Beginners and Beyond


Friday the 23rd - Kickass (Read 35 times)



    Good morning!


    1 mile for me.  I decided to go ahead, so if it sucked it wouldn't be on Christmas morning.  The top of the foot felt ok, the rest of me felt like I was being abused Smile.  I'll hold off on an official verdict until I see how it feels after a decent workday.


    Have a kickass day everyone!

    Runner with a riding problem.


    Former Bad Ass

      Glad to hear, PR!  Hoping the foot behaves.


      I have Pilates and 8 miles tonight.



      delicate flower

        Hello friends how r u!  rofroffles


        1500 yard swim before work at a 1:39 avg pace...exactly a 1:00 faster pace than I swim exactly one year ago today.  Not too shabby!  Five months until my next triathlon.  Gotta keep working.  Easy (and I mean easy) jog tonight.



          What up doe peeps.


          I am in a remote location and need to figure out how to get in 7 miles. Afterwards, I have to go to the mall geezus.


          And it don't stop there, I have errands after that. Oof. 

          on my way to badass

            Have an awesome day peeps!

            I'm gonna run some mileage today to stay ahead of the pace bunny and take  Christmas day off.

            Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28




              It dawned on me this morning that I more than likely injured my foot during my core workout two weeks ago. I was doing single leg hip bridges with my feet on a stability ball, and the stupid ball kept trying to roll away so I pulled on it with my foot and I felt a strain in my arch. I did not do any more after that, but may have done enough to start a chain reaction in my calf, heel and arch when I resumed running three days later...


              Anyway, it's weird how these things vanish from your mind, then reappear out of nowhere.

              No more marathons

                Have an awesome day peeps!

                I'm gonna run some mileage today to stay ahead of the pace bunny and take  Christmas day off.


                Did exactly that - ran a couple extra this morning to get a little ahead of the damn bunny.



                PR - congrats on the run - may that be a new beginning.

                Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                He's a leaker!


                  10 miles with 5x1200m, in the snow. Yes it's snowing here.



                  Are we there, yet?

                    You would have to mention kickass. That's exactly what my 8 x 400m interval workout did to me.

                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                      I ran 10. Pushed the pace a little but it was strictly an aerobic run (are you guys happy? )


                        Gracie has made a lot of progress this week and today she ventured into the front room for the first time (which means crossing linoleum and then hardwood flooring).  Of course, then she was "stuck" because she was afraid to go back. But I managed to get a Christmas tree pic of her.


                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          7 with 8 x 1/4 mile at 5k effort. Not quite sure what got into me on the last one.....


                            Gracie has made a lot of progress this week and today she ventured into the front room for the first time (which means crossing linoleum and then hardwood flooring).  Of course, then she was "stuck" because she was afraid to go back. But I managed to get a Christmas tree pic of her.



                            It looks like she's thinking about the trek back across the floor. lol


                            What a sweetheart!


                              I am in a remote location and need to figure out how to get in 7 miles. Afterwards, I have to go to the mall geezus.


                              And it don't stop there, I have errands after that. Oof. 


                              I got it all done and am now sipping a wonderful pale ale (the first of two).


                              I ran 7 outside. Some of it was across snow and ice and my foot is none too happy about that. Tonight might be a Motrin 800 night because IT HURTS.


                                Oh, and not only was traffic OFF THE CHAINS near Twelve Oaks Mall, some of the people I came across today drive like total idiots.
