Beginners and Beyond


Tuesday Penguins are hopping!! (Read 20 times)

Singer who runs a smidge

    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges." It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)

    When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

    Singer who runs a smidge

      Hopping because I have a meeting in an hour, for which I need to read a couple of papers.  Then I need to do some emailing for chorus, troubleshoot an instrument, do all the first-of-the-week stuff on another instrument, and run 20 samples, all without my tech who's home with a sick kid.  So yeah, I'm going to have a crazy day!!  Oh, and I skipped my PT because I was SO.FREAKING.BORED with it.  I'll get back at it tomorrow.

      When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I have Pilates and 5-6 miles tonight.


        Keep hopping, Hope!



          Hey guys!  I have a training today, then I'm going to watch some basketball, but if I'm lucky I will sneak some miles in there.


          Kathleen- Sorry for the diagnosis!  I would think that you could equate time to mileage for pool running.  That might help you see your progress with it, too.


          HsM- Maybe it's time to ask for some new exercises?  Or different colored bands, if you use those.


          D- Good luck at Pilates!

            Ha! Hopping is what I do a lot of lately.


            Hope - Hope your morning settles down.


            DR - enjoy your Pilates and Run. Never done Pilates, but always sounds intriguing.


            AFM - I was in the pool at 6:30 AM doing my 30 minutes of interval aqua-jogging. I can feel my sanity starting to return. Ahhh...



            2015 Goals:

            Sub 30 5K

            Sub 60 10K

              Hey guys!  I have a training today, then I'm going to watch some basketball, but if I'm lucky I will sneak some miles in there.


              Kathleen- Sorry for the diagnosis!  I would think that you could equate time to mileage for pool running.  That might help you see your progress with it, too.


              HsM- Maybe it's time to ask for some new exercises?  Or different colored bands, if you use those.


              D- Good luck at Pilates!


              If you say so...I think I will. I read a rather heated forum discussion posted almost 10 years ago about equating time in the pool doing deep water running (DPW) or aqua jogging. Seemed that the opinion was pretty split on it. I thought if i looked at my tempo runs to compare against my times, it would be a fair approximation. I just gotta get that rabbit off my tail. She's driving me nuts. Some of you that are list makers and graph keepers might understand this crazy corner of my brain.



              2015 Goals:

              Sub 30 5K

              Sub 60 10K

              Singer who runs a smidge

                I just wave to the pace bunny as she goes whooshing by, usually some time in January.  By the time March hits, I can't see her anymore anyway!

                When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                  Good morning Penguins!


                  HopesMom, sorry about the PT, I'm sure it does get old after a while!


                  Damaris, have a good run and pilates.


                  Zel, I hope you sneak some miles in.


                  Kathleen, oh no!!  I'm so sorry about your diagnosis.  But I'm excited for you that you can do the water jogging and that your doctor supports it!


                  I've been in a bit of a running funk.  But I just had a good 6.8 miles this morning and I worked on my attitude while I was out there.


                    Morning, 5 miles this morning in a light rain. Group tonight rain dependent, Bill is on his way.


                    Good luck in your recovery Kathleen.


                      I just wave to the pace bunny as she goes whooshing by, usually some time in January.  By the time March hits, I can't see her anymore anyway!


                      hahaha.  I'm way ahead of my pace bunny - this comes from setting really low expectations, then you won't be disappointed! Big grin  (although I'm in the miles game and I MUST change my goal to a more realistic one in the next two weeks...I've just been paralyzed with indecision)


                      Penguin Power!

                        Kathleen - heal fast!  Last summer I had to take two months off from running because of a nasty ankle sprain so I know how crazy you can go.  I did a lot of swimming (but no real aqua jogging) to keep in shape.  I had no pace bunny goals last year that I could even keep up with so that aspect of it didn't get me down.


                        Hope - have fun at the meeting =D  Academic papers are always a blast to get through.


                        DR - enjoy the 5-6 and pilates


                        Zel - have fun at the training


                        AFM - did 5.2 easy this morning.  It sucked a little less than yesterday.  I am hoping to beer week this week because my 30th birthday is Sunday, but we'll see how my body feels about that.

                        Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                          Morning, 5 miles this morning in a light rain. Group tonight rain dependent, Bill is on his way.



                          My daughter is living in Houston for a few weeks and texted me a video of rain yesterday. Apparently tropical storm on its way is big excitement for a California girl.

                          Singer who runs a smidge

                            <----- set her goal at 250 miles for the year. 



                            hahaha.  I'm way ahead of my pace bunny - this comes from setting really low expectations, then you won't be disappointed! Big grin  (although I'm in the miles game and I MUST change my goal to a more realistic one in the next two weeks...I've just been paralyzed with indecision)

                            When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                            From the Internet.

                              Hi pens!


                              Woke up feeling OK, got a handmade card/poem for my sweet kitty from an internet acquaintance and burst out crying again, back to feeling OK now. Life might just go on after all.


                              Solid tempo run this morning, ~20 minutes at 7:40 average pace, just over 6.5 miles with warmup/cooldown. 5K PR pace is 7:36 and 10K PR pace is 8:00 and the last 20 minute tempo I ran before those races was at 8:02 pace, I might just be in PR shape after all. Maybe racing this weekend to test that theory out, but DH might make plans with his dad on Father's Day so I'll put it off until next weekend if that happens.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                <----- set her goal at 250 miles for the year. 



                                You'll catch that bunny eventually!

