Beginners and Beyond


Sunny Sundailies (Read 42 times)

    Headed downtown for a sunny shakeout, whatcha got planned?

    From the Internet.

      I'm going to go paint owls with my mom. SRD.


      delicate flower

        Hey!  Swim clinic, run, and misc stuff going on today.  I miss racing.




          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


            Hello there.


            I shalleth attempteth a runneth after my morning breweth.


              I have two weeks of planned un-planned running. If I choose an 18 week marathon training program, that will start in two weeks. So until then, two weeks of aerobic running. Think I'll run the Mount Royal today. It's beautiful out, and I'm sure I'll have a smile on my face all along. I stopped going there last year because of my hips (downhill running) but I've been exercising them a lot, and they might be fine now. I'll know later today Smile

              Tonight, going to the pub with friends to watch the hockey game. They chose a bar where they only serve major brewery stuff. That sucks. But hopefully that means I'll drink less Big grin


                Hey!  Swim clinic, run, and misc stuff going on today.  I miss racing.


                Little Blue

                  Happy Sunday, everyone!  We're looking at 80 degrees later today, and low humidity.  Love it!


                  I think I'll try a repeat of my 2 miles from yesterday. Only a stiff Achilles, no complaints.

                    Good Sunday morning, people.


                    Jay, thank you for starting today's thread.


                    Lauren, have fun painting owls with your mom.


                    Phil, enjoy swimming and running.


                    Shari, have a relaxing and refreshing SRD.


                    Rick, enjoy your coffee and have a pleasant run.


                    Cyberic99, enjoy running Mount Royal.


                    Little Blue, have an easy run.

                    Thursday afternoon, I used my break for a slow, easy run to confirm where the office of the macrobiotics counselor is. I found the place and did 3.10 miles in 29:41 (9:35 pace).


                    Friday, one of my kids was late being picked up, so I didn't have an alignment. I did have time to go to the gym for weights and 7.0 miles in 1:03:06 (9:01 pace).


                    I just finished 9.0 miles in 1:21:12 (9:01 pace). I hope to do weights and an hour of cardio later today.


                      Basya nice training. You're gonna do one hour of cardio today, after running? And what is the nature of that cardio training?

                        Cyberic99, I try to run at least four times per week and do an hour of non-running cardio twice per week. I hope to do my cardio on the AMT. I say that I hope because I had intended to do an hour on the AMT this pat Thursday morning but, when I arrived at the gym, one of the AMTs was already being used and the other was out of order:/


                          Watching the van marathon.


                          SRD # lost track


                          Run to live; live to run

                            I did 5.2. Now doing some more yard yoga



                              I did 5.2. Now doing some more yard yoga


                              From what I have seen, I shall call you the Yard Mastah!


                                Grand total of 3 miles this week.  And out of nowhere the back of my right knee started hurting yesterday.  Hopefully I can start back up tomorrow, but I'm not going to push it until I'm pain free.


                                Next race is a 10k on Memorial Day, and a few days off won't kill me. Smile


                                5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                                10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                                15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                                13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                                26.2 - TBD (someday)
