Beginners and Beyond


Dismal Swamp Stomp Half Marathon RR, 3rd place AG (Read 117 times)

    GreatGreat job Dave, that AG award is very cool!

    First Race

    Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

    Second Race

    Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08


      Thanks Oski! I'm loving the AG award, way better than a medal.


      Thanks Tomas! Smile


      Thanks Jack! I'm not sweating the PR at all, very happy with how I raced. Can't wait to run Boston, especially now, but I was already really looking forward to it. Not sure if I'm going to be able to make next year, having a really hard time finding a marathon that I could qualify at before registration opens in Sept. Might just have to stick to my original plan and qualify next year and then run it in 2015, which would still be awesome.


      Thanks LB! I was really surprised when I noticed my pace pick up and then realized that I was motivating myself. Smile


      Thanks Brad! Definitely learned my lesson. I felt like I had recovered, but as you know, there's a huge difference between how you feel on an easy run and how you feel at race pace. I'm still very happy with my effort. Looking forward to four more months of training and my next half in Sept, I just hope it's not as hot as it was last year, that'll make a PR very difficult.


      Thanks Kristin! Like I said, I wasn't sure if I should post it or not, but I think it's good for us to remember the good stuff about running. I'm really looking forward to everyone's RRs from Boston, but I realize that those may take some more time before they're ready to post.


      Thanks Luke! Definitely love the fleece, nice change from the run of the mill t-shirt.


      Thanks Damaris! I'm still surprised at how I've been able to progress. Looking forward to my 5k on the 27th to see what kind of speed I have now in a short race, should be fun.


      Thanks Ginny! I saw the trophys sitting on the bandstand before the race and thought how cool they looked, and that maybe next year I'd be fast enough to get one. lol


      Thanks Zel! I definitely enjoy being able to recover so quickly. Love my lil runner, he's so awesome! I really hope running sticks with him, altho like I said, I'm going to try not to push it, and just let him enjoy it if that's what he wants to do.


      Thanks Mitch! It's funny, the bird turns, so each time I pass it in the living room, I turn it a different way. Haven't decided which way I like it best yet. lol


      Thanks Bin! Smile


      Thanks Makk!


      Thanks Sparker! I love unique awards. There's a 5k around Halloween that I want to run, wasn't able to last year, but it's run in a cemetary and the AG awards are marble headstones, I want one so bad.


      My running blog

      Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


      Go figure

        Sweet mallard (crane?)!  That's awesome that you got to share the event with your son.  I think he has a great race strategy!  As for the race, there's not much you can do about a head wind.  At least you learned something about your taper schedule and what works for you.  That may be something that changes over time, but for now, you have a good idea what you shouldn't do next time.  Also, the first HM probably has as much to do with this one being a little tougher as anything else.  Anyway, nice job giving it all you had at the end and squeezing out that second sub 1:30.

        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


          That AG trophy is awesome and gigantic!  Nice race and PR, you're amazing!


            Congrats on an awesome race and I really enjoyed reading your RR. I think you did a great job of post-race analysis and will be even stronger come this September. You've been gifted with some serious natural speed and I look forward to seeing what the future brings in your racing career. BTW, I love the photos of you and your son running the Cub Run. Enjoy each day because they do grow up soooo fast.


            That's also an awesome AG award (it's a Blue Heron, BTW SIAR) and the race swag.

            Train smart ... race smarter.


            Go figure

              That's also an awesome AG award (it's a Blue Heron, BTW SIAR) and the race swag.



              Thanks. A budding ornithologist I am not!

              Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

                Just saw your Race Report Dave, Great run!  Another sub-1:30, that is awesome!    -- I am surprised I didn't see you out there at the post-race.  -- You must not have headed for the beeeeer area?  That is where I was, lol.   I was planning on "taking it easy" while out there running since my bigger race is this weekend, but I still blew my PR out of the water.  Previously was 1:51, finished the Swamp in 1:43 and oddly still felt fully rested after, so I was stoked. :-)   The wind on the way back in was a little rough after the turnaround I agree.  I am sure glad it wasn't raining though.   --I ran most of the race with the 1:45 pacers, I forget their names, but I thanked them immensely for pacing me the first 11 miles.  They must have known who you were because they were also ywlling "great job dave" as we passed ya going back the other way.


                Nice AG award too!  Mettle Events always has great AG awards for their races.  If you ever run their 5K at the Duathlon event in Surry, VA, You can get a nice carved duck from that race and start a great collection. :-)


                The Plan '15 →   ///    "Run Hard, Live Easy."   ∞


                  Dave - Fabulous race!   You are so freaking fast, even when you don't taper optimally!!   I really enjoyed the pic of you and your son with your medals - very cool!!    That AG award is completely AWESOME!!!

                  But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.



                    Great job! A fantastic time. Smile

                    - Andrew

                    Ball of Fury

                      Amazing job!  Congrats on the AG it!

                      PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                      Barking Mad To Run

                        Congrats to you and your son!


                        Dang, that is some nice race swag and a really unique trophy!

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                          Thanks SIAR! I believe Bruce is correct, think it's supposed to be a heron. I am definitely learning something new with every race that I run, which is good. Also means that I need to race more, which is my plan, going to try to do lots of short races over the summer.


                          Thanks Dreamn! Yeah, it's pretty big, put it on the mantle. Smile


                          Thanks Bruce! I couldn't be happier with how far I've come in such a short time, can't wait to see what the future holds with more training. It definitely goes by quick, we have a senior getting ready to go to college, I swear it was just last week that he was 5. lol


                          Thanks Kris! I had to skip the beer and socializing, got to say hi to a couple of people, but after my race, I went back to the house to pick up the wife and boy (they didn't want to wait around while I raced lol), and then immediately after the cub run we had to head straight to his t-ball game. Hopefully next time I can relax a lil more after the race. Great job on your race too, awesome PR! Greg was one of the pacers in your group, I remember him saying hi, unfortunately he caught me inbetween breaths and I was only able to wave, didn't get a chance to say thanks or hi back. lol This my first Mettle event, but it was great, definitely looking forward to doing more.


                          Thanks Pink! I love running with him! It's so funny, because now, he'll be sitting there eating a snack and if you ask him what he's doing, he'll say, "I'm carb loading!" LOL


                          Thanks Brrrrrrr! Smile


                          Thanks Ami! Now I want to do the 5k Kris was talking about so I can get a duck to go with it! lol


                          Thanks Scotty! Definitely some of the best swag and the best trophy I've seen. I'm going to stay on the lookout for more of their races. The finish video is pretty cool too, altho I think I look like a total goof. Smile


                          My running blog

                          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

                          YAYpril - B-Plus

                            Congratulations, DD! That trophy is very cool.


                              Thanks April!  I'm loving the trophy.  I still can't believe I actually placed in a half, crazy.


                              My running blog

                              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                                Great job once again. The heron is really cool.  We have those around our lakes here.  I see them on many of my runs.

                                Like the pic of you and little Dave.  Your shoes are hawt.  Big grin



