Beginners and Beyond


Thalposis Thursdailies (Read 36 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    Thalposis:  sensation of warmth.


    Which is what i will have today, with our weather at 78 degrees.  Nice!


    Post 'em!

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


    Barking Mad To Run

      AFM...haircut today and then after that another random run.  Beautiful day for it too, will be nearly SEVENTY-EIGHT degrees at 5 PM when I go for my run/walk.  Today is my "Thriday" too...after today, I won't be back to work until Jan 3.  Which I don't get, our HR has us coming back for ONE day to work on a Friday, after the holidays, and then we have the weekend.  You would think HR would've just made that day a 'skeleton crew' day, sheesh.  I feel a cough coming on...probably be really bad right around Jan 3....

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        Good morning, Scotty! I agree - that one day at the end of the week doesn't make much sense. Though I guess if you use it to clear the email inbox from two weeks off, then you can hit the ground running the next Monday. Maybe?


        Temps in the 20s and cloudy here today. I wouldn't mind some sunshine. I will run after school drop-off - should be 8 miles, but I'm feeling kind of "blah." After school, DS & I will be ringing bells for the Salvation Army for a couple of hours. I plan to bring along a book for him in case he gets bored standing there.

        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


          Supp peeps!


          7 on the belt today which included 8 strides.  The first 6 strides were at 5:24 for 35 seconds each, then the last 2 were 60 and 90 seconds respectively at 5:41.  Man I love strides!


          I am at work, what a drag.  Holla back later!


          delicate flower

            'Morning!  So we got a foot of snow in the last week, and it is all going to melt by the end of this weekend.  That means I get my rail trail back.  HOORAY!


            Treadmill tonight.  I've skipped speedwork for over a month now because it was really hurting my hip.  Dare I say I think it's 100% healed, so I'll get back to some speedwork next week.  MP and even HMP intervals wouldn't hurt it, but the sub-5K intervals would.  I'll keep the speed dialed back a little for a while.  It feels good to not hurt.  I think I've already run more GMP miles heading into my next marathon than I did for my entire last marathon cycle, and technically I haven't even started training yet.


              'Morning!  So we got a foot of snow in the last week, and it is all going to melt by the end of this weekend.  That means I get my rail trail back.  HOORAY!


              Treadmill tonight.  I've skipped speedwork for over a month now because it was really hurting my hip.  Dare I say I think it's 100% healed, so I'll get back to some speedwork next week.  MP and even HMP intervals wouldn't hurt it, but the sub-5K intervals would.  I'll keep the speed dialed back a little for a while.  It feels good to not hurt.  I think I've already run more GMP miles heading into my next marathon than I did for my entire last marathon cycle, and technically I haven't even started training yet.


              I got to run our rail trail a couple nights ago after a 5 inch snow......someone took the time to push the snow off for 5 miles  of the trail.


              Between work being busy and holiday parties after work i am having a hard time finding motivation to run. I hope to get a few miles on the TM at home after tonights parties. We will see. Have a great Wednesday everyone!

              First Race

              Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

              Second Race

              Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08


              Jack K.

              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                Hi Dailies.


                As I contemplate what is next on the race calendar, I must say, the two week break is nice. Is late May too soon for another marathon?


                I might go out for a 30 minute jog tonight.


                See ya.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  I have 12 on the schedule but still feel under the weather, so plan is 3+ and see how I feel.  Trixie was taken to the vet for her biopsy today, which is at 2pm.  Cross your paws for good news!


                  I am working on a big brief/order to file tomorrow, so see you later.  It is actually time for me to cook lunch so I'm taking a break from all the brain frying.




                    I might just have to run a mile or 2 outside today, 54 degrees will be the high, and sunny!!! Have to take advantage of this beautiful weather, and I am wearing a skirt thingy!!!

                    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                    Former Bad Ass

                      First time I had ever tried to win a free entry from and I won an entry to a 10K!



                      Run to live; live to run

                        Scotty it is pretty warm here for December.  I'll take it.  Running in short sleeve shirt and shorts is not so bad


                        6.2 miles.  No tape today.  It did okay.  Now if the nerve root would stop acting up I'd be happy.  But continued progress so I'll take it.


                        Step no, not rocking the tape....hahah.  Just a better type of kinesio



                        delicate flower

                          First time I had ever tried to win a free entry from and I won an entry to a 10K!





                          Cripes, why do I get so flustered when the #2 guy in the company calls me with questions.  "Uhhh derrhhhh ummmm yeah duh."




                            First time I had ever tried to win a free entry from and I won an entry to a 10K!




                            5 on the TM this morning for me @ an Easy pace. I actually am using Daniel's Easy pace for my vDOT. Slow and steady is all I can describe it. Smile


                            I think it's time for some real food. I donated blood yesterday and I think I'm not fully recouped.

                            - Andrew


                              scotty- have a great time off....

                              step - have a nice time later

                              lrb - i'm not at work!

                              baboon - very cool...stay well

                              sparker - yes...those darn parties

                              jack - enjoy the'll figure it out

                              D - good luck with trixie

                              free - take advantage of it

                              marjorie - continued recovery

                              brr - kudos on donating blood



                              7 this AM in some misty weather....buying some gift cards later which should do it for xmas stuff...have a great day all!

                              marathon pr - 3:16



                                7 this AM in some misty weather....buying some gift cards later which should do it for xmas stuff...have a great day all!


                                DW said "Let's go out early on Saturday, like 9AM, to finish our Christmas shopping." My first thought is that 9AM isn't that early. Smile Hopefully I we can wrap it up this weekend. The older I get the more I'm liking the "Let's give them cash."

                                - Andrew
