Beginners and Beyond


Thursday 1/19 (Read 37 times)


    D, how long do you have to wait?

    No more marathons


      Good word. I put in 7.3 and to say I ran it would be laughable. My legs were dead and I had zero energy. It was awful.


      It would've been a perfect day for 4 miles but I was determined to get it the 7 in. Idiot.


      My run today was not great - but sounds like it was better than that  ^^^^^  


      5 easy after yesterdays ladder/intervals/fartlek whatever.

      Now 3 easy tomorrow with strides, and the 10K race on Saturday.


      I was feeling a little confident after yesterdays workout, but today my legs are so tired I wonder if I'll be recovered in time.

      Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

      Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

      He's a leaker!



        Must be something from Hudson Elite.  Maggie does the same thing.


        If I'm starting and stopping it's an interval. If not, it's steady state. I suppose it's all the same though.



          If I'm starting and stopping it's an interval. If not, it's steady state. I suppose it's all the same though.


          The question was interval vs fartlek though...


            I was feeling a little confident after yesterdays workout, but today my legs are so tired I wonder if I'll be recovered in time.


            Do your part at the dinner table and the body will handle the rest. Smile


              I ran 8. It felt like about 2 miles too many.


                 The question was interval vs fartlek though...


                For me it's always an interval. I associate strides with fartleks but the very meaning of fartlek is speed play (it's Swiss if I recall correctly) so all speed work is technically a fartlek or fartleks.


                Former Bad Ass

                  D, how long do you have to wait?


                  48 hours for them to send the results.  So, I'll call Tuesday.  We checked the CD here and hubby was going to do radiology as his specialty and he does not think it's the meniscus, but we will await the expert's opinion.  I disagree with the ortho in ITB and meniscus, as I don't have any symptoms for either (although I have always felt it's a pinched nerve or a hamstring strain).  Which leaves me in we don't have a fucking idea what it is.  I have another test run this weekend.  We'll see.



                    Ran for the third time. A Fartlek session. Made it as I felt it.

                    2Ks at MP, then a couple of 400s at 5K, then a 2K at 10Kpace, then a couple of speed bursts, then jogged until I'd had enough. 8 miles.



                      48 hours for them to send the results.  So, I'll call Tuesday.  We checked the CD here and hubby was going to do radiology as his specialty and he does not think it's the meniscus, but we will await the expert's opinion.  I disagree with the ortho in ITB and meniscus, as I don't have any symptoms for either (although I have always felt it's a pinched nerve or a hamstring strain).  Which leaves me in we don't have a fucking idea what it is.  I have another test run this weekend.  We'll see.


                      Is this your first ever running injury?

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        So if the hills were different length, are those intervals or fartlek? I labeled it as hill workout  But just thought I'd throw it out there. Workout was about 1 mile easy (mostly downhill), 4 x hill #1 (steepest hill), jog back recoveries, 4x hill #2 (not as steep) jog back recoveries, then about 1 mile, a lot of that uphill, then 2 X hill 3 a and b (shorter hill, a is a little longer & steeper than B, essentially it's a little connector road with a peak in the middle).


                          Ran for the third time. A Fartlek session. Made it as I felt it.

                          2Ks at MP, then a couple of 400s at 5K, then a 2K at 10Kpace, then a couple of speed bursts, then jogged until I'd had enough. 8 miles.


                          A triple? Nice. At first glance I thought you ran 25 miles for the day until I realized your mileage is metric. What is that like 15 miles?


                            So if the hills were different length, are those intervals or fartlek? I labeled it as hill workout  But just thought I'd throw it out there. Workout was about 1 mile easy (mostly downhill), 4 x hill #1 (steepest hill), jog back recoveries, 4x hill #2 (not as steep) jog back recoveries, then about 1 mile, a lot of that uphill, then 2 X hill 3 a and b (shorter hill, a is a little longer & steeper than B, essentially it's a little connector road with a peak in the middle).


                            To me, that is labeled correctly as a hills workout.


                            delicate flower

                              'Morning!  Swim before work, spin session after work, the latter of which included a fair bit of suffering thanks to last night's run.  




                                A triple? Nice. At first glance I thought you ran 25 miles for the day until I realized your mileage is metric. What is that like 15 miles?

                                Yep, like 15.5 miles. Not bad for a Thursday.
