Beginners and Beyond

Lazy Thursdailies (Read 40 times)


Former Bad Ass




    Former Bad Ass

      Where is everybody?  Normally, half the page is filled by the time I can take a break from work to check.


      I have weights today.  We have a show tonight so I had to move my run to tomorrow.



      delicate flower

        Hey DOCKET...I am already weather stalking and the always accurate two week weather forecast for Cape Canaveral has overnight lows trending into the 50's.  I am clinging to those hopes and dreams and I suggest you do the same.


        Good morning, fellow exercise enthusiasts!  I swam before work...a 2300 yard swim with the masters "group" and I wasn't the only one there for a change.  I've got a run after work.  I also have work meetings from noon to 4:00.  Bunch of bovincescat if you ask me.



        Former Bad Ass

          That would be great if it gets that low (albeit unusual).  Please!!!



          delicate flower

            That would be great if it gets that low (albeit unusual).  Please!!!


            A number of years ago when we went to Disney in November, we had to wear jeans and sweatshirts in the parks.  I was hoping/dreaming for another rare day like that.



            Super B****

              Elliptical since my leg still does not seem to like the idea of the bike... and then I spent twice as long as I did on the damn thing trying to get my 310 to sync.  Super fun.

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog


                Yo, yo.


                I'm thinking of 6-7 later. Legs feeling pretty good after my second day doing doubles...ever. I might to be able to handle doubles up to 3-4 times a week?  I'll shoot for mid 50s, since I was at mid 40s before.


                Former Bad Ass


                  A number of years ago when we went to Disney in November, we had to wear jeans and sweatshirts in the parks.  I was hoping/dreaming for another rare day like that.


                  A number of years ago, Miami also had days below 80F, but hardly any more, so...




                    Hey DOCKET...I am already weather stalking and the always accurate two week weather forecast for Cape Canaveral has overnight lows trending into the 50's.  I am clinging to those hopes and dreams and I suggest you do the same.


                    They say if you don't have a dream, you can't have a dream come true.


                    5 sluggish recoveryish miles in a 44 degree drizzle. That's my dream come true.



                      Yo, yo.


                      I'm thinking of 6-7 later. Legs feeling pretty good after my second day doing doubles...ever. I might to be able to handle doubles up to 3-4 times a week?  I'll shoot for mid 50s, since I was at mid 40s before.


                      I imagine so. I've only done Tuesday and Thursday when I've done them, but I suppose one could double daily depending on the intensity and distance of the runs.


                      delicate flower

                        They say if you don't have a dream, you can't have a dream come true.



                        They also say if you don't try, you can never fail.  That seems like a good course of action sometimes.



                        delicate flower


                          A number of years ago, Miami also had days below 80F, but hardly any more, so...




                          According to that marathonfinder website, the Space Coast weather will probably cost me about five minutes compared to my Hartford time last year.  If that is all it costs me, I can live with that.  Space Coast is a faster course, but the heat makes it a slower race.



                            ...That experience reminded me that while I've come a long way in rehabbing my cranky piriformis, driving for that long will bring that shit right back to the point I can think of nothing else other than, "When can I get out of the car?!?!?!?"  Today I'll be standing all. day. long. because sitting is flat out painful.


                            I thought about this during my run this morning. 


                            Leg swings helped rid me of that awful, awful afflication. I started doing 15 - 25 of them on each leg before every run and over time, doing so loosened the knot in my ass that was causing it. I also would sit with my legs extended whenever possible, and stood rather than sit equally as much. Not sure if any of it will help you but they cost nothing, so it might be worth a try.



                              A number of years ago, Miami also had days below 80F, but hardly any more, so...



                              There is a Bonefish Grill in Miami? I hadn't realized they were a national brand.


                              Former Bad Ass


                                According to that marathonfinder website, the Space Coast weather will probably cost me about five minutes compared to my Hartford time last year.  If that is all it costs me, I can live with that.  Space Coast is a faster course, but the heat makes it a slower race.


                                Oh, Space Coast is there on the list?  I must see!
