Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES: Hills to The Good Life (Read 34 times)


delicate flower

    I just got back from an easy, unscheduled 22 mile ride because it's nice out.  Coach says extra rides are always allowed if I keep them easy.


    For the week:

    Swim - 6.3 miles

    Bike - 136.7 miles

    Run - 33.9 miles

    15.5 hours of training.  Ironman prep is underway.



      just 5 miles for me


        15.5 hours of training.  Ironman prep is underway.


        OMG  I can’t even imagine. Is this your first Ironman?

        PRs:----- 5k: 17:48 (2019)   5M: 29:36 (2020)    HM: 1:24:37 (2017) Scheduled: ???


        delicate flower


          OMG  I can’t even imagine. Is this your first Ironman?


          My second.  I'll be in the 15-18 hour a week range for the next 10 weeks.



          Former Bad Ass

            10 meh miles. One day I’ll breathe like a normal person again. Today is not that day.




                Only 3 miles for me, but considering it was looking like it was going to be 0 for the day, 3 is better than nothing. We came back from our extended weekend, thank you 4th of July, and we only had an hour to unpack, shower, (and in my case also run) before we headed over to our neighbors' for a happy hour.


                I am now binge watching Vikings as I run on the TM, which is what today was.


                Baboon, hoy crap. That's a lot of hours of physical activity. You must eat all of the time.


                LRB, nice vert.


                ZZY, those pics are gorgeous, and that's a lot of elevation change. We have some stairs that are quasi local to us (157 going up!) and I used to do a weekly stair workout. Up and down and up and down....for 45 min - 1hr. My calves have NEVER been so sore in my whole life, after the first few rounds of those suckers. Stairs are no joke. Nice job.
