Beginners and Beyond


Showing Support for Boston by Qualifying in the next upcoming years BUT..... (Read 172 times)


    Well I just realized that since I'm hoping to run my first full in the fall of 2014, that means the earliest I could even possibly quality would put me into the 40+ age group. Smile  And that means that I "only" have to run right about my current HMP for a full in order to qualify.  I know that's several orders of magnitude above and beyond running that pace for a half, but at least it seems like it is within the realm of possibility.  And that's kind of exciting.


    Zelanie, my first marathon pace is now my recovery pace. So there is definitely huge gains made every year that you keep training. Especially at your age. It is a huge possibility for you that you will BQ eventually, if that's what you want. Smile

    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


      I think it is something l'd like to work towards.  I just wasn't sure if it was a realistic goal or not earlier.  I still won't know that until I see how I handle longer distances and higher mileage though.  I do think I like distances better than shorter races, though.  But still.  The marathon is its own beast.



      Zelanie, my first marathon pace is now my recovery pace. So there is definitely huge gains made every year that you keep training. Especially at your age. It is a huge possibility for you that you will BQ eventually, if that's what you want. Smile


        I was originally planning to qualify next year and run Boston in 2015, but after the bombing, like many others, I decided I wanted to try for this year.  But it looks like I'm going to have to go back to my original plan, can't find a race within a reasonable distance to try to qualify with, people apparently don't want to run marathons in the middle of the summer on the east coast, weird.  But it's probably for the best.  I think a lot of us were overwhelmed with emotions, and making decisions that could affect our long term running careers based on emotions probably isn't the best idea (there's a slight chance that I may have been considering running a qualifying marathon that is just two weeks from now, and while I can cover the distance, I fear the damage that I might have done to myself trying to BQ without proper preparation).


        So I will continue to train, and support Boston in any way I can, and if all goes well I will run Boston in 2015. Smile


        I think LTH's training guidelines are a great idea, and coincidentally, I should some close to that by the time I run my first marathon next year.


        You might want to check this thread. They have some info on some marathons happening before September 2013.

          I think it's important to remember that we can support the Boston marathon simply by spectating... They will have thousands of people wanting to register, just as they do every year. That is not the issue. The issue is, will the amazing crowd I saw cheering for me last Monday be the same next year? That is the real appeal of the Boston marathon, its spectators, not the runners... Also, the city of Boston has lost millions in revenues. It's with tourism that they will try to make up for it next year. I was accompanied by one family member this year. Next year, I plan on bringing 3. More money for Boston.


          Great post. And a terrific point made here by HL. I told my wife that even if I don't go back to run I want to be there to spectate and cheer on the runners. This race is truly a "celebration" that involves much much more than then actually 26.2 miles of running.


          For actually qualifying, I think LtH has some great advice. A lot of people tell me, "there is no way I could qualify" and the fact is a lot of people could. It takes work and some may have to work harder or longer than others but the qualifying standards are not some unrealistic goal. I would have laughed in your face 5 years ago had you told me I would be running Boston some day.





            1.  Get your BMI below 22. 


            2.  Run over 2,500 miles per year for at least two years.

            My gut feeling is that those two things alone are the most important and will get you 90% + to your goal.  And those are the absolute 2 hardest things for most people to do.



              Either way, I plan on running it by qualifying. It won't be 2014, and it won't be 2015. It might not be 2016, it might not be 2017 but it will be someday. I've learned a lot in just over a year, I've learned to trust and have faith in my body while pregnant and giving birth, through winter I learned that by training smart, listening to my body and pushing myself even when in doubt that I in fact improve and get faster and stronger. This year I am going  to focus on this Fall's 3 Half Marathons, increasing my mileage without injury, one of those HMs being sub 10 min/mile pace. My focus from now on is increasing mileage and getting stronger (and more confident). A BQ is possible, I know that now but I am in no hurry.

              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                I think it's important to remember that we can support the Boston marathon simply by spectating... They will have thousands of people wanting to register, just as they do every year. That is not the issue. The issue is, will the amazing crowd I saw cheering for me last Monday be the same next year? That is the real appeal of the Boston marathon, its spectators, not the runners... Also, the city of Boston has lost millions in revenues. It's with tourism that they will try to make up for it next year. I was accompanied by one family member this year. Next year, I plan on bringing 3. More money for Boston.


                Great great points!


                Edit: Plus now i don't have to run 15 more mpw and lose 20 lbs. What a relief! Smile



                  You might want to check this thread. They have some info on some marathons happening before September 2013.



                  Now you've gone and done it. lol  That Lehigh Valley race would give me a solid 4 months to train, and I have friends in the area that I could stay with to keep costs down.  But it would mean either not running the RnR half (that I've already paid for), or just running it super easy, altho is a 13 miler the week before a marathon that you want to BQ at a good idea?  And then there's trying to do Boston on a budget (the other part of the original plan was to have enough time to save up to do Boston).  Decisions, decisions.


                  My running blog

                  Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                    altho is a 13 miler the week before a marathon that you want to BQ at a good idea? 


                    Depends on your training...but yeah, it is part of some plans (Pftiz 55 to 70 calls for 13 the weekend before). On that plan, even with a gigantic clusterfuck blowup, I BQ'd on a flat/fast course. Based on your recent stuff, I'd say you're prepared to take on a plan like that and reap the results.

                    Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                    We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                    YAYpril - B-Plus

                      AND I LIVE HERE. I'd love to meet you. Just sayin. Smile


                      Now you've gone and done it. lol  That Lehigh Valley race would give me a solid 4 months to train, and I have friends in the area that I could stay with to keep costs down.  But it would mean either not running the RnR half (that I've already paid for), or just running it super easy, altho is a 13 miler the week before a marathon that you want to BQ at a good idea?  And then there's trying to do Boston on a budget (the other part of the original plan was to have enough time to save up to do Boston).  Decisions, decisions.


                      And to continue with the idea of this thread, I don't have a shot in hell in qualifying anytime soon. However, I've only been running about 3 years and while I don't have a lot of natural talent, I do have the time and physical ability to run lots of miles and work my ass off. I'll be 31 in a few months so I'd like to qualify before I get out of the 18-34 AG.



                        Depends on your training...but yeah, it is part of some plans (Pftiz 55 to 70 calls for 13 the weekend before). On that plan, even with a gigantic clusterfuck blowup, I BQ'd on a flat/fast course. Based on your recent stuff, I'd say you're prepared to take on a plan like that and reap the results.


                        That's the plan I was going to use!  Guess I should have looked at the schedule more closely when I read the book (twice lol).  So that would work perfectly, I would just treat the RnR like a regular medium/long run.


                        April, I would love to meet you, and Hilary, and everyone else that's up that way! Smile


                        My running blog

                        Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                           (there's a slight chance that I may have been considering running a qualifying marathon that is just two weeks from now, and while I can cover the distance, I fear the damage that I might have done to myself trying to BQ without proper preparation).




                          I've benn thinking about running a marathon here in two weeks, not having done any marathon training at all. I may be able to squeak out a BQ, but I'm not confident that will be good enough with rolling registration. So back to the original plan,


                          Go get that BQ Freesoul, no matter how long it takes.



                            I've benn thinking about running a marathon here in two weeks, not having done any marathon training at all. I may be able to squeak out a BQ, but I'm not confident that will be good enough with rolling registration. So back to the original plan,


                            Go get that BQ Freesoul, no matter how long it takes.


                            That was my thought too, if I were able to squeak out a BQ right now, it would be just barely, and that's probably not going to be good enough this year.  My original plan gives me an extra 5mins too, since I'd be 40 by race day 2015.  But I'm seriously thinking about this Sept race now, cause that's enough time to do a full 18 week Pfitz plan.  Then if I don't BQ by enough to get in, I keep training and go for 2015.


                            My running blog

                            Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                              Barring injury or a massive blowup, September is a lock for you. I could train for an earlier race, but I really want Chicago to be a goal race and not have anything get in its way. So 2015 for me. Good luck with training.


                              That was my thought too, if I were able to squeak out a BQ right now, it would be just barely, and that's probably not going to be good enough this year.  My original plan gives me an extra 5mins too, since I'd be 40 by race day 2015.  But I'm seriously thinking about this Sept race now, cause that's enough time to do a full 18 week Pfitz plan.  Then if I don't BQ by enough to get in, I keep training and go for 2015.


                                It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. (In the words of the Tom Hanks character from A League of Their Own.)


                                Not to demean the charity route, but as a runner I think the ultimate goal is to qualify on time.

                                What makes you think you can never qualify? You are young, you have plenty of time if that's what you decide to do (and are able to stay healthy...). I have less time and I am still way off, but I was somewhat encouraged by this thread from one of the main boards. People posted their first marathon time & their PR. Someone did an analysis (on the page I linked), while although not statistically sound, was interesting. Of the people whose first time was 4:00-4:30, the average was 4:17. For that group, the PR was 3:24. My first (and only so far) was 4:16. BQ time for my AG is 3:25. Voila, there is hope! (And even more in 2 years when my BQ time is 3:30!)

                                These numbers are almost a perfect match to my first 4 times.  I've hit 4:16:36, 4:17:45, 4:21:35, & 4:13:47.  You and I are the same age and I feel the same way about my goals because I know I haven't worked hard enough or eaten healthy enough to improve.


                                LTH describes exactly what I need to do.............
