Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES: Back to Business (Read 37 times)


    Good morning.


    It snowed again overnight. And with the cold temps and darkness my motivation level for going out to run in that nonsense was less than zero. You can only sit around lamenting the weather and conditions for so long however. At some point, you have to do what we do, so I did: 5 miles.


    Former Bad Ass

      Morning!  RD for me.



      Super B****

        8.3 on the AlterG... mostly with my eyes closed because I am tired.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


        delicate flower

          Good morning, friends!  This morning's pre-work run was colder than most runs I'll have between now and springtime.  A SOLID winter morning out there.  There will be runs that are colder than 15 degrees, but not many.  I did 5 miles at the track, and DW did her run too, so we were able to enjoy the cold together.  My easy pace has gotten faster again.  7:35 avg pace at a legit easy jog, which also happens to be faster than BQ pace.  I had my Garmin covered up, so I was surprised to see that pace.  I was figuring it'd be closer to 8:30.  Got a tempo run to do tonight too.


          I turned down my invitation to our project go-live appreciation party after work tonight.  First of all, I've got to get home and take of the dog, as I can't leave her alone for that long, and second, FTS.  I've lost enough nights, weekends, and vacations to that damn project already, not to mention too many of the people that are going have been pissing me off lately and I have no desire to spend any of my free time with them.



          delicate flower

            Speaking of work pissing me off, the plan after the Space Coast Marathon was to spend three days bopping around Universal Studios and I was very much looking forward to that.  Yesterday I was informed that I am needed back in the office Monday afternoon, so my Universal plans are now cancelled.  I hate this job lately.



              This morning's pre-work run was colder than most runs I'll have between now and springtime.  A SOLID winter morning out there.  There will be runs that are colder than 15 degrees, but not many.  I did 5 miles at the track, and DW did her run too, so we were able to enjoy the cold together.  My easy pace has gotten faster again.  7:35 avg pace at a legit easy jog, which also happens to be faster than BQ pace.  I had my Garmin covered up, so I was surprised to see that pace.  I was figuring it'd be closer to 8:30.  Got a tempo run to do tonight too.


              So all you need now is a marathon where it's 15 degrees, on a track, and you can easy jog your way into a BQ!



                So all you need now is a marathon where it's 15 degrees, on a track, and you can easy jog your way into a BQ!


                or better yet, run 6:35 MP because if you can easy jog at 7:35, surely your MP isn't slower than 6:35.


                  It snowed again overnight. And with the cold temps and darkness my motivation level for going out to run in that nonsense was less than zero. You can only sit around lamenting the weather and conditions for so long however. At some point, you have to do what we do, so I did: 5 miles.


                  Yup here too. I think I'm gonna be at the indoor track because dark + slippery + fast running doesn't work well



                    It snowed again overnight. And with the cold temps and darkness my motivation level for going out to run in that nonsense was less than zero. You can only sit around lamenting the weather and conditions for so long however. At some point, you have to do what we do, so I did: 5 miles.


                    Is there an indoor track close to where you are? It definitely is a nice compromise between outdoor running and a treadmill, and might be worth extra driving time to go there.



                      Is there an indoor track close to where you are? It definitely is a nice compromise between outdoor running and a treadmill, and might be worth extra driving time to go there.


                      for sure. mine is my saving grace when the roads are bad outside. I just bought a 20-pack pass the other night cause the way this winter has been I'm gonna use that for sure.


                        Speaking of work pissing me off, the plan after the Space Coast Marathon was to spend three days bopping around Universal Studios and I was very much looking forward to that.  Yesterday I was informed that I am needed back in the office Monday afternoon, so my Universal plans are now cancelled.  I hate this job lately.


                        Hopefully that is not a permanent feeling. We spend so much time at work, hating your job must make for a pretty miserable life.

                          46 mins run/stand on the mill, 31:20 of actual running at 2%... slowing adding reps and will really slowly increase pace.


                          not satisfying  but but right ham feels really good


                          Super B****


                            Hopefully that is not a permanent feeling. We spend so much time at work, hating your job must make for a pretty miserable life.


                            Gallup poll says 85% of people hate their jobs so there's lots of company here

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog



                              Gallup poll says 85% of people hate their jobs so there's lots of company here


                              I just listened to a great podcast on Hidden Brain called BS jobs... and I was like yup. lol


                              Are we there, yet?


                                Gallup poll says 85% of people hate their jobs so there's lots of company here


                                I wonder how much of that is due to the job itself or the people one has to work for or with.

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles