Beginners and Beyond

Dark & Windy ThursDAILIES (Read 38 times)


    I ran 7.3.


    It was 48 degrees but the wind chill was 42, so I wore arm sleeves and light knit gloves, a decision I regretted until I made the turn at mile 4.


    It was a slow go for much of it, but I can feel myself putting last week finally behind me.


      I considered that, except then I lose all the extraneous data I get from the HRM-Run strap.  Not that I USE that data, but still.  I'll try using electrode gel (yay, Amazon Prime) to see if that helps, and if not, I suppose I will cry from despair?


      If the 630 checks in at a reasonable discount on black Friday, I'm buying that bitch.


      delicate flower



        Super B****


          If the 630 checks in at a reasonable discount on black Friday, I'm buying that bitch.


          I wouldn't do that because I'd end up with the same problem!

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog


          Super B****


            I did something similar 4 years ago with the TomTom Optical HR.  The chest strap was a PITA for too many years.  I know the optical does not have the bells and whistles but after 4 years, I don't miss them at all.


            I halfway considered that... even though I'd lose the bells and whistles.  But then I realized since I spend half the year freezing to death and my watch is over my jacket sleeve, optical HR is rendered useless, so I bought a dive computer instead.

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog

            Jack K.

            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

              Hi Dailies.

              5 miles on tap for later.  I am now working with a coach and we are meeting once a week. He is really breaking it down and right now I am doing minimal miles and lots of cross training at the gym. On Saturday we meet and do some plyometric drills and he gives me my weekly schedule. Now it is mostly easy miles with one interval workout every week. More speed and distance will come in later. My goal race is a LONG way off (a HM in March) so there is plenty of time to get ready.


              See ya.


                I figured out my MRT plan last night.  


                And you're off! Did you use anything I sent, or was that just noise? And remind us which race this is.


                5, in the rain. I feel totally recovered. I guess that means I didn't race it hard enough.




                  Jetta and I got up this morning to 55 degrees, 6 mph N winds with gusts up to 12-15 mph.......... I was a little nervous but went out in shorts and tank and didn't regret it.

                  We got in 7.1 miles for the morning.


                  My young.... sometimes stupid, noble protector..........

                  *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                  5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                  10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                  15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                  13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                   26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                    Good morning!


                    I ran 10 in the dark.  It is back up in the low 60s, so my very sore moobs got to be uncovered this morning.


                    I figured out my MRT plan last night.  I'ts 17 weeks of Hanson's, with a little modification.  Speed/strength is on Tuesday, tempo is Thursday, and I moved the long run from Sun to Sat.  I'll be running my first workout Nov 1st, and will be at 60 miles the first week.  I'll increase to as many miles as I can run and hit my workout paces.

                    I printed a paper copy and taped it next to my monitor.  It's intimidating to read, but I feel better knowing the thinking through Feb 25th will be minimal.


                    Have a great day folks!


                    That might be tough to run the Hansons paced long runs only one day removed from the tempos


                      My young.... sometimes stupid, noble protector..........


                      I want a black GSD!


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Ran 6 on the TM earlier.  I am finally seeing my massage therapist tomorrow which makes me happy since my leg still feels like it's dragging.  Anyway, the 6 weren't horrible and I was winded but not like Sunday.  Breathing should be getting better.




                          That might be tough to run the Hansons paced long runs only one day removed from the tempos


                          Agreed. Although when the LR is on Sunday, I found the strength intervals on Tuesday tough, especially since that is day 6 of consecutive days.



                          Former Bad Ass



                               I want a black GSD!


                              Growing up, ours looked like B. That's what I want.


                                Agreed. Although when the LR is on Sunday, I found the strength intervals on Tuesday tough, especially since that is day 6 of consecutive days.


                                Marathon race training is tough.