Beginners and Beyond


Thursday Sunny ThursdayLIES (Read 37 times)



    Has the downtime helped any?


    For snow they're talking 5 - 8, 6 - 9 and 7 - 10 depending on the source. lol


    Well, it feels better. But it still doesn't feel good.  My hip isn't really what's hurting anymore. But the adductor/inner knee on that leg is hurting a good amount for the first 1.5 miles now and it's super tight. After that warm up it's not bad. So I don't know. I went to the chiropractor on Monday and he said it was looking much better.


      Good morning, everyone.


      Knee feels a little better, so I'm slowly climbing back on the horse.  Will do 6 km home today from work.


      Just looking at my run from yesterday - running in the winter really sucks.  Loose snow combined with a nasty north wind last night had me running home at about 50 seconds more per km than I normally do on a run home.


      The good news is I talked to my vet on Monday - she has no concerns with me ramping up mileage with my puppy - with several caveats: slow ramp up, watch the puppy for signs she is getting tired (ha! Haven't seen that yet in the 6 weeks we have had her), bring water - all the common sense stuff.


      My eventual plan is to do puppy intervals.  My block is just slightly longer than a kilometer - so I can do a casual km, clip the leash to the porch, do a hard km, grab the puppy, do another casual km, clip the puppy and do a hard km, etc.


      Obviously I will call it the Simcoe training program, and she will be the first person I thank when I win the Boston Marathon...


      I always thought you had to wait until they finished growing



        Well, it feels better. But it still doesn't feel good.  My hip isn't really what's hurting anymore. But the adductor/inner knee on that leg is hurting a good amount for the first 1.5 miles now and it's super tight. After that warm up it's not bad. So I don't know. I went to the chiropractor on Monday and he said it was looking much better.


        Exasperated sigh.


        Probably some residual stuff going on, but it's hard to know when returning from a layoff. What's worse is it completely fucks with the mind, so sometimes you have that going on in addition to the stupid injury.



          Exasperated sigh.


          Probably some residual stuff going on, but it's hard to know when returning from a layoff. What's worse is it completely fucks with the mind, so sometimes you have that going on in addition to the stupid injury.


          yeah it's making it pretty unenjoyable to keep trying to run.. I mean it's definitely better but still feels fucked up.  The good news is that it does not hurt while xc skiing.


          Thinking about going for a run in a few though since it's decent outside and I have been stuck on the treadmill due to snow too


          Former Bad Ass


            yeah it's making it pretty unenjoyable to keep trying to run.. I mean it's definitely better but still feels fucked up.  The good news is that it does not hurt while xc skiing.


            Thinking about going for a run in a few though since it's decent outside and I have been stuck on the treadmill due to snow too


            That might help check if it's really getting better or the gait on the TM too (since you have been stuck there).



              Aiming for 4-6 miles after work. I won't mention it is 70 and sunny here...


              Does anyone use a home security system? A coworker who lives in the neighborhood next to mine was robbed over the weekend. A$$holes broke into their garage, then drilled around the deadbolt in the door connecting the garage to the house. Just wondering if you've had good/bad experience with any of the companies where you install sensors and/or cameras that are linked to your phone.


                Aiming for 4-6 miles after work. I won't mention it is 70 and sunny here...


                Does anyone use a home security system? A coworker who lives in the neighborhood next to mine was robbed over the weekend. A$$holes broke into their garage, then drilled around the deadbolt in the door connecting the garage to the house. Just wondering if you've had good/bad experience with any of the companies where you install sensors and/or cameras that are linked to your phone.


                I installed one myself (no monitoring) in the first house I bought a million years ago but haven't had one since.


                I think it's amazing what they can do with those systems nowadays.



                  yeah it's making it pretty unenjoyable to keep trying to run.. I mean it's definitely better but still feels fucked up.  The good news is that it does not hurt while xc skiing.


                  Thinking about going for a run in a few though since it's decent outside and I have been stuck on the treadmill due to snow too


                  That's great news.


                  I've never skied. 


                  delicate flower

                    'Morning!  Wife and I got to the pool at 5:45 this morning only to find out it had a delayed 8:00 opening due to weather. Figures.  I don't mind missing the swim but that's an hour I could have kept sleeping.  Bike workout tonight.


                    Weekend plans have been blown all to hell thanks to weather. No 5K Saturday and no skiing Sunday.  Speaking of being blown all to hell, what is happening with the Cleveland Cavaliers lmao.



                      USRD/SRD. I was supposed to do 8 and be off tomorrow, but I moved my LR to tomorrow because I have a 12 hour work day Saturday and it originally I thought I was going to snow Friday night into satueday, of course now it’s going to snow tonight. Maybe the roads will be okay by the afternoon, I’m off tomorrow so I can do it whenever. Or bite the bullet and do it on the stupid TM. Training for a spring marathon in the Midwest is stupid


                        Training for a spring marathon in the Midwest is stupid


                        Yes, it is!  But I'm doing it, too 


                        5.7 TM miles during lunch.  My legs were tired from yesterday's 400s.  I had to convince myself to keep running for "just 5 more minutes" until I got past the 3 mile mark and then it started feeling much better.


                          Does anyone use a home security system? 

                          I use a combination security system which consists of this:

                          And this:


                          I lost my rama

                            I use a combination security system which consists of this:


                            Nice!  All three of them.

                            3/17 - NYC Half

                            4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                            6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                            8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                              I use a combination security system which consists of this:


                              Nice and effective on all counts!


                                cameras that are linked to your phone.


                                This is only good after the fact to use as evidence, but it won't protect you.  If you get a new system, get one that also makes lots of noise and calls the police for you.
