Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES: Already dressed for bed (Read 22 times)


    Except, I have to change into running gear. Stupid hobby.


    delicate flower

      Except, I have to change into running gear. Stupid hobby.


      +1 to all of that.  Currently sitting on the couch in my jammies watching the local news while I sip coffee.  I need to gear up and hit the rail trail.  I have no run on my schedule today but will run anyway.  Coach says extra easy miles are always ok.  Currently 60 degrees with 53 dew point.


        2, getting ready for work😐


        addendum:  24.33 which is okay for a fall-hard-on-your-face week 🤕


        delicate flower


          I need to gear up and hit the rail trail. 


          7 easy miles done.  76 for the week.  I was tempted to run four more miles this morning for the 80 mile week but my legs are achy.




            7 easy miles done.  76 for the week.  I was tempted to run four more miles this morning for the 80 mile week but my legs are achy.


            Nice. I changed but am currently lying in bed surfing the 'Net on my phone. 


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning. I did 9 with 3 X 2 Miles @ HMP.


              50 for the week.






                  7 easy miles done.  76 for the week.  I was tempted to run four more miles this morning for the 80 mile week but my legs are achy.


                  What are you aiming at for your marathon? Time-wise I mean.

                  I don't remember you running big numbers like that,.even when you were "just a runner". Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but you seem to be in great running shape.


                  delicate flower


                    What are you aiming at for your marathon? Time-wise I mean.

                    I don't remember you running big numbers like that,.even when you were "just a runner". Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but you seem to be in great running shape.


                    That is a good question.  My running is kind of in a weird spot for me.  I am not as fast as I'd like to be (10-15 seconds faster across the board would be nice), but my endurance has never been better.  It'll be interesting to see if I can make up for the lack of speed with better endurance.  I'll really only have 8 weeks of high mileage heading into my marathon in three weeks.  I'd be happier if I had another month to train for it, but as luck would have it, I've got the late November marathon as well.


                    My 1:35 HM yesterday points to a 3:18 marathon, but I also didn't run that race hard, it measured long, and it was a warm and humid day.  I'd like to think a 3:15 marathon would be doable.  I would welcome any opinions on that matter (my coach hasn't said anything yet).


                    Half Crazy K 2.0

                      7 with 2 x ( 6 parking lot loops/6-ish minutes + 4 x 200). Much nicecr weather, but did not prevent a rather painful shower. Sports bra and shorts liner were not my friends.


                      UM 45 Ohio 23


                        5 easy miles done.  58 for the week.  I was tempted to run two more miles this morning for the 60 mile week but my legs are achy.


                        meant to add that this was a "regressive" run.  Each mile slower than the previous. Legs were toast!


                        Waltons ThreadLord

                          14 miles moderate effort, made easier by my son accompanying me for the first 4, so it was only 10 miles alone.  The run itself went really well thanks to suddenly cooler and less humid weather.

                          5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
                          10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

                          Upcoming races: Running is Back 10k, 5/12; Greta's Run 5k, 5/19



                            I ran 6 (8x30 secs).


                            40 for the week. 


                            delicate flower

                              Indy had 1st and goal inside the 1 yard line and the Rams stopped them.    Then the Rams got the ball and got a quick 7.  


                              Staffford:  5-5, 82 yards, TD



                                Indy had 1st and goal inside the 1 yard line and the Rams stopped them.    Then the Rams got the ball and got a quick 7.  


                                Staffford:  5-5, 82 yards, TD


                                156.9 passer rating. The boy is sick.


                                ETA: Stafford interception, oops
