Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #37 (Read 29 times)


Former Bad Ass


    I will shut up then.


    I will recheck tonight that it didn't change, just in case. At least I know the TM wasn't correct either since I ran at around that pace the day before for my tempo and I shouldn't have been able to run yesterday too at that pace without self-imploding, lol.




      That's the thing. It took me a few Al Goldstein 5Ks to wise up to the fact that it was stupid for me to pass everyone going up the hill, because they all passed me back in the last mile. But I LEARNED. He apparently never will. Because at the HM this past weekend, someone announced himself as the unofficial 1:30 pacer, and by mile 3, I and two other guys had become the tail end of that group. This person was tagging along, gasping and panting like he was having a stroke. You should not sound like that at mile 3 of a HM.


      He ended up running just under 1:40, and he was happy with that because it was only his second or third time doing it. Which begs the question: if sub-1:40 is a good time for you, and you recognize that, what the hell are you doing trying to hang with someone you know is pacing 1:30?! I just don't get it.


      I have a guy friend who runs 21-22 min 5k and bikes a lot. He ran a HM this past weekend in 2:02   All his training runs were 3-8 mi, at as fast he can possibly run, 3x week.

        8.25  two ‘New Loops’ of accotink... I deleted .8 of flat from the flat side and did excursions into a quiet neighborhood to get in some right hand road crown... and add some hills.

        From the Internet.

          ~50 min pool run AM and some weights (omg it's embarrassing how much strength I've lost), and we bought a rower so I'll do that at some point. Also taking this opportunity to try aggressively shedding a few pounds while maintaining as much aerobic fitness as possible with dumb boring cross-training. What's the worst that could happen, I'll get injured? Or the lack of cookies could kill me...


          Super B****


            I have a guy friend who runs 21-22 min 5k and bikes a lot. He ran a HM this past weekend in 2:02   All his training runs were 3-8 mi, at as fast he can possibly run, 3x week.


            Solid training plan right there

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog



              I don't even know what this means


              Mile 5:23
              HM: 1:35
              5k: 18:33
              10M: 1:10
              18M: 2:37
              HMx29 Mx7


              What the heck is HMx29 Mx7? What is it doing in that list? It shouldn't be there, therefore I have to fix what caused that to be amongst the list of PRs, or find the person who programmed that so that he/she can fix it.


              That is my mindset at work.


              I wasn't looking to see if the times made sense, I was looking at the non-time in the list



                Mile 5:23
                HM: 1:35
                5k: 18:33
                10M: 1:10
                18M: 2:37
                HMx29 Mx7


                What the heck is HMx29 Mx7? What is it doing in that list? It shouldn't be there, therefore I have to fix what caused that to be amongst the list of PRs, or find the person who programmed that so that he/she can fix it.


                That is my mindset at work.


                I wasn't looking to see if the times made sense, I was looking at the non-time in the list


                I assume it means this person has run 29 half marathons and 7 marathons. And I suppose it has just as much place on the list as anything else. It was useful to me know that HM time was not a one-off, it’s not like the person has never tried running them.




                  I assume it means this person has run 29 half marathons and 7 marathons. And I suppose it has just as much place on the list as anything else. It was useful to me know that HM time was not a one-off, it’s not like the person has never tried running them.


                  Makes sense now that you say it. But when I saw the list, I did not understand that. Thought it was a glitch.


                  MTA: Oh, why isn't there a marathon PR time in the list, then?


                    I did a 6x800 workout last week, and it was meh. Trying to decide whether to do it again to see if it goes better, or upping it to 1000s or 1200s. Or maybe 8x800. The only purpose is to start working on getting some speed back after mostly easy running for 2 months. This weekend is 12 weeks till marathon.



                    Are we there, yet?

                      Unrelated to anything, but that's okay since I'm the queen of non sequiturs... does anyone else see anything, um... "off" about this? (It helps if I include that the marathons range from 4:18 to 5:55.)


                      Mile 5:23
                      HM: 1:35
                      5k: 18:33
                      10M: 1:10
                      18M: 2:37
                      HMx29 Mx7


                      An indication that training mileage is very low and/or extremely poor pacing for the longer distances.  Note a 5K PB that fast is often indicative of sub-3:00 marathon potential.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles






                        Solid training plan right there


                        Right? We probably all did something similar when starting out. But he had the same 'training plan' 2 years ago and tore his hamstring. Like it took him a year to be able to run again. And he's back to running FAST for every single run. This won't end well.



                          My masseuse advised me to get back to taking magnesium, the massage went good and was relaxing with a few trigger points. Hopefully it helps.


                          I did a thing... I bought a pair of the new Ravenna 11's  I'm sure they won't work for me, but damn it I want so badly to be back in the shoes I've worn since 2010!

                          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                          Super B****


                            Makes sense now that you say it. But when I saw the list, I did not understand that. Thought it was a glitch.


                            MTA: Oh, why isn't there a marathon PR time in the list, then?


                            This was kind of my point. He is aware that his marathon PR time is not at all in line with the rest of them, so he just didn't include it, because it messes with his perception of himself as an elite runner. And no, I am not making that up; he really does think he's going to the Olympics one day. I mean, the 18M is not in line with the rest of them either but that's not a standard distance so people are less likely to notice.

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                            Super B****


                              Right? We probably all did something similar when starting out. But he had the same 'training plan' 2 years ago and tore his hamstring. Like it took him a year to be able to run again. And he's back to running FAST for every single run. This won't end well.


                              Like I said... some people are a little slower on the uptake than others.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                              Super B****


                                An indication that training mileage is very low and/or extremely poor pacing for the longer distances.  Note a 5K PB that fast is often indicative of sub-3:00 marathon potential.


                                Yes. If you aren't delusional enough to start a marathon thinking you're going to run 2:30, anyway.

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog