Beginners and Beyond


Mondailies on the 26th (Read 41 times)


    Dismal and frustrating weekend of running.  Saturday was ok I suppose, 3 something easy.  Sunday was supposed to be 8, but I had to buy a present for a birthday party that started at 10, run, and shower to make it there on time. 


    A 10:00 AM birthday party? No, no and hell no.


    I love racing but shutting the roads down completely is some foul shit.


      Afternoon!  Spent the morning migrating the PC at work to Windows 10 (I assume the rest of the world is at Windows 100 as it's normally with these updates that are so far behind from real life).  Finally have my stuff and ooh, we now have Chrome. Score!



      Windows 7 here too! Still using Office 2007 on my work desktop; my work laptop was switched to Office 2016 a few weeks ago and it might as well be in Japanese.


      delicate flower

        I just got from from a surprisingly fast hill run.  My quads are sore af from my race Saturday but they were more than game today.


          Dave, I knew IT had it out for me!  It's a cruel joke!



          A 10:00 AM birthday party? No, no and hell no.


          I love racing but shutting the roads down completely is some foul shit.

          Totally agree.  It was for my 1 year old niece, and naps are still the focal point of her [parents'] day.  I recall a time when that 2 hours of nap was my time to not parent, so I totally get it, but when you get up at 6:15 to go to Walmart, you've reached a new level of FTS.  My fault, I should have Amazoned that crap beforehand.


          The look my husband gave me when I came in raging about the road closures was priceless.  It was all the judging, "Um, you realize they shut down Los Angeles for you last weekend bitch, you got no room to complain..."  Which was kind of (a lot) funny.


          Honestly, I would not be upset AT ALL if there had been some notice to the local residents that we would be effectively trapped for 4 hours on Sunday morning.  But, literally, not a single sign on the road, no flyers, nothing.  I've had signs out the wazoo for the last three weeks about a paving project, but not a damn thing about all the main arteries being shut down for this crap.  The real frosting on the cake was the smug police guy who said, "Oh there was a bulletin."  What bulletin? When I asked the manner it was distributed, I got the blank stare.  Perhaps they Morse coded that shit?  A radio announcement at 3 a.m. on K-DGAF?


          My solace was the fact that I was rage running my final mile (downhill) as the 2:30 half marathoners were at mile 10 or 11 in my 'hood, so I passed many many of them.  It's not particularly sporting to pick off tired runners when you're comparatively fresh, but at that point I did not care, and racing past someone who I perceived as the cause of my lateness made me feel better.


            You could not pay me enough money to make me do that.


            Agreed.  Aside from the "I don't go naked in public" threshold issue, the discomfort is not something I would be willing to risk.  Some things are meant to be strapped down and not bouncing around at times such as this.


            No pictures that show anything that's NSFW, so I can safely share the race link for The Bare Burro:


            There's a nekkid beer mile fun run on Saturday to boot.  Not sorry I will have to miss that!



              Honestly, I would not be upset AT ALL if there had been some notice to the local residents that we would be effectively trapped for 4 hours on Sunday morning.  But, literally, not a single sign on the road, no flyers, nothing.  I've had signs out the wazoo for the last three weeks about a paving project, but not a damn thing about all the main arteries being shut down for this crap.  The real frosting on the cake was the smug police guy who said, "Oh there was a bulletin."  What bulletin? When I asked the manner it was distributed, I got the blank stare.  Perhaps they Morse coded that shit?  A radio announcement at 3 a.m. on K-DGAF?


              The notice was posted in the planning department on Alpha Centauri.



              Anybody get that?


              Former Bad Ass

                Dave, I knew IT had it out for me!  It's a cruel joke!


                Totally agree.  It was for my 1 year old niece, and naps are still the focal point of her [parents'] day.  I recall a time when that 2 hours of nap was my time to not parent, so I totally get it, but when you get up at 6:15 to go to Walmart, you've reached a new level of FTS.  My fault, I should have Amazoned that crap beforehand.


                The look my husband gave me when I came in raging about the road closures was priceless.  It was all the judging, "Um, you realize they shut down Los Angeles for you last weekend bitch, you got no room to complain..."  Which was kind of (a lot) funny.


                Honestly, I would not be upset AT ALL if there had been some notice to the local residents that we would be effectively trapped for 4 hours on Sunday morning.  But, literally, not a single sign on the road, no flyers, nothing.  I've had signs out the wazoo for the last three weeks about a paving project, but not a damn thing about all the main arteries being shut down for this crap.  The real frosting on the cake was the smug police guy who said, "Oh there was a bulletin."  What bulletin? When I asked the manner it was distributed, I got the blank stare.  Perhaps they Morse coded that shit?  A radio announcement at 3 a.m. on K-DGAF?


                My solace was the fact that I was rage running my final mile (downhill) as the 2:30 half marathoners were at mile 10 or 11 in my 'hood, so I passed many many of them.  It's not particularly sporting to pick off tired runners when you're comparatively fresh, but at that point I did not care, and racing past someone who I perceived as the cause of my lateness made me feel better.


                My TM has now water all over from the water I just spit reading this. Lol.


                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  I found a race for Scottydog, but take no pictures Scott.


                  WARNING. NOT WORK SAFE!!!!!!




                  Why does this race have tech shirts for those who sign up?

                  Yay, search function. For those new folks. If you click on the link about the Nude Racing Series, the picture is um, interesting. That has to hurt.



                    Agreed.  Aside from the "I don't go naked in public" threshold issue, the discomfort is not something I would be willing to risk.  Some things are meant to be strapped down and not bouncing around at times such as this.


                    No pictures that show anything that's NSFW, so I can safely share the race link for The Bare Burro:


                    There's a nekkid beer mile fun run on Saturday to boot.  Not sorry I will have to miss that!


                    Wait. You're serious? This is a real thing? I have been living in a cave, evidently. And I'd forgotten about the term "murderous pace" (or something along those lines--thanks for the laugh Big grin ).



                      There's a nekkid beer mile fun run on Saturday to boot.  Not sorry I will have to miss that!


                      Because the only thing more uncomfortable than naked running is naked puking.



                        The real frosting on the cake was the smug police guy who said, "Oh there was a bulletin."  What bulletin? When I asked the manner it was distributed, I got the blank stare.  Perhaps they Morse coded that shit?  A radio announcement at 3 a.m. on K-DGAF?



                          Yay, search function. For those new folks. If you click on the link about the Nude Racing Series, the picture is um, interesting. That has to hurt.


                          OMG.  This was magical. You have my undying gratitude for sharing this.


                          So many questions.  There's a series of nude races?!!?!  It's chip timed, where do you put the chip?  No looky-loos, but you can sign up your SO as a "volunteer," that's somehow kosher?  This is a trail race, but we feel the need to specifically tell people "no rollerblades."  Which makes me wonder, how dumb are nudists?


                          And holy eff, there's a dance AND A BARBECUE AFTERWARD.  Don't worry about dripping sauce on your shirt.  You're not wearing one.  Also, it's TX barbecue, so that's not a problem anyway.


                          And this is the best line ever: "Runners have found that nude running gives them a feeling of freedom and exhilaration that cannot be matched in any other way."


                          Um, I'm guessing they've found that nude running gives them chafing that cannot be matched any other way.  Just sayin'.


                            And this is the best line ever: "Runners have found that nude running gives them a feeling of freedom and exhilaration that cannot be matched in any other way."


                            How can having one's junk fling all over the place (whilst running mind you) be exhilarating?


                              ^ Rhetorical question, no need to answer. lol


                              Super B****

                                This makes me want to go curl up under several blankets.

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog
