Beginners and Beyond


It's Friday! Dailies (Read 42 times)



    It's not really that exciting, but I couldn't think of another title.....


     Got up this morning, determined to get a run in no matter how achy my knee was... and you know I am beginning to remember the last time I had this issue - last Spring/Summer..........

    My knee was stiff and achy for the first 2 miles but slowly began to warm up afterwards, Jetta and I got in 5.4 miles. And I got a beautiful image from it.

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


    Former Bad Ass

      Morning. I have 7 miles tonight.




        Good morning!


        I ran 8.1 miles in a purplish rain.  Well, not really purple, but it was rain.  I did have 1999 on repeat play in my head.  That's an earworm I can live with.


        I hope everyone has a kickass day!


        mta:  Freesoul, that is an awesome pic.

        Runner with a riding problem.


        delicate flower

          Friday!!  And Wife and I took the day off from work!  It's been a while since I took a day off for no particular reason.  All the days I've taken lately have been for various appointments and shit.  Anyway, headed to the pool in a bit to swim some laps, then I have a 3 mile jog to do.  10 hours of sleep last night...we're off to a good start.




            Good morning!!


            Hope everyone is doing well!  I've run easy the last few days, but feel great!  I'm really amazed at how good I feel after my 50, I figured I would be wasted, but really I felt like I do after a normal long run.  Which is good, that tells me that the b2b weekends are paying off and my endurance is right where it needs to be for my 100.


            Hope everyone has a great Friday!!


            My running blog

            Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


              Beatiful pic, FS.


              SRD for me. Quads are feeling pretty good today, left calf is still ... sore is not the word, it's like if I'm afraid it will cramp up.


              Former Bad Ass

                Good morning!!


                Hope everyone is doing well!  I've run easy the last few days, but feel great!  I'm really amazed at how good I feel after my 50, I figured I would be wasted, but really I felt like I do after a normal long run.  Which is good, that tells me that the b2b weekends are paying off and my endurance is right where it needs to be for my 100.


                Hope everyone has a great Friday!!


                Those back to backs sure help!  And I also think you paced it well if you feel that good.




                  Those back to backs sure help!  And I also think you paced it well if you feel that good.


                  Yeah, if it had been a race, I would have run it harder and I would feel more beat up, but I took it easy since it was a training run and a dress rehearsal for my 100.  In fact, I'll probably go about the same pace for my 100, but I'll spend a lot less time at the aid stations, I burned well over an hour just dicking around on each loop filling my water bottle, standing there eating, etc.  That's time that I won't waste at the race.


                  My running blog

                  Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    Rest day. Not feeling great about my half on Sunday. Weather should decent at least.




                      Jack K.

                      uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                        Travel day for me but not before I go to my breakfast place. I like calling in sick to work.

                        No more marathons

                          Dtothe2nd - not even in my worst nightmares am I running that far or for that long.


                          FS and Babs - good to see my teammates getting the miles in.  Let's go for a threepete.


                          I think I'm taking a day off.  Then need to decide how far to run tomorrow.  The HM plan I haven't been following says I should do 10 miles, but with two track races on Tuesday - 1500 (that I will race), a 10,000 (that I will run progression finishing at HM pace for last two miles) and a HM next Saturday, I'm thinking 10 might be a bit too much.  Maybe 8 or 9.  Decisions, decisions, decision.

                          Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                          Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                          He's a leaker!


                            It's cold and grey here which is perfect since I have tickets to the Tigers vs Indians tonight. Even more so given that I have a case of the chills and sniffles and generally feel like crud.


                              At PT for my eval. All of the foot ankle stuff the doc had me doing seems unnecessary. PT agrees it's all hip/glute weakness. Weak enough that apparently I've been doing myrtls all wrong compensating for that weakness. so I have those plus some standing exercises and hopefully that will do the trick.


                                At PT for my eval. All of the foot ankle stuff the doc had me doing seems unnecessary. PT agrees it's all hip/glute weakness. Weak enough that apparently I've been doing myrtls all wrong compensating for that weakness. so I have those plus some standing exercises and hopefully that will do the trick.


                                This is exactly why I go through the hassle and expense of seeking professional help for core work. Otherwise, you could be exacerbating the problem, which I was as well!
