Beginners and Beyond

Fab-Fridailies (Read 33 times)



    Long story but I went Vegan four days a week for 6 months to fix my cholesterol, and change my eating habits;  by having fixed days only it gives you time to think and plan the vegan days.


    I work 4 days a week, work days were vegan days.


    i’ve always have been the cook, my wife doesn’t cook and she is a pick eater, mostly not health food, because I had to cook for her I got trapped no fish, no veggies except regular salad, no beans, no turkey, no chicken breasts, etc.


    ... Walmart’s Almond milk is only $1.78 a half gallon where I live


    How do you eat vegan with no veggies or beans?


    My husband hates most vegetables. I cook them anyway. The dog gets any leftovers.



      My husband hates most vegetables. 


      This is me. Although I eat more raw than cooked. I end up eating the same few but DH makes whatever he wants.


        How do you eat vegan with no veggies or beans?


        My husband hates most vegetables. I cook them anyway. The dog gets any leftovers.


        It is my wife who doesn’t eat veggies and beans, because I would cook for her I didn’t I’d never make them for me... I like them.


          I used to eat mostly junk food, and in home cooked meals, I was all about meat, and not about veggies. I'd never have salad.


          Now I like veggies as much as meat, and often I don't feel like having meat for a meal. But I find it's harder to find many good (tasty) recipes without meat.


          I ran a couple of miles this morning, like 3.5


            I eat anything and everything. Except for some of the really bizarre stuff that you don't normally find in this country.



              I love veggies. I don't like meat. My problem is I'm too tired/don't want to take the time to prep them.


                 Lmao! What about a drink?


                What are we talking, celery juice, a fruit cocktail or an asparagus smoothie?


                  I eat anything and everything. Except for some of the really bizarre stuff that you don't normally find in this country.


                  Is Bizarre Foods still on? I would have to change the channel sometimes with that guy. 



                    Is Bizarre Foods still on? I would have to change the channel sometimes with that guy. 


                    Yeah that's what I was thinking, but I have no idea. Andrew Zimmern, I believe.




                      Yeah that's what I was thinking, but I have no idea. Andrew Zimmern, I believe.


                      I found him highly entertaining but some of the shit he would chew and swallow was on a level I just don't have in me. lol


                        I ran 5




                            You still beat me


                            The only time I can run more than you is when you're on break


                              The only time I can run more than you is when you're on break


                              The only time I can is never. lol


                              Are we there, yet?

                                5.3 miles in 88F heat. Racing tomorrow is going to be brutal.

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.