Beginners and Beyond


So, how do you attract new members? (Read 542 times)


Refurbished Hip

    Notice I accidentally (I promise) wrote that writer (singular) came from RWOL.  I was obviously talking about you.


    There are a few good writers who migrated from RWOL to RA.  I just like to write.





    But clearly I didn't learn shit because here I sit on the bench again.

    Running is dumb.


      I got the impression this morning that the RWOL forums were dead in the water.  Race reports, beginner questions, and pretty much everything gone.  


      I gather that RunningAhead is much more popular as a training log than as a forum, but people will eventually gravitate over here when they see the "Beginners and Beyond" title under recent topics to the right margin of the main page.  

      You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  


      She laughs at me......

        I've been trying to still see what's happening in some of RA's main forums, and to be as open to getting to know anybody on this board as I am in here.  

         Also look at the other user groups. Chances are you will find something that interests you.



        Meat Wagon


          The fun thing is that someone invited Ms Soul over here.  Maybe she already is.  Weee!  And welcome.


          (and I agree.)


          That might be the only thing that gets me to leave. I'm still extremely butthurt over getting a month long banhammer over the stupid Trail Running kerfuffle. I don't want to go to LetsRun, but that'd be my only remaining option.

          Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive.


            Please don't.  Not just because we love us some Meat Wagon, but if she DOES come here, well, she will be just like everyone else.


            And all that implies.


            eric :)

              Here are my two cents.  Before you came along, RA's forums receives little (as in a small amount of steady) traffic.  The training log has always been the primary focus and the forums serve as a way for the users to exchange training experiences.  It ranks high on certain keywords but not for "running forums".


              As SRLopez said, I can never compete head on with RWOL because they are in the business of marketing.  It will always receive more new runners than here.  I am a software programmer.  It's what I'm good at and what I love to do.  I figure that if I build a great tool and users find value in it, then they will spread the word.  So there you go.  If you like what you see here, and would like to help it grow, you can put a link on your blog or website to RA.  If you want "running forums" to rank high on search engines, then create a link for that.


              If you get the word out, then they will come, and I will be here to welcome them too.


              eric Smile


                 Also look at the other user groups. Chances are you will find something that interests you.


                For sure!  Thanks Cindy! 


                "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson

                  Hey, I'm new here.  Having only 1 page of threads on RWOL is ABSURD.  I must have joined here a while back because it said my e-mail address already had an account associated with it.


                  Finally!  And hello, it's good to see you!

                  Samurai in Training

                    Obviously it is a good business model to keep the new folks coming in.  Of course, you can't compete with RW, nor should you.  You offer a different product.  The forums and training logs they provide are ancillary and are there to sell more magazines.  Your product is the site itself.  Honestly, your competition is livestrong and dailymile.


                    That being said, you have an opportunity that those sites don't have at this point.  Your site was chosen for this exodus and now is a good time to strike.  Keep promoting the links, keep providing direct support, some customized features like miles games and of course keep making your customers feel welcomed.


                    Van is correct though about that google search.  Work on some SEO and start inching up on those key searches.  Eric, you have something else a lot of other sites don't.  A very personal connection with it's customers... use it.




                      Samurai in Training

               Lance Armstrong, yadda, yadda, yadda.  They have exercise logs, forums and a ton of content.


                 Lance Armstrong, yadda, yadda, yadda.  They have exercise logs, forums and a ton of content.


                          I know what livestrong is (I've been living with cancer for 20 years now), but I've never pondered them as a competitor to RA.  Sorry, I was a bit too concise.  Livestrong is a giant organization... their web face is just a piece of their castle.  Interesting perspective, thanks.


                          Meat Wagon


                            Obviously it is a good business model to keep the new folks coming in.  Of course, you can't compete with RW, nor should you.  You offer a different product.  The forums and training logs they provide are ancillary and are there to sell more magazines.  Your product is the site itself.  Honestly, your competition is livestrong and dailymile.


                            That being said, you have an opportunity that those sites don't have at this point.  Your site was chosen for this exodus and now is a good time to strike.  Keep promoting the links, keep providing direct support, some customized features like miles games and of course keep making your customers feel welcomed.


                            Van is correct though about that google search.  Work on some SEO and start inching up on those key searches.  Eric, you have something else a lot of other sites don't.  A very personal connection with it's customers... use it.

                            Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive.


                            5K Specialist

                              ...and a long-sleeved tech shirt!


                              Hi, Dan!

                              Tom. I hope the running is going well for you. Take care. Smile 

                              Personal Bests:

                              800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)


                              Not a dude

                                Every single time I see this thread title, something new comes to mind.


                                1. Pheremones

                                2. Brightly colored feathers

                                3. Dancing

                                4. Tight jeans

                                5. Fire

                                6. Bug zappers


                                The list keeps growing....
