the title or opened the thread.

                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                    registered pw

                      Meh, too little too late.

                      2017 goals:

                      sub 1:30 half 



                        Today's KK update for those who care.  And if you don't, that's a-ok.  Just back out of the thread, and spin like Michael Jackson.


                        I think my personal favorite piece is that Pluck does not have the ability to delete users.  The who in the what now??




                        Forums Update

                        Hi. Just wanted to give everybody an update on where we're at with the forums. We're making some progress.

                        We now have it set up so that if a thread is started by a blocked user (i.e., a spammer) that thread does not appear in the list of threads within a forum.

                        Unfortunately, Pluck doesn't offer the ability to delete a user. They only make the user's posts invisible. So if you see a page that lists only 10 threads, that's because the other 40 are being hidden. (Yes, it's a bad design. We know. Don't get me started.)

                        It's possible to manually delete threads, but since our spam posts number in the tens of thousands, deleting them manually isn't a viable option. We are working with Pluck to determine how we can do batch deletions of spam posts.

                        We've made a few other improvements. The mobile version of the forums is now better formatted for a small screen. We've added a breadcrumb trail at the bottom of threads so you can navigate from one thread to another more easily. And we've fixed a handful of other bugs.

                        Obviously we are still not where we want to be. We are really sorry that the forums aren't working as they should. We want to get them stable in the short-term, and we are looking for an alternative solution longer-term.

                        Rodale recognizes what an extraordinarily vibrant community we have in the Runner's World forums, and we are committed to offering a website that enables that community to thrive. The road is bumpy right now -- we know. Please hang in there, and we'll sort this out.



                        Not a dude

                          Rodale recognizes what an extraordinarily vibrant community we have had in the Runner's World forums, and we are committed to offering a website that enables that community to thrive (or at least that's what we're supposed to tell you). The road is bumpy right now -- we know. Please hang in there, and we'll sort this out.


                            I missed that update when I checked in over there, SRL.  Thanks for bringing it up.


                              The update tells me very clearly that despite the lack of spam on the current pages, they don't really have a handle on it.


                              And, a platform that doesn't allow deletion of users is... this is bad. Very bad.


                              And perhaps the dumbest thing ever to mention publicly.  Holy crap.



                              Not a dude

                                The update tells me very clearly that despite the lack of spam on the current pages, they don't really have a handle on it.


                                And, a platform that doesn't allow deletion of users is... this is bad. Very bad.


                                And perhaps the dumbest thing ever to mention publicly.  Holy crap.


                                Yeah, that is just beyond stupid.


                                Anyone want to take bets on how much spam hits over the weekend?