Beginners and Beyond


Suh-weet! SaturDAILIES (Read 51 times)



    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury  to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours.


      Mornin' Dailyites!


      Did 9 this morning. Kind of a blah run, but it's done.


      Have a great day and a fantastic weekend!

      Hip Redux



        Heading out for 6 on the rail trail (my "long run" for the week, whee) in a bit.   But first - bacon and eggs and a cuppa joe!  Big grin


        Happy weekend, y'all.


        YAYpril - B-Plus

          Morning, sleepyheads!


          May the Fourth be with you!


          I'm still super sore from my strength training on Thursday. Sheesh. I would like to get out at some point for an undetermined distance. We'll see if I can run through it today.


          Run to live; live to run

            Morning. More rain so I waited some again. Just means I need to go to the neighborhood next to ours since today is neighborhood wide yard sale in ours and dodging cars not what I want to do.



              Good morning ladies!


              I awoke at 7:15 thinking it was noon I am so unused to sleeping in that late!


              I have speed work on tap today but first a few laps in a pool of Pike Place Roast!

              YAYpril - B-Plus


                I have speed work on tap today but first a few laps in a pool of Pike Place Roast!


                That sounds lovely. The coffee, not the speedwork. Smile Pass some my way.


                   That sounds lovely. The coffee, not the speedwork. Smile Pass some my way.


                  Of course.  There's enough for everyone!



                  delicate flower

                    Happy Vacation Day Four!  I eat good as my Facebook updates indicate.  Headed for a three hour "safari" tour at the Animal Kingdom park today.  Should be fun!  Looks like we finally get some nice weather today.  It has rained a lot.


                    I treadmilled for 15 minutes yesterday.  It still doesn't count...



                      Good morning peeps.


                      Following LRB's lead, I managed to sleep in until just after 7 this morning and had no clue what was going on because it was so bright. For now I am completely content to sit in my recliner and drink coffee while following the Indy Mini 500 tracking. The 17 year old son of our dear family friends is running it again (he finished top 500 last year) and he's on target for a 1:25ish finish ... why is speed wasted on the youth? Wink

                      Train smart ... race smarter.


                        I treadmilled for 15 minutes yesterday.  It still doesn't count...


                        Someone is not smelling the flowers.  Joking

                        Jack K.

                        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI


                          Of course.  There's enough for everyone!



                          Thanks LRB, I needed that!


                          Baboon: have a great time and say "hi" to Goofy for me.


                          After five straight days of recovery runs it's a rest day for me. We are off to a swim meet with younger DD. Have a good day, Dailies.

                          Hip Redux

                            Heck yeah!  I love good weekend weather Smile



                            Ball of Fury

                              What's up dailies!!  Ran the 5K this morning, since I couldn't do the HM.  Was going pretty well and I was in 7th (females) at mile 2 but then I had to stop and stretch my hip and sorta lost my groove.  Anyway, 23:39, which looks like 11th OA female and 1st AG but the standings aren't quite updated yet to include those of us who ran the 5K with Mini bibs.  It was an ok race I guess but not my best effort.  DH pr'd the Mini by 1:30 so that's great!! I will admit to crying a bit at the finish line, especially when the runner who was supposed to pace me in the HM finished at 1:44:15, which would have been right on my goal.  Oh well, enough whining and onto to mending myself!


                              Phil:  Isn't the Expedition Everest Challenge at AK today?


                              Bruce:  That's awesome..hope he got a top 500 metal!  I was tracking like 10 different people, which was fun.


                              Everyone else:  Have a great day!!

                              PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                                Morning, dailies!  Walking for me today, of course!  I am thinking I should probably add some quad exercises, too.


                                fla- Glad you got the miles in!


                                Oski- That's a longer run than mine for the week!


                                April- I bet you'll feel good once you've warmed up!


                                Marjorie- Good luck getting a good route to run on!


                                LRB- Enjoy the speed work!


                                Phil- Cheater!


                                Bruce- Enjoy your day!


                                Jack- Enjoy the RD!


                                Ami- Congrats on the AG win!  You'll be back to the HM soon, I'm sure!
