Beginners and Beyond


First day of spring dailies! (Read 32 times)


delicate flower


    That's pretty cool, Boon. Cool


    I was in pretty good shape for my first 5k, having spent quite a bit of time on the belt for cardio. My problem was translating that time into distance on the road. Those 3 miles took FOREVER that first race, and they still do. lol


    That's the thing about racing the 5k; if you're racing at 5k effort, nothing about it really changes except the time on the clock.


    That is so true.  I think back to that first race and I think I ran it properly.  I wanted to die at around mile 2.5.  I wish I had the splits to look at but I ran with a basic Timex for the first six months I was running.




      I was in pretty good shape for my first 5k, having spent quite a bit of time on the belt for cardio. 


      I was in pretty good shape for my first 5k, having already run 3 marathons and 3 HMs. In fact I won my AG. 

      I am lying a little bit, because way back in my 20s I did a little bit of running, and I think did a couple 5k's. No idea what kind of time I did them in. I was in pretty good shape for those, because, you know, I was in my 20s.


      Anyhoo. Early flight tomorrow, so planned to move my RD to tomorrow, & do tomorrow's run today. Didn't think to confirm what was actually on the schedule till I went to bed last night. Had in my head it was 8 w/strides, which I figured was OK after yesterday's 15/8, maybe cut out the strides. Wrong: it was 12. Uh. Figured I would do 8-9. First 1-2 miles was pretty rough, but then was OK. Just slow. Ended up doing 12 anyway - MLR at recovery pace. 




        I was in pretty good shape for my first 5k, having already run 3 marathons and 3 HMs. In fact I won my AG. 

        I am lying a little bit, because way back in my 20s I did a little bit of running, and I think did a couple 5k's. No idea what kind of time I did them in. I was in pretty good shape for those, because, you know, I was in my 20s.


        Anyhoo. Early flight tomorrow, so planned to move my RD to tomorrow, & do tomorrow's run today. Didn't think to confirm what was actually on the schedule till I went to bed last night. Had in my head it was 8 w/strides, which I figured was OK after yesterday's 15/8, maybe cut out the strides. Wrong: it was 12. Uh. Figured I would do 8-9. First 1-2 miles was pretty rough, but then was OK. Just slow. Ended up doing 12 anyway - MLR at recovery pace. 




          My first 5k was 25:32 but I had already run a couple half marathons and was marathon training at the time. I didn't see the point of running 5ks since I could run 3 miles by myself for free 


            My first 5k was 25:32 but I had already run a couple half marathons and was marathon training at the time. I didn't see the point of running 5ks since I could run 3 miles by myself for free 


            This was exactly my thinking (same applied to 10k's). Until people here smacked me on the head repeatedly.



            Former Bad Ass

              My 5K this Saturday was slower than my first 5K, oy.



                My first 5k was 25:32 but I had already run a couple half marathons and was marathon training at the time. I didn't see the point of running 5ks since I could run 3 miles by myself for free 


                My first 5k was only the third time I had ever run outside (I ran twice earlier that week to prepare for it), so it was actually racing that got me into running, not the other way around as it is for most people.



                  My first 5k was only the third time I had ever run outside (I ran twice earlier that week to prepare for it), 




                    My first 5k was only the third time I had ever run outside (I ran twice earlier that week to prepare for it)


                    Ha. This is a weird group.



                      My 5K this Saturday was slower than my first 5K, oy.


                      Yeah but surgery.


                      My 5k PW came three months after my first race. I had a fever of WTF are  you doing racing and had no business being out there. 


                         Ha. This is a weird group.


                        Well I'm pretty sure I'm the resident oddball here. Everyone else is regular crazy.



                          This was exactly my thinking (same applied to 10k's). Until people here smacked me on the head repeatedly.


                          I remember that. 


                            My first 5K I ran a sub-20 (19:27) on an indoor track. About 6 weeks later I ran a 19:47 outdoors.


                            That's all my 5K career, right there.


                            Ran 4.5




                              What got you into running? I was an aspiring triathlete. lmao



                              Hip Redux

                                You're welcome.


                                According to FACEBOOKS, I ran my first race six years ago today, thanks to Oski putting the thought in my head.  I ran the 5K in 27:35.  Now I run that pace on the easiest of recovery runs.

