Beginners and Beyond


Thursdailies Feel Like Fall (Read 21 times)


UM 45 Ohio 23

    crisp and cool 50 degrees, no humidity. A contrast to 70 and muggy yesterday morning.


    Did a little over 7 with the last 5 at ~HMP or better (and this depends on how I define HMP these days...).


    Former Bad Ass

      I can't wait for the cooldown to arrive to Indy. I have 6 with 4 X 400m on the TM later and likely the last TM workout until next week (I hope since the weather looks not to be in the 80s as of tomorrow).


        Everyone else uses a running pic for their avatar, so a pic from this morning runs.


        so 3+2. 
        3 dirt rr grade at Goldilocks pace...stringy things in the ham went nuts..yesterday I restarted doing a weighted flossing stretch which I can’t do the day before running on dirt, oops


        plus 2 dirt bumps twenty minutes later, the stringy thing like the stretch/flossing the pitch of the bumps provide but ham was already a little raw.


        Might do a little stream grade this afternoon


        UM 45 Ohio 23

          I saw a wild turkey this morning. It was about to walk into the road in front of a truck. Lucky for it, I waved at the truck, who slowed, and the turkey decided to head back to the side of the road. But who knows what it did after I left! They do not appear to be the brightest animals from my encounters with them. And always funny to see them in our area which is suburban but not rural in any way.


          delicate flower

            Go on with your bad selves!  2700 yard swim done.  Run later, when the dew point drops by about 30 degrees.


            We've got our second dog lesson at noon.  Dogger is stubborn and doesn't like to listen, but I did teach her to sit by the front door after I open it and not dart out until I say so, and I taught her to get off the couch on command without having to pull her off by the collar.  We're also making slow progress on the dog-cat interaction.


            Half Crazy K 2.0

              5.7 miles. it was at least less humid today, still not comfortable out there. Stupid bugs kept landing on me.


                5 miles in a drizzle.


                Sort of a last minute decision to take tomorrow off and head down to Eugene for the weekend to see DS. So that'll be cool.



                UM 45 Ohio 23


                  Sort of a last minute decision to take tomorrow off and head down to Eugene for the weekend to see DS. So that'll be cool.


                  will you check out the new Hayward Field? I've never seen it in person but the update sounds pretty spectacular


                    crisp and cool 50 degrees, no humidity. A contrast to 70 and muggy yesterday morning.



                    Same situation here, so I hit the track for the first time this year. 6 x (800 / 400)



                      will you check out the new Hayward Field? I've never seen it in person but the update sounds pretty spectacular


                      Possibly. Apparently among many locals, the look of the renovation is not too popular. I can't remember if you were here then, but in 2018 I ran the Eugene Marathon. It finishes on the Hayward Field track, which was very cool. That was the last time they were able to do it before the construction started.



                        9 miles with 4 at MP-HMP. For those, I basically ran harder without looking at my watch too much and went with the rolling hills.


                        There's a ~1 mile stretch of road where it's 3 traffic lanes in one direction, narrow sidewalk, then 8-10 ft tall bushes then concrete wall. Several times each year, these bushes bloom red flowers that attract thousands of bees. This week has been one of those blooms so when I run through there, it's not like a swarm of bees, but many bees are hitting me and bouncing off. And I can't move away from it because there's those 3 lanes of traffic, which are back to pre-pandemic levels (think >100 cars/minute passing me). Of course, I could go a different way but this makes a more desirable loop, not counting the bees. Haven't been stung yet <knocks on wood>


                          ^that would freak me the hell out.



                            ^that would freak me the hell out.



                              Same situation here, so I hit the track for the first time this year. 6 x (800 / 400)


                              seems like you haven't lost any speed



                                seems like you haven't lost any speed


                                Good point. The idea of hitting the track once in a while instead of always just running up and down is to try translating some of the muscular benefits of hills to speed. But I finished my workout, came back home, started working, and had not reflected on my splits yet.


                                I felt limited by cardio more than speed. I had more speed in the tank, but was not sure how hard I could push and hold as far as cardio.


                                My legs felt fresh all along.


                                Thanks for making me think of that.
