Beginners and Beyond


Saturdailies have arrived on schedule (Read 32 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    7 with 3 x 6 minutes at HM-ish pace. I reached my goal mileage for the year, guess that means I can take the rest of the year off.


    delicate flower

      Last night's run was warm, humid, and muggy and I sweated out 18 pounds.  This morning's bike ride was cold and windy and my feet and ears got numb.  New England!  Eating two grocery store sushi rolls now.  A dragon tuna thing and a spicy tuna.



        I reached my goal mileage for the year, guess that means I can take the rest of the year off.


        Ha. I just checked, and apparently I did that very thing yesterday. I'm with you, this running shit is stupid.



          7 with 3 x 6 minutes at HM-ish pace. I reached my goal mileage for the year, guess that means I can take the rest of the year off.


          I did not have a 2016 goal mileage, therefore I took it easy all year! Not really, but it's nice to know that I could have.



            I did not have a 2016 goal mileage, therefore I took it easy all year! Not really, but it's nice to know that I could have.


            Well in fairness, I have not actually reached my actual goal mileage, just my "2016 in 2016" goal mileage. I did sort of have A, B, & C mileage goals; this was my C.



              I like to run around 2100 miles when healthy, but that usually includes a traditional MRT cycle where I have a few weeks in the 60s, and a lot in the mid 50s. It looks like I should reach 2000 for the year, which when it's all said and done, is more than acceptable.

              Half Crazy K 2.0


                Well in fairness, I have not actually reached my actual goal mileage, just my "2016 in 2016" goal mileage. I did sort of have A, B, & C mileage goals; this was my C.


                Yea, my goal probably was a little soft for the game, but I did it based on what I thought I could consistently run most weeks.



                  Cool. Our kids visited, but neither thought it was for them.


                  I think it's that kind of place. Either you love it or not right away.



                    Yea, my goal probably was a little soft for the game, but I did it based on what I thought I could consistently run most weeks.

                    For the game, I budget some injury downtime. Because it's more likely than not to happen, and I'd rather be conservative & avoid letting down my teammates. (Not that a whole lot of people in this game seem to GAF about that.) But I've been lucky so far this year.


                    C goal = 2300

                    B goal = 2500

                    A goal = 2800


                    On pace for A, but we'll see. Sort of entering the year-end doldrums with no major race or training cycle on the near-term horizon.



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Did LRB survive his run?


                      Waiting for Jack Reacher 2 to start.  It is only 81F outside and just saw someone running in capris and a long sleeve. sMH.


                      From the Internet.

                        I ran 8ish and ran them all too fast. I'm bad at recovery. To be fair, I was running with my club and talking - not just willfully running too hard on my own.


                        Are we there, yet?

                          I ran 8ish and ran them all too fast. I'm bad at recovery. To be fair, I was running with my club and talking - not just willfully running too hard on my own.


                          I wish I could say the same, but I ran 8ish all too slow. I couldn't run fast today when I tried.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                            Did LRB survive his run?


                            Waiting for Jack Reacher 2 to start.  It is only 81F outside and just saw someone running in capris and a long sleeve. sMH.


                            I took a nap like a mother fucker.


                            I haven't seen Kevin Hart's new flick or Jack Reacher. Looks like I'm slipping.



                              Yea, my goal probably was a little soft for the game, but I did it based on what I thought I could consistently run most weeks.


                              Michigan is tapping dat ass like a drill press in a machine shop (sorry DavePIllini). I think Imma head out to Qdoba for their chimmy chang wang-wang booty bang quesadilla.



                                Michigan is tapping dat ass like a drill press in a machine shop (sorry DavePIllini). I think Imma head out to Qdoba for their chimmy chang wang-wang booty bang quesadilla.


                                Today's game may make Michigan's 78-0 victory over Rutgers look like a squeaker. But, the noteworthy factoids:

                                - First time ever two Super Bowl coaches face each other in an NCAA game, Jim Harbaugh vs. Lovie Smith.

                                - Making his first start for the Illini is sophomore QB Jeff George, Jr.

