Beginners and Beyond

Such is SaturDAILIES (Read 40 times)




    I only have 6.5 to run today, which seems kind of low for a Saturday.


    Adding in tomorrow's LR, that is all I need to hit my modest mileage target for the week, so I probably should enjoy it because things only go up from here.


    Now then, what's your number for today?


    delicate flower

      Hello, morning people of the internet, now about WAKIN' UP!  I've got 3-4 easy shakeout miles to do later with 10K obliteration staring me in the face tomorrow.  First up though is a trip to the bagel place for an egg sammich, then a trip to the grocery store.  #saturday



        I was going to run a double at recovery pace, like 5 and 5, and then have my LR tomorrow. But I found out that I am registered for an all day first aid course tomorrow, between 8 am and 5 pm. Running 17-18 miles before or after the class doesn't appeal to me, so I guess I have no choice but to run the LR today. sigh...

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

        Little Blue

          OH what a bee-u-ti-ful MORRRRRRRnnnning,

          OH what a bee-u-ti-ful DAYYYYYYYYYYYYY ....


          Oh ....hi ...



          6.2 on the rail trail this morning.  I was going to call it a RD, until I stepped outside with the dog.  Oh, yeah.  65-65, sunny, slight breeze, trail mostly in the shade.  I had no plan when I started, just went for a while, then went back.  And now it's only 9:30 and I have the rest of the day to work on my endless to-do list.


            You seem in a great mood little blue.


            I ran 10. Easier than yesterday's 8, but still not easy. But guess what? The bros thought about that and decided that I only have 10 to run tomorrow, you know, so I'm in good enough shape to tackle on the program's hardest week starting on Monday.


            MTA: Which makes me think that Mr. PNW is finishing the said "hardest week of the program" with tomorrow's long run.


            Are we there, yet?

              OH what a bee-u-ti-ful MORRRRRRRnnnning,

              OH what a bee-u-ti-ful DAYYYYYYYYYYYYY ....


              Oh ....hi ...



              6.2 on the rail trail this morning.  I was going to call it a RD, until I stepped outside with the dog.  Oh, yeah.  65-65, sunny, slight breeze, trail mostly in the shade.  I had no plan when I started, just went for a while, then went back.  And now it's only 9:30 and I have the rest of the day to work on my endless to-do list.


              OH what a bee-u-ti-ful FEEEEELING...

              Everything's going your way!

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





              Former Bad Ass

                Morning.  I have 7 miles tonight.  Woke up less than an hour ago.  Love sleeping in.



                  Well aren't we a happy bunch today.


                  I guess I can join the crew.  I had a really nice run with a friend last night, and 6 easy planned for later today.


                    I had no plan when I started, just went for a while, then went back.



                    Those are the best.


                    Oh, and good MORRRRRRRnnnning! lol


                      You seem in a great mood little blue.


                      I ran 10. Easier than yesterday's 8, but still not easy. But guess what? The bros thought about that and decided that I only have 10 to run tomorrow, you know, so I'm in good enough shape to tackle on the program's hardest week starting on Monday.


                      MTA: Which makes me think that Mr. PNW is finishing the said "hardest week of the program" with tomorrow's long run.


                      I'm not following that thing quite as closely as you are, and I'm honestly not sure what the hardest week is supposed to be. But I do plan to make tomorrow a good one, and things should start to ease up slightly after that. Today: 8.


                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        5.97 very easy. It was too nice this morning to not run.

                        Little Blue

                          5.97 very easy. It was too nice this morning to not run.


                          That .03 would bug me until I ran to the end of my driveway and back.


                            With a Tuesday of 3x2, a Thursday of 10 at MP and a Sunday LR, to me that is the hardest week of the cycle, just before a Hansons taper (not much of a taper in the first 2 weeks)

                            Half Crazy K 2.0


                              That .03 would bug me until I ran to the end of my driveway and back.


                              Yesterday was 6.07, so I figure it evens itself out.


                              Are we there, yet?


                                Yesterday was 6.07, so I figure it evens itself out.


                                Garmin error!

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.