Beginners and Beyond

Tuesday, January 12 (Read 44 times)



    I would consider it 8 with 4 at tempo or 12 with 8 at tempo. But, I don't separate out the wu/cd in my log because I'm lazy.


    That's it exactly.


    I used to separate them out but got um, lazy too.


      So you can inhale as an adult?


      I would be high for a week if I hit a cigarette right now. lol


      Super B****


        This thread hurts my brain.


        My work here is done.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog



          My work here is done.


          Indeed. Remember them BP intervals? Yeah, you're good at what you do. lol




            What is an 8:30 pace?  Your recoveries seem to vary - do you just start back up when you feel ready?


            8:30 is about HMP for me.  I shoot for .5 mile recoveries, but adjust for larger hills.

            Runner with a riding problem.

            BexKix, Bagel Defender

              3-5 for me today.  It's still bitterly cold so dreadmill it is.


              Barking Mad To Run

                Nice day today, will be sunny and 61 degrees.  Going to get out there and enjoy a few miles after work.  How many?  Don't know.  I am not training for anything and have no set schedule, so just will run how I feel, go a bit longer if I'm feeling good out there.   Sweet.

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt



                  I would consider it 8 with 4 at tempo or 12 with 8 at tempo. But, I don't separate out the wu/cd in my log because I'm lazy.



                  12 w/8 MP is logged as a 12 mile "w/MP" run, and "8 MP" in the notes.

                  Do people here do cooldowns after MP runs? I always just do the MP miles at the end, whether called for that way or not.





                    12 w/8 MP is logged as a 12 mile "w/MP" run, and "8 MP" in the notes.

                    Do people here do cooldowns after MP runs? I always just do the MP miles at the end, whether called for that way or not.


                    If there's anything worse than jogging after running 8, 9 or 10 miles at MP, I don't know what it is! I try to have it so I'm not jogging anymore than a mile after the quality portion of a MP run.


                    Super B****


                      Indeed. Remember them BP intervals? Yeah, you're good at what you do. lol


                      ...I know I should know what this means. 

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog


                         Do people here do cooldowns after MP runs? I always just do the MP miles at the end, whether called for that way or not.

                        I did on Hansons, mostly to pad the mileage (3 wu and 3 cd).  But more recently my MP miles have been as part of fast finish long runs, in which case they are toward the end.    But still occasionally I will do something like 2wu + 2x4 miles at MP + 2 cd.



                          If there's anything worse than jogging after running 8, 9 or 10 miles at MP any quality workout, I don't know what it is! 


                          FYP. Usually I just want it to end. The track is almost exactly 1 mile from the gym, or ~1.3 miles from home, so that is my minimum cooldown after any track session. And often exactly that.


                          And when I started Hansons I had wu+cd miles, but eventually moved any extra miles I wanted to do to the beginning.




                            FYP. Usually I just want it to end. The track is almost exactly 1 mile from the gym, or ~1.3 miles from home, so that is my minimum cooldown after any track session. And often exactly that.


                            And when I started Hansons I had wu+cd miles, but eventually moved any extra miles I wanted to do to the beginning.


                            If you still do the same distance, it's probably better to do it at the end for a MP run.   I'm not sure about a track session if I want to run 4-5 miles prior.



                              ...I know I should know what this means. 


                              B Plus was a dailies member who famously ran the last 6.2 miles of the Chicago Marathon one year at something ridiculous like his 10k pace.


                              Anyway, you were trying to figure out how to program 400 meter repeats into your Garmin, beginning each new rep every 90 seconds (INCLUDING recoveries) as he had done.


                              It's something that's basically impossible for most of us, but an in-depth, 10 page discussion ensued and they thus became known as BP intervals.



                                If you still do the same distance, it's probably better to do it at the end for a MP run.   I'm not sure about a track session if I want to run 4-5 miles prior.


                                I usually do 3 miles before a track session, sometimes 2, occasionally 4.
