Beginners and Beyond

It's BAAAAACON Thursdailies! (Read 45 times)



    How did that feel? Was it agony to do on the treadmill?


    I have a 16 w/ 12 to do tomorrow and I think mine will be at the indoor track.


    I wouldn't call it agony, but I wouldn't call it fun either. The earlier MP miles are actually the worst, between getting into a rhythm with the pace & the mental side of realizing how many more you have to go. I certainly had the feeling that there's no way I can hold that for 26.2, but I had that with every MP run last cycle (and turned out I was right).


    I have never run at an indoor track, I always think it would be better than the treadmill, but people seem to be split on that. At least I have my Netflix.

    16/12 will be brutal under any conditions. That's a hell of a plan you're on.




      I wouldn't call it agony, but I wouldn't call it fun either. The earlier MP miles are actually the worst, between getting into a rhythm with the pace & the mental side of realizing how many more you have to go. I certainly had the feeling that there's no way I can hold that for 26.2, but I had that with every MP run last cycle (and turned out I was right).


      I have never run at an indoor track, I always think it would be better than the treadmill, but people seem to be split on that. At least I have my Netflix.

      16/12 will be brutal under any conditions. That's a hell of a plan you're on.

      For me the track is much better mentally, but I think it played a part in jacking up my knee last year. The constant turning when running long mileage is something my knee didn't agree with which is very unfortunate since mentally,  I enjoyed it MUCH more than the treadmill. If you aren't a frail old lady like me, though, the track is probably fine.


      7 with 6 at MP today after work for me. On the treadmill. Sigh...


        For me the track is much better mentally, but I think it played a part in jacking up my knee last year. The constant turning when running long mileage is something my knee didn't agree with which is very unfortunate since mentally,  I enjoyed it MUCH more than the treadmill. If you aren't a frail old lady like me, though, the track is probably fine.



        I have heard that, and since we are in fact the same age, I guess it should be concerning to me too. I have been having a lot of problems with my right knee - it has been hurting like hell lately, fortunately not so much when I'm actually running. Although I imagine the stress from the track should be on your inside (left) knee, correct? I could not find an indoor track last winter, but found one this year that's not too far away. Haven't tried it because lazy; treadmill is in the house.


        MTA: what's your race? I thought you were doing the Illinois Marathon, but then I'd think you'd have more than 6 MP by now.



          My indoor track is 450 meters. I can run about 6 miles on it without minding.  Which is about double what I can run on the treadmill without minding.


          My longest run at the indoor track has been 15 miles.  And that is rough.  But I could never run 15 on the treadmill.


            Running MP on the treadmill should be fun, after all you are only running around a minute or so faster than easy pace so it's not taxing on the body. But oh DEAR GOD is it taxing on the brain! It's like I ask myself with each foot fall; are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?


            As Dave inferred however, once you get into that zone and lock in it's on and popping! For me, getting into it much sooner would be helpful. lol



              I have heard that, and since we are in fact the same age, I guess it should be concerning to me too. I have been having a lot of problems with my right knee - it has been hurting like hell lately, fortunately not so much when I'm actually running. Although I imagine the stress from the track should be on your inside (left) knee, correct? I could not find an indoor track last winter, but found one this year that's not too far away. Haven't tried it because lazy; treadmill is in the house.


              MTA: what's your race? I thought you were doing the Illinois Marathon, but then I'd think you'd have more than 6if  MP by now.

              My knee issue was more arthritis exacerbated by the turning causing my knee to fill with fluid. I had it drained several times.


              I have modified my plan a bit due to missing some runs and just not being mentally up for the long treadmill runs. I haven't committed to the Illinois marathon and may just do the half if I can't start getting outside more soon. I am going to try to continue training as if I'm doing the full, though. The good news is I was able to sign up for the half at the Expo last year so I don't anticipate it filling up before I decide.


              One decision I have made is to never consider a spring marathon again unless, by some miracle, I qualify for Boston someday.


                My indoor track is 450 meters. I can run about 6 miles on it without minding.  Which is about double what I can run on the treadmill without minding.


                My longest run at the indoor track has been 15 miles.  And that is rough.  But I could never run 15 on the treadmill.


                That is pretty awesome & I believe highly unusual. To at least be able to do normal speed intervals there is a big deal. Although I did not hate those on the TM as much as I thought I would - working that hard takes your mind off the boredom, and makes the time go faster (mentally, as well as of course literally).


                My max on the treadmill is 12 last winter, this year so far I've maxed out at 11, but there's a lot of winter left. I think I could do more if I had to, but the hard part would be to get on knowing I need 16 or whatever. Easier to be at 12 and say I need 4 more. Every weekend I wonder if this is going to be the one that I end up with a TM LR. Looking at this weekend's weather, I think it's gonna be a game day decision on Sunday.




                  I hit the tm today too. 11 miles with 8 miles at tempo pace. I killed this workout. Speedwork may not go quite like I want but these tempo paces seem to be clicking quite nice.


                  *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                   **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**





                    That is pretty awesome & I believe highly unusual. To at least be able to do normal speed intervals there is a big deal. Although I did not hate those on the TM as much as I thought I would - working that hard takes your mind off the boredom, and makes the time go faster (mentally, as well as of course literally).


                    My max on the treadmill is 12 last winter, this year so far I've maxed out at 11, but there's a lot of winter left. I think I could do more if I had to, but the hard part would be to get on knowing I need 16 or whatever. Easier to be at 12 and say I need 4 more. Every weekend I wonder if this is going to be the one that I end up with a TM LR. Looking at this weekend's weather, I think it's gonna be a game day decision on Sunday.


                    I'm embarrassed to admit my tm record is 20 miles last year. Because ya it's my friend. It helped me get my marathon pr and i hope it does this year as well. .


                    *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                     **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                      Congrats all you treadmill runners!


                      I did a workout this morning. It was just under 10k of running at around HMP.



                        One decision I have made is to never consider a spring marathon again unless, by some miracle, I qualify for Boston someday.


                        Hard to argue with that decision. As far as Boston - just keep running & keep getting older!



                          My longest TM run was 17 miles.    There really is a trick to learning to zone out and not focus so much on how much longer/farther you have to go.    If I had a great place to run outside, I take that in a minute, but I also think there are some real pluses to the TM:


                          1 -- Nice cushioned deck and no holes, bumps etc. to deal with.   Much easier on the legs.


                          2 -- No sunscreen running into my eyes or sunglasses fogging up.


                          3 -- I dont need to be a pack mule.  Water is right there in the cup holder.


                          4 -- I can watch a football game or movie and get my long run in.


                          5 -- Bathroom is right there if you need it.


                          If I didn't have a treadmill, I know I wouldn't run nearly as much as I do, so it's been an extremely worthwhile addition to my house.

                          Life is good.


                            There really is a trick to learning to zone out and not focus so much on how much longer/farther you have to go.    


                            TEACH ME!



                              I did a workout this morning. It was just under 10k of running at around HMP.


                              I saw that. You at the Olympics trials?


                                8 miles on the treadmill for me - 2.5 mile warmup, 3.5 at roughly GHMP, 2 mile cooldown. Was pleased that I could hold GHMP for the full 3.5 miles no problem, hanging on for the whole 13.1 might be another story. Just going to trust the training, try to get in time on my feet at GHMP for the next 2.5 months, and see what happens on race day. I'm absolutely positive I can go sub-2:00 at this point, getting to 1:50 (or, gasp, 1:49!) will be tough. I'm excited to try though!


                                I know that feeling exactly.  Every GHMP run I do, I'm thinking this isn't so bad, and then I'm like, you have to hold that pace for another 7 or 8 miles or whatever.  Then I go have a donut.


                                5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                                10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                                15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                                13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                                26.2 - TBD (someday)