Beginners and Beyond


TuesDAILIES: Business as Usual (Read 35 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0


    Rain in April is a virtue. 


    You ever run a mile all out? You should try it. 👍👍


    I should spend the $2 in June and do the running club's track one.


      From what I read, he didn't cut the course short, but rather ran 2 OTHER miles of the course, which DQs him anyway.  He got lost and came to the finish line from the wrong side.  I guess it was not his day.


      The post I read didn't state it that way but that he didn't make the cutoff rendered it a moot point. That was suck on top of suck is was what I was saying.




        That is Gary's blog, I read it and yeah... just reading made me feel sick and sorry for him.

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

        No more marathons


          I'm guessing you're gonna kill that workout.


          I pretty much did.  Goal for a 5K would be around 7:00 pace.


          First set averaged 7:05 (kinda moseyed on the first one), second set at 6:55, and last set at 6:50.

          And other than the last two I don't really think I was putting myself out there too much.  I wouldn't have been able to do all twelve much faster, but I wasn't dying either.


          So the big question - just because I could do this at those paces, does than mean I'll be able to run a 5K at that?

          Or is this a lot like the Yasso 800's as predictors for the marathon?

          Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

          Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

          He's a leaker!



            The post I read didn't state it that way but that he didn't make the cutoff rendered it a moot point. That was suck on top of suck is was what I was saying.


            The RD is an ass and you join the race expecting disappointment. This time he delivered in spades. But it's not really out of character.


            His finishing video is heartbreaking.


            Are we there, yet?


              You ever run a mile all out? You should try it. 👍👍


              +1 at least. The mile is one of the greatest distances ever to race. It'll get you both ways taxing your speed and endurance.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                So the big question - just because I could do this at those paces, does than mean I'll be able to run a 5K at that?

                Or is this a lot like the Yasso 800's as predictors for the marathon?


                In my experience, no. But who knows?


                Former Bad Ass


                  The post I read didn't state it that way but that he didn't make the cutoff rendered it a moot point. That was suck on top of suck is was what I was saying.







                    That is Gary's blog, I read it and yeah... just reading made me feel sick and sorry for him.


                    Thanks for posting. The information I had was correct, but now that I read it from him, I know it to be true.

                    I like the fact that he's glad Laz did not make it count. He's a real competitor and wants to do it right.



                      I pretty much did.  Goal for a 5K would be around 7:00 pace.


                      First set averaged 7:05 (kinda moseyed on the first one), second set at 6:55, and last set at 6:50.

                      And other than the last two I don't really think I was putting myself out there too much.  I wouldn't have been able to do all twelve much faster, but I wasn't dying either.


                      So the big question - just because I could do this at those paces, does than mean I'll be able to run a 5K at that?

                      Or is this a lot like the Yasso 800's as predictors for the marathon?


                      I don't know that there's a "predictor" workout for the 5k. In my experience with the distance (which is limited at best), nothing specific really translates to the race. You could kill your workouts and go suck in the race or you could suck in your workouts and go kill the race. There are usually more important factors at play (course, conditions, how you feel, etc.).


                      The one thing I try to avoid is wondering if I can hold race pace during a race while on a training run. Mostly because you're usually beat up pretty good during training, so that's not a good time to be asking yourself that question. lol


                      You're doing well though, it's showing. Smile

                      No more marathons



                        You're doing well though, it's showing. Smile


                          I try to keep it covered.

                        Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                        Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                        He's a leaker!


                          I ran 8. The sun came out this afternoon and it was really nice


                            I was gonna race a 5K this Spring, but I dunno anymore: don't feel like going through the suffering.


                            About the workout predicting a 5K... I dunno. For a while I was always doing my intervals at 4:00/km (20:00 5K pace). In the fall and winter the workouts were often very tough, but come spring they were comfortably hard. I ran 2 5Ks that spring and both were sub 20s. I would think that if you can hit the pace in workouts but barely, and not always, then you better hope for race day magic. But if you hit them all the time, and are starting to get comfortable at that pace, then unless you have a bad day, or are unlucky with the weather, I don't see why you couldn't expect to do it in a race.


                            Of course I have very little race experience, so my comment is not based on much facts.


                              I ran 8 this afternoon with hill sprints mixed in there. It finally stopped raining and the sun even came out 

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                3.4. Got some new Wave Rider 20s today. Promptly christened them by running across the playing field  swamp at the elementary school.
