Beginners and Beyond


SATURDAILIES rise and shine and rainbows and unicorns! (Read 34 times)


delicate flower

    Good morning, online runners!  Wakey wakey!  Whatcha got going on today?  I've got a small matter of a LR to get to once I finish this coffee.  Today is Day 1 of 11 days off from work for me and DW.  How sweet a feeling that is.


    My legs are tired.  This LR is going to be interesting.


    Enjoy your runs and races and family time and college football and whatever else you nuts are up to today.




      'Sup yo!


      I woke up at 6:20, which is sleeping in for me.  lol


      I have 7 easy on the running front but a crap ton of other stuff so today will be busy-busy.


      First up though is a cup of that good stuff!


        Good morning all!


        I'm back after quite a long absence.  I've been reading the dailies for a few days and thought I would just jump right in.  Some of you of course I remember and others seem new to me.


        Anyway I have 3 miles on my schedule today to get done sometime this morning.  Other than that the day is pretty wide open for what ever comes my way.


        It's beautiful weather where I am, 72 and sunny.  Happy weekend runners!

        From the Internet.

          Morning! Got in a couple of recovery miles, now drinking coffee until it's time to take the kid to soccer. Have a good weekend!


            Some of you of course I remember and others seem new to me.


            Yes, I am one of the new ones. 


            Welp, I have sat on my fanny long enough, time to go run!

            Hip Redux

              I am dealing with some DOMS from the pilates on Thursday.   I am acutely aware that I have ab muscles.


              Today will either be a hike, a run/walk or an ElliptiGo ride, or some combination of that.   Right now, I am drinking the decaf espresso I picked up in Italy.



                Good morning! Welcome back runninggirl30! I don't think I remember you. How long ago since the last time you were here?


                I have some miles today, then some crossing training in the form of serious house cleaning. I feel much better, finally. I killed all the bugs in me. Yeah!


                Great sunny day here. I hope you are all having the same in your world. Talk later!


                P.S. Thanks for the cute pancake spider, Scotty! It's too adorable to be eaten.

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  Speaking of rainbows and unicorns, today I'm trying my new Asics DS-Racers 10, which look horrific to me with their My Little Pony look. But at 5.2 oz, I hope to be running on air. When will Asics come out with colours like forest green, burgundy or steel gray for women shoes? Enough with the ice cream colors.


                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                    Soon I'll go out for an easy 3-5 miles with very few strides. Just keeping the machine well oiled for tomorrow


                      Soon I'll go out for an easy 3-5 miles with very few strides. Just keeping the machine well oiled for tomorrow


                      Good luck tomorrow! Should be just right at the start of the race, no more than 17*C. You will be finished by the time the temperature rises up. 

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        Runninggirl - Hi 


                        Cyb - Exciting day. You're gonna kill that race.


                        I've got about an hour more of sleep then I'll hit the pavement.


                             I am acutely aware that I have ab muscles.



                          Not me! One less thing to worry about.


                          Morning, people. Woke up at the usual 5, then told myself it's not a weekday, and went back to sleep until 7. Then went out for 10 pretty uneventful easy miles.


                          Have a good Saturday everyone.



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Morning!  I have 6 miles tonight, most likely with hubby.


                            Baboon, enjoy the LR.


                            LRB, hope the 7 went well.


                            runningirl, enjoy the 3 and welcome (back)!


                            Lauren, nice recovery miles.


                            Oski, told you so.  It gets better.  Enjoy whichever workout you choose.


                            Lily, enjoy the miles.  Yeah, that combination is a bit strange.


                            Cyberic, good luck tomorrow!


                            B+, enjoy the run.


                            Dave, nice 10.



                               Right now, I am drinking the decaf espresso I picked up in Italy.


                              Also - WTF is the point of this? And what kind of look does an Italian give you when you ask for decaf?



                                LRB, hope the 7 went well.


                                I am still recovering from a month of getting my ass kicked but it is getting better thanks.  lol


                                Some dumb ass driver cut me off about a quarter mile in and I ran about the next 5 minutes or so with my Garmin on pause before I realized it.  Luckily I know that route pretty well so was able to adjust on the fly and do the requisite miles.


                                Stupid ass driver, ya feel like a man because you beat me to the spot do ya?  Yo momma still ugly and yo daddy too. 
